

排名 | 評分 | 電影名稱 | 投票人數 |
1. | 9.2 | The Shawshank Redemption(1994)(肖申克的救贖) | 2,063,695 |
2. | 9.2 | The Godfather(1972)(教父) | 1,415,817 |
3. | 9.0 | The Godfather: Part II(1974)(教父2) | 982,197 |
4. | 9.0 | The Dark Knight(2008)(蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士) | 2,029,931 |
5. | 8.9 | 12 Angry Men(1957)(十二怒漢) | 582,292 |
6. | 8.9 | Schindler's List(1993)(辛德勒的名單) | 1,069,084 |
7. | 8.9 | The Lord of the Rings:The Return of the King(2003)(指環王:國王歸來) | 1,469,385 |
8. | 8.9 | Pulp Fiction(1994)(低俗小說) | 1,613,151 |
9. | 8.8 | The Good,the Bad and the Ugly(1966)(黃金三鏢客) | 612,482 |
10. | 8.8 | Fight Club(1999)(搏擊俱樂部) | 1,651,441 |
11. | 8.8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(2001)(指環王:護戒使者) | 1,485,946 |
12. | 8.7 | Forrest Gump(1994)(阿甘正傳) | 1,580,908 |
13. | 8.7 | Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back(1980)(星球大戰2:帝國反擊戰) | 1,035,732 |
14. | 8.7 | 1,808,966 | |
15. | 8.7 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers(2002)(指環王:雙塔奇兵) | 1,328,795 |
16. | 8.7 | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(1975)(飛越瘋人院) | 818,950 |
17. | 8.7 | Goodfellas(1990)(好傢夥) | 890,779 |
18. | 8.7 | The Matrix(1999)(黑客帝國) | 1,482,139 |
19. | 8.6 | Seven Samurai(1954)(七武士) | 278,890 |
20. | 8.6 | Se7en(1995)(七宗罪) | 1,265,151 |
21. | 8.6 | City of God(2002)(上帝之城) | 635,514 |
22. | 8.6 | Star Wars:Episode IV - A New Hope(1977)(星球大戰) | 1,154,809 |
23. | 8.6 | The Silence of the Lambs(1991)(沉默的羔羊) | 1,112,978 |
24. | 8.6 | It's a Wonderful Life(1946)(生活多美好) | 351,320 |
25. | 8.6 | Life Is Beautiful(1997)(美麗人生) | 542,416 |
26. | 8.5 | Spirited Away(1995)(千與千尋) | 546,309 |
27. | 8.5 | Saving Private Ryan(1998)(拯救大兵瑞恩) | 1,091,003 |
28. | 8.5 | The Usual Suspects(1995)(非常嫌疑犯) | 893,951 |
29. | 8.5 | Leon:The Professional(1994)(這個殺手不太冷) | 908,749 |
30. | 8.5 | The Green Mile(1999)(綠里奇蹟) | 995,300 |
31. | 8.5 | Interstellar(2014)(星際穿越) | 1,268,845 |
32. | 8.5 | Psycho(1960)(驚魂記) | 528,146 |
33. | 8.5 | American History X(1998)(美國X檔案) | 938,327 |
34. | 8.5 | City Lights(1931)(城市之光) | 143,535 |
35. | 8.5 | Casablanca(1942)(卡薩布蘭卡) | 469,397 |
36. | 8.5 | Once Upon a Time in The West(1968)(西部往事) | 267,039 |
37. | 8.5 | Spider-Man:Into Soider Verse(2018)(蜘蛛俠:平行宇宙) | 145,904 |
38. | 8.5 | Modern Times(1936)(摩登時代) | 186,322 |
39. | 8.5 | The Piannist(2002)(鋼琴家) | 630,266 |
40. | 8.5 | The Intouchables(2011)(無法觸碰) | 662,674 |
41. | 8.5 | The Departed(2006)(無間行者) | 1,059,730 |
42. | 8.5 | Back to the Future(1985)(回到未來) | 918,524 |
43. | 8.5 | Terminator 2:Judgment Day(1991)(終結者2) | 893,931 |
