C&F(Cost and Freight)(成本加運費)後改為CFR(對外貿易的實際操作中也有很多客人喜歡用CNF來表示C&F,實際上只是把符號&換成N, 意思是一樣的)
成本加運費(Cost and Freight)(named port of shipment),指定目的港。它指賣方必須支付把貨物運至指定目的港所需的開支和運費,但從貨物交至船上甲板後,貨物的風險、滅失或損壞以及發生事故後造成的額外開支,在貨物越過指定港的船舷後,就由賣方轉向買方負擔.另外要求賣方辦理貨物的出口結關手續。
CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)(成本加保險費、運費)
CIF術語的中譯名為成本加保險費加運費,(指定目的港,其原文為Cost,Insurance and Freightnamed port of desti-nation)按此術語成交,貨價的構成因素中包括從裝運港至約定目的地港的通常運費和約定的保險費,故賣方除具有與CFR術語的相同的義務外,還就為買方辦理貨運保險,交支付保險費,按一般國際貿易慣例,賣方投保的保險金額應按CIF價加成10%。
DAT(Delivered At Frontier)(邊境交貨)是指賣方將貨運輸到目的地,並且承擔卸貨責任。(2010年修改的貿易術語)
DAT(delivered at terminal)目的地或目的港的集散站交貨類似於取代了的DEQ術語,指賣方在指定的目的地或目的港的集散站卸貨後將貨物交給買方處置即完成交貨,術語所指目的地包括港口。賣方應承擔將貨物運至指定的目的地或目的港的集散站的一切風險和費用(除進口費用外)。本術語適用於任何運輸方式或多式聯運。
Before quoting, the Salesman should know the basic information about the clients, for instance, the end users or not, the annual order quantity, the places of consuming, and the products the purposes, specification, quality and the abilities whether our factories to meet.
Generally as a rule, to reply the clients’ mails shall be within 24 hours after receiving; and please explain the reasons to the clients due to the things particular and need more time to deal with.
Quotations will be according to the prices list (for oversea market) made by the company Accounting Department, which will make prices adjustments according to the market and the production cost at regular periods.
For big orders, the acceptable price from the clients is lower than our listed price, the salesman shall first report this to the manager of the departments for approval; and when the manager have no rights to approve, the price will directly go to the general manager for approval.
In C&F or CIF price terms, the salesman shall contact and deal with related companies in advance to confirm the things of shipment, insurance, commodity inspection etc. The basic conditions for selecting the related companies will be considering rich and professional practices, service with high efficiency and good prices.
Per the clients’ requirements of sending samples, freight collect shall be generally required; and when the samples quantity is large, the cost shall be charged accordingly. However the cost and freight paid by the clients will be deducted in the trial orders. In cases particular, for instance the clients with long term and firm relations, we can pay the freight in advance with the samples free after approved by the manager of the departments,or by the general manager if the amount is large.
The salesman shall coordinate closely with the production departments in the samples making process to guarantee the quality and specifications meeting the clients’ requirements, and send the samples after the approval by the final checking up of manager department.
Generally as a rule, the following ways of payments will be considered:
1, wire transfer 100 in advance
2, wire transfer part as deposit, the balance against copy of B/L.
3, 100% L/C at sight
Our beneficiary bank and the salesman will check up the L/C in form and contents respectively, and inform the clients to make change in time if differences existing, and submit to the manager of the departments for re-checking after no faults or differences found in advance..
In the production processing, the salesman shall be at the workshop to supervise and inspect the production with the person in charge, to find and solve the problems in time, or to report the problems to the manager of the department for coordinating to solve, or to report to the general manager for solving, to guarantee the specification, the quality, the packing and production time according to the requirements of the clients.
In C&F and CIF price terms, the salesman shall arrange and confirm the shipments with the related agents a week in advance, and to load the goods to the container and transport the goods two days in advance.
The salesman will prepare the concerned documents for the Customs declaration, Specified goods’ inspection and Insurance by related departments if needed; the salesman can make coordination in the process.
