本書圍繞酒店業服務流程和相關背景進行編寫,內容包括酒店業概述、前台服務、客房服務、餐飲服務及酒店相關內容,每課由聽力訓練、場景模擬訓練、背景知識、句型操練等內容構成,旨在提高本、專科學生酒店英語的聽、說、讀、寫四個方面的實際運用能力,幫助學生打好堅實的酒店會話基礎,拓寬知識面,增強其成功就業的信心,提高其輕鬆就業的能力。 本書即可作為套用型本科、高等職業院校旅遊管理、酒店管理、英語等專業學生的教材使用,亦可作為相關從業人員的自學用書。
Chapter ⅠAn Overview ofHospitality Industry001
LeadinAn Introduction toHospitality Industry001
Reading 1Classification of Hotels002
Reading 2Type of Hotel Rooms and HotelFacilities005Chapter ⅡFront Office Department008
LeadinAn Introduction toFront Office Department008
Lesson 1Reception Desk 接待處009
Lesson 2Information Desk 問訊處017
Lesson 3Concierge Service 禮賓服務023
Lesson 4Business Centre 商務中心029ChapterⅢHousekeeping Department036
LeadinAn Introduction tothe Housekeeping Department036
Lesson 1Welcoming and Guiding the Guests 迎賓及帶賓客至房間036
Lesson 2Cleaning the Room 打掃房間043
Lesson 3Laundry Service洗衣服務049
Lesson 4Personalized Housekeeping Service 個性化家政服務056ChapterⅣFood and Beverage Department064
LeadinAn Introduction toFood & Beverage Department 064
Lesson 1Table Reservations 餐桌預訂064
Lesson 2Hosting & Taking Orders 點單服務070
Lesson 3Serving Dishes 就餐服務076
Lesson 4Paying the Bill 結賬081ⅣⅤChapter ⅤOtherInformation about Hotel088
LeadinAn Introduction tothe Hotel Jobs 088
Reading 1The Main Rules for HandlingComplaints & Emergencies088
Reading 2Facilities in Hotel091Key toListening Comprehension096
Chapter ⅡThe Front OfficeDepartment096
Chapter ⅢHousekeepingDepartment101
Chapter ⅣFood and BeverageDepartment106參考文獻 Reference111