44. | 8.5 | Whiplash(2014)(爆裂鼓手) | 601,162 |
45. | 8.5 | Rear Window(1954)(後窗) | 392,396 |
46. | 8.5 | The Lion King(1994)(獅子王) | 819,007 |
47. | 8.5 | Raidersof Lost Ark(1981)(奪寶奇兵) | 799,710 |
48. | 8.5 | Gladiator(2000)(角鬥士) | 1,193,155 |
49. | 8.5 | The Prestige(2006)(致命魔術) | 1,048,462 |
50. | 8.4 | Apocalypse Now(1979)(現代啟示錄) | 540,161 |
51. | 8.4 | Memento(2000)(記憶碎片) | 1,017,911 |
52. | 8.4 | 702,350 | |
53. | 8.4 | Grave of the Fireflies(1988)(螢火蟲之墓) | 191,414 |
54. | 8.4 | Cinema Paradiso(1988)(天堂電影院) | 197,337 |
55. | 8.4 | The Great Dictator(1940)(大獨裁者) | 176,911 |
56. | 8.4 | Sunset Boulevard(1950)(日落大道) | 175,871 |
57. | 8.4 | The Lives of Others (2006)(竊聽風暴) | 317,783 |
58. | 8.4 | Dr. Strangelove or:How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb(1964)(奇愛博士) | 409,389 |
59. | 8.4 | Paths of Glory(1957)(光榮之路) | 153,204 |
60. | 8.4 | Avengers:Infinity War(2018)(復仇者聯盟3) | 602,496 |
61. | 8.4 | The Shining(1980)(閃靈) | 767,258 |
62. | 8.4 | Django Unchained(2012)(被解救的姜戈) | 1,190,466 |
63. | 8.4 | WALL·E(2008)(機器人總動員) | 891,481 |
64. | 8.4 | Mononoke-hime(1997)(幽靈公主) | 288,720 |
65. | 8.4 | Witness for the Prosecution(1957)(控方證人) | 89,457 |
66. | 8.3 | Oldboy(2003)(老男孩) | 450,902 |
67. | 8.3 | The Dark Knight Rises(20112)(黑暗騎士崛起) | 1,367,121 |
68. | 8.3 | Aliens(1986)(異形2) | 592,251 |
69. | 8.3 | American Beauty(1999)(美國麗人) | 978,567 |
70. | 8.3 | Once Upon a Time InterstellarAmerica(1984)(美國往事) | 272,512 |
71. | 8.3 | Coco(2017)(尋夢環遊記) | 261,925 |
72. | 8.3 | Das Boot(1981)(從海底出擊) | 206,081 |
73. | 8.3 | Citizen Kane(1941)(公民凱恩) | 358,607 |
74. | 8.3 | Braveheart(1995)(勇敢的心) | 880,985 |
75. | 8.3 | Vertigo(1958)(諜影疑雲) | 315,003 |
76. | 8.3 | North by Northeast(1959)(西北偏北) | 267,661 |
77. | 8.3 | Reservoir Dogs(1992)(落水狗) | 809,798 |
78. | 8.3 | Star Wars:Episode VI Return of the Jedi(1983)(星球大戰3:絕地歸來) | 848,856 |
79. | 8.3 | Your Name.(2016)(你的名字) | 126,228 |
80. | 8.3 | M(1931)(M就是兇手) | 125,147 |
81. | 8.3 | Amadeus(1984)(莫扎特傳) | 331,831 |
82. | 8.3 | Requiem for a Dream(2000)(夢之安魂曲) | 690,937 |
83. | 8.3 | Dangal(2016)(摔跤吧!爸爸) | 117,026 |
84. | 8.3 | 3 ldiots(2009)(三傻大鬧寶萊塢) | 293,902 |
85. | 8.3 | Like Stars on Earth(2007)(地球上的星星) | 137,660 |
86. | 8.3 | Lawence of Arabia(1962)(阿拉伯的勞倫斯) | 238,236 |
87. | 8.3 | 2001:A Space Odyssey(1968)(2001:太空漫遊) | 533,339 |
88. | 8.3 | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind(2004)(暖暖內含光) | 813,189 |
89. | 8.3 | Toy Story(1995)(玩具總動員) | 778,662 |
90. | 8.3 | A Clockwork Orange(1971)(發條橙) | 678,738 |
91. | 8.3 | Amelie(2001)(天使愛美麗) | 643,718 |
92. | 8.3 | Double Indemnity(1944)(雙重賠償) | 125,210 |