In the cases of L/C payments, the salesman need to deal with carefully and cautiously to sure the consistency of the documents and the L/C and to receive the funds safely.
The salesman shall do the classification and collation of the business documents, and submit the related to the accounting department for the purposes of foreign exchange settlement in the concerned administration departments timely. And to keep the service work aiming to establish long-term reliable cooperation partnership.
首先要分清楚,客戶的動機。 A類客戶,惡意還價:你開個價格,每次他都說,HI TRACY,YOU GIVE ME A CRAZY PRICE,I KNOW XX COMPANY WHO PRODUCE A SIMILAR PRODUCT, THEY ONLY GIVE ME 30% PRICE AS YOU GAVE.這種情況下,你聽到一定很火,這個不識貨的傢伙,去死吧,你到別人那裡去買好了。聽到這種的時候,我會這樣答覆:YES,SIR,I DO KNOW THEY GIVE YOU LOW PRICE FOR SIMILAR PRODUCT, BUT OUR PRODUCT IS DIFFERENT TO THEIRS 。接著講下,公司的產品特色,售後服務等的優勢。然後說很遺憾,我們的產品跟你要求的價格相差太遠,不過我們還有些便宜的產品(介紹些特價,庫存品給他),看他的答覆,如果他還是不要,或者繼續砍價就算了。我感覺,外貿1定要曉得自己的目標市場在哪裡,你的銷售對象不是所有的人,你只要能抓住你的目標市場的一小部分人就足夠了。比如你的市場定位是在10USD,你的客戶就是能接受8-12元產品的人(舉個大概的價格空間),那些只肯出1元買便宜產品或者20元買奢侈品的人,你就該把他們從客戶名單中暫時刪除掉。除非他們將來能接受這個10元的價格和質量。 B類客戶,善意還價:比如每次開價後,他們總是要個10% DISCOUNT。這種客戶,一般來說,都是想買你的產品的,就不要為了些小零碎把人家得罪。這種情況,是需要知道你的許可權在哪裡,你能接受的折扣在哪裡。
你可以回答“ DEAR SIR,THE PRICE WE GIVE IS ALMOST REACH OUR BOTTOM LINE, I TRIED TO GET A 2% DISCOUNT FROM MY BOSS, HOPE THIS WILL MAKE YOU SATISFIED。PLEASE NOTE, I HAVE TRIED MY BEST” 或者說“ACCORDING TO OUR COMPANY'S POLICY, ONLY WHEN ANNUAL PURCHASING AMOUNT REACHES XX, WE CAN GIVE A 2% DISCOUNT. I REPORTED YOUR CASE TO OUR TOP MANAGEMENT AND TRIED TO GET THIS DISCOUNT FOR YOU DUE TO OUR LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP……" 總之,即使這個價格你能接受,也要顯示的比較委屈和勉強。 假如,人家一還價,你馬上就鬆口,他們就知道了,你還有讓價的空間,接下來你的價格就會被越壓越低。而且,永遠不要在客戶面前顯示出急噪的心態,你越著急,客戶就越會砍價。有的時候,關於價格的談判,未必要當天回復,可以等個1-2天。客戶電話給你的時候,也要顯得這個問題很難處理,先表示要請示下,才能答覆。 把你自己想成是買家,多揣測下買家的心態,換位思考,會有意想不到的結果。
