



  • 中文名:科技英語與科技翻譯
  • 作者:周邦友
  • 出版社:東華大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787566915474


本教材內容分上篇:科技英語與、下篇:科技翻譯。上篇闡述科技英語(English for Science and Technology)的語言特質,包括與General English的差異比較、科技英語辭彙特點、語法特點。下篇專論科技翻譯(Translation of Scientific Texts),包括翻譯標準、翻譯方法、翻譯實踐。作者精心設計目錄標題,選編的大量句型和段落,講解簡單。舉例典型,既有理論也配用大量練習。可供教師講課參考,學生及自學者學習、套用、模擬。


Unit One What to Know about EST // 1
1.1 Historical Background and Development of EST // 1
1.2 ESP, EST and EGP // 4
1.3 Linguistic Features of EST // 8
Unit Two Lexical Features of EST // 25
2.1 Technical Vocabulary // 26
2.2 Sub-technical Vocabulary // 27
2.3 Noun Compounds // 29
2.4 Word-building Devices // 34
2.5 Scientific Eponyms // 45
2.6 Long Words // 51
2.7 US and UK Differences in Technical Terms // 53
Unit Three Grammatical and Syntactical Features of EST // 60
3.1 Passive-stative Distinctions // 60
3.2 Modal Use in the Discourse of Instructions // 64
3.3 Problems with the Definite Article // 65
3.4 Non-temporal Use of Tense // 68
3.4.1 Description of Apparatus // 69
3.4.2 Visual Aids // 71
3.4.3 Reference to Previous Research // 72
3.5 Other Grammatical Features of EST // 73
3.5.1 Non-finite Verbs // 73
3.5.2 Absolute Constructions // 75
3.5.3 Elliptical Clauses // 75
3.5.4 Idiomatic Sentence Structures // 79
3.5.5 Conditional Sentences // 80
3.5.6 Long Sentences // 85
Unit Four Criterion, Method and Text Type // 92
4.1 Scientific-Technical Translation // 94
4.2 Criteria for Scientific-Technical Translation // 95
4.2.1 Accuracy // 96
4.2.2 Fluency // 98
4.3 Methods of Translating Techno-scientific Texts // 100
4.3.1 Translation Methods and Text Types // 101
4.3.2 Semantic and Communicative Translation // 103
4.3.3 Transliteration and Transcription // 106
4.4 Collaboration Between Translator and Subject Specialist // 108
Unit Five Scientific-Technical Translation Practice (I) // 115
5.1 Terminologies // 115
5.2 Eponyms // 117
5.3 Initialisms and Acronyms // 118
5.4 Compound Nouns // 118
5.5 Nominalized Constructions // 119
5.6 Numerals and Multiples // 121
5.7 Unit of Measurement // 126
5.8 Symbols // 128
5.9 Formulae and Equations // 130
5.10 Tables and Figures // 131
Unit Six Scientific-Technical Translation Practice (II) // 138
6.1 Syntactic Patterns // 138
6.1.1 Passive Voice // 139
6.1.2 It-Construction // 141
6.1.3 Long Sentence // 143
6.2 Text Analysis and Translation Practice // 145
Appendix I Affixes Commonly Used in EST // 165
Appendix II Answers to Questions and Translations for Reference // 176
Bibliography // 185