93. | 8.3 | Singin' in the Rain(1952)(雨中曲) | 192,954 |
94. | 8.3 | Taxi Driver(2016)(計程車司機) | 626,445 |
95. | 8.3 | Inglorious Basterds(2009)(無恥混蛋) | 1,100,886 |
96. | 8.3 | Full Metal Jacket(1987)(全金屬外殼) | 599,804 |
97. | 8.3 | Bicycle Thieves(1948)(偷腳踏車的人) | 124,259 |
98. | 8.3 | To Kill A Mockingbird(1962)(殺死一隻知更鳥) | 267,799 |
99. | 8.3 | The Kid(1921)(尋子遇仙記) | 94,202 |
100. | 8.3 | Good Will Hunting(1997)(心靈捕手) | 754,923 |
101. | 8.3 | The Sting(1973)(騙中騙) | 754,630 |
102. | 8.3 | Toy Story 3(2010)(玩具總動員3) | 670,331 |
103. | 8.3 | The Hunt(2012)(狩獵) | 236,620 |
104. | 8.3 | Snatch(2000)(偷拐搶騙) | 709,346 |
105. | 8.2 | 654,496 | |
106. | 8.2 | For a Few Dollars More(1965)(黃昏雙鏢客) | 201,809 |
107. | 8.3 | Monty Python and the Holy Grail(1975)(巨蟒與聖杯) | 455,070 |
108. | 8.2 | The Apartment(1960)(桃色公寓) | 140,879 |
109. | 8.2 | Metropolis(1927)(大都會) | 140,812 |
110. | 8.2 | L.A. Confidential(1997)(洛城機密) | 487,618 |
111. | 8.2 | A Separation(2011)(一次別離) | 192,528 |
112. | 8.2 | 624,542 | |
113. | 8.2 | Rashomon(1950)(羅生門) | 131,618 |
114. | 8.2 | Up(2009)(飛屋環遊記) | 831,239 |
115. | 8.2 | All About Eve(1950)(彗星美人) | 105,935 |
116. | 8.2 | Batman Begins(2005)(蝙蝠俠:俠影之謎) | 1,176,254 |
117. | 8.2 | Yojimbo(1961)(用心棒) | 95,167 |
118. | 8.2 | Some Like It Hot(1959)(熱情如火) | 216,701 |
119. | 8.2 | Downfall(2004)(帝國毀滅) | 300,882 |
120. | 8.2 | Unforgiven(1992)(不可饒恕) | 336,152 |
121. | 8.2 | 711,311 | |
122. | 8.2 | The Treasure of the Sierra Madre(1948)(碧血金沙) | 100,336 |
123. | 8.2 | Heat(1995)(盜火線) | 517,692 |
124. | 8.2 | Incendies(2010)(焦土之城) | 212,313 |
125. | 8.2 | Green Book(2018)(綠皮書) | 140,467 |
126. | 8.2 | Ikiru(1952)(生之欲) | 57,676 |
127. | 8.2 | Raging Bull(1980)(憤怒的公牛) | 283,821 |
128. | 8.2 | The Great Escape(1963)(大逃亡) | 202,657 |
129. | 8.2 | Children of Heaven(1997)(小鞋子) | 50,183 |
130. | 8.2 | Pan‘s Labyrinth(2006)(潘神的迷宮) | 565,525 |
131. | 8.2 | Chinatown(1974)(唐人街) | 206,764 |
132. | 8.2 | My Father and My Son(2005)(我的父親,我的兒子) | 64,542 |
133. | 8.2 | My Neighbor Totoro(1988)(龍貓) | 234,447 |
134. | 8.2 | The Third Man(1949)(第三人) | 141,622 |
135. | 8.2 | Howl's Moving Castle(2004)(哈爾的移動城堡) | 278,095 |
136. | 8.2 | Ran(1985)(亂) | 98,337 |
137. | 8.2 | Judgment at Nuremberg(1961)(紐倫堡審判) | 60,853 |
138. | 8.2 | The Secret in Their Eyes(2009)(謎一樣的雙眼) | 170,615 |
139. | 8.2 | The Gold Rush(1925)(淘金記) | 88,298 |
140. | 8.2 | The Bridge on the River Kwai(1957)(桂河大橋) | 184,246 |
141. | 8.2 | A Beautiful Mind(2001)(美麗心靈) | 760,639 |
142. | 8.2 | Andhadhun(2018)(調音師) | 37,143 |
143. | 8.2 | Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels(1998)(兩桿大煙槍) | 488,361 |