做為一個業務員,我想最難過的,就是客戶對你說不。SORRY,WE CAN NOT GIVE YOU THIS ORDER。 這種情況下,千萬不要放棄,不能放棄,不可放棄。 你必須要厚著臉皮,問客戶被拒絕的原因是什麼。當然,你絕對不能對客戶的決定發表長篇大論,對他的結論指手劃腳:靠,我這么好的價格給你,你居然不要,什麼意思嗎。我費盡心思給你打樣,不知道給工廠講了多少好話,你最後的結果居然是不要,真委屈。大概是大家常有的心態。 我一般會告訴他:DEAR SIR, I UNDERSTAND YOUR SITUTATION AND THANKS FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS DONE FOR US。BUT COULD YOU KINDLY LET ME KNOW THE REASON? PRICE,DELIVERY OR …… 有的客戶會很誠懇,告訴你原因,是因為預算不夠,發貨期不對,價格過高,或者怎么怎么的。針對不同的情況,當然也要做不同的解釋。 假如是預算不高,你可以跟他講,我們這個定單的量不是很大,金額也不高。你為這個單子也很費工夫,工廠也花了不少成本和精力,是不是可以再爭取一下。如果全部接受有難度,是不是接受其中的一部分,其他的留到2014年1月(千萬不要說到以後,要講的清楚點,不然人家會把你完全忘記的)。 發貨期不對:你可以問他們預計的發貨期,跟工廠再爭取下提前。 價格太高:你問他是否可接受類似但價格低的特價品。還有強調產品特色。 總之,不到最後一刻,千萬不要放棄,即使是放棄,也還是要很客氣的跟客戶說再見,期待下次合作,平時也保持聯繫,不要人家不給你單子,就一腳把人家踹了。 最後,想提醒大家,即使被拒絕,也不要低三下四的求別人或者辱罵別人,要不卑不亢,有理有節。採購和銷售是平等的,採購不比你這個銷售高貴。同樣,做了採購,也不等於是老大,可以對別人指手劃腳。 先做人,做好人,然後才能做個好商人。
作為外貿業務員,最麻煩的,莫過於是面對客戶投訴了,貨也發了,客戶的錢也收到了。過了幾個月,居然被客戶投訴貨物有質量問題了。 大家一般的反應會如何? “這么低的價格就只有這個質量了,還指望用上100年啊” “真倒霉,被投訴,乾脆不理他”。 這樣問題就會越來越糟糕了。 我的經驗是:客戶一投訴,馬上就要回復,告訴他你對這個CASE的重視。 假如你是工廠,可以這樣回答:DEAR SIR,THANKS FOR YOUR MESSAGE。WE WILL FOLLOW THIS CASE。 WE WILL HAVE A MEETING WITH PRODUCING DEPT ,INSPECTION DEPT ……THIS AFTERNOON TO DISCUSS THIS MATTER AND REVERT TO YOU A。S。A。P。PLEASE SEND ME A PHOTO OF DAMAGE。 記住啊,朋友們。第一,一定要馬上回復,讓客戶等待太久會讓他們瘋狂,把事情投訴到你的老闆或者更高層的人那裡;第二,一定要用WE,而不是用I。我建議絕大多數情況下,用WE 比用I 更好。WE顯得你更PROFESSIONAL,因為你代表1個CO而不是你私人,當然自己單飛的人除外。尤其在投訴的時候,WE表示你是有後台的! 第三,一定要有照片為證,俗話說”口說無憑“,誰知道的確是貨物有問題還是客戶惡意敲詐? 和生產以及檢驗部門的會議也很重要,這個會議可以讓大家多少知道些貨物是否有問題,有多大的問題,我曾經碰到過生產部門把我的色料混合錯誤,配比率搞錯的事情。知道了錯誤所在,才能應對,我想公司內部的人,即使要對你隱瞞,也會比對客戶的隱瞞少些,也就是說,你總是比客戶知道的多些 假如你是外貿公司,應該馬上跟工廠聯繫,開個會,儘量發現其中的問題所在,當然那個時候會議的主體,就是你和工廠了。 如果發現的確是我方的責任,要讓對方提賠償要求,不能自己先開口。對方提有一個好處。就是知道你要賠償的底線在哪裡。 喊價的技巧:當對方是行家而你是外行的時候,讓對方先喊價;當對方是外行而你是行家的時候,讓對方先喊價;當雙方都是行家或者都是外行的時候,你要主動先喊價。這個,大家就慢慢體會吧。