144. | 8.2 | Casino(1995)(賭城風雲) | 408,810 |
145. | 8.2 | The Seventh Seal(1957)(第七封印) | 141,441 |
146. | 8.1 | On the Waterfront(1954)(碼頭風雲) | 127,224 |
147. | 8.1 | Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri(2017)(三塊廣告牌) | 329,011 |
148. | 8.1 | Inside Out(2015)(頭腦特工隊) | 324,931 |
149. | 8.1 | The Elephant Man(1980)(象人) | 198,133 |
150. | 8.1 | The Wolf of Wall Street(2013)(華爾街之狼) | 1,016,474 |
151. | 8.1 | V for Vendetta(2005)(V字仇殺隊) | 942,120 |
152. | 8.1 | Room(2015)(房間) | 308,000 |
153. | 8.1 | Mr. Smith Goes to Washington(1939)(史密斯先生到華盛頓) | 97,193 |
154. | 8.1 | Warrior(2011)(勇士) | 399,668 |
155. | 8.1 | Blade Rinner(1982)(銀翼殺手 ) | 619,571 |
156. | 8.1 | Dial M for Murder(1954)(電話謀殺案) | 138,718 |
157. | 8.1 | Wild Strawberries(1957)(野草莓) | 82,986 |
158. | 8.1 | No Country for Old Men(2007)(老無所依) | 756,773 |
159. | 8.1 | There Will Be Blood(2007)(血色將至) | 457,655 |
160. | 8.1 | The General(1926)(將軍號) | 70,833 |
161. | 8.1 | Trainspotting(1996)(猜火車) | 583,288 |
162. | 8.1 | The Sixth Sense(1999) (靈異第六感) | 834,668 |
163. | 8.1 | Gone With the Wind(1939)(亂世佳人) | 261,292 |
164. | 8.1 | The Thing(1982)(怪形) | 325,862 |
165. | 8.1 | Fargo(1996)(冰血暴) | 554,997 |
166. | 8.1 | Come and See(1985)(自己去看) | 42,399 |
167. | 8.1 | Gran Torino(2008)(老爺車) | 662,926 |
168. | 8.1 | Finding Nemo(2003)(海底總動員) | 855,417 |
169. | 8.1 | The Deer Hunter(1978)(獵鹿人) | 281,350 |
170. | 8.1 | Shutter Island(2010)(禁閉島) | 989,529 |
171. | 8.1 | The Big Lebowski(1998)(謀殺綠腳趾) | 654,761 |
172. | 8.1 | Sherlock Jr.(1924)(福爾摩斯二世) | 32,224 |
173. | 8.1 | Kill Bill: Vol. 1(2003)(殺死比爾) | 893,059 |
174. | 8.1 | Cool Hand Luke(1967)(鐵窗喋血) | 146,715 |
175. | 8.1 | Tokyo Story(1953)(東京物語) | 42,895 |
176. | 8.1 | Rebecca(1940)(蝴蝶變) | 109,581 |
177. | 8.1 | Mary And Max(2006)(瑪麗和馬克思) | 149,237 |
178. | 8.1 | 357,580 | |
179. | 8.1 | How to Train Your Dragon(2010)(馴龍高手) | 600,753 |
180. | 8.1 | Gone Girl(2014)(消失的愛人) | 749,410 |
181. | 8.1 | La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc(1928)(聖女貞德蒙難記) | 31,438 |
182. | 8.1 | Into the Wild(2007)(荒野生存) | 480,071 |
183. | 8.1 | Life of Brian(1979)(萬世魔星) | 301,028 |
184. | 8.1 | It Happened One Night(1934)(一夜風流) | 73,706 |
185. | 8.1 | Relatos salvajes(2014)(荒蠻故事) | 123,214 |
186. | 8.1 | La La Land(2016)(愛樂之城) | 334,472 |
187. | 8.1 | 322,092 | |
188. | 8.1 | Logan(2017)(金剛狼3:殊死一戰) | 425,164 |
189. | 8.1 | Hotel Rwanda(2004)(盧安達飯店) | 290,264 |
190. | 8.1 | Network(1976)(電視台風雲) | 116,601 |
191. | 8.1 | In the Name of the Father(1993)(因父之名) | 125,433 |
192. | 8.1 | Le Salaire de la peur(1953)(恐懼的代價) | 40,466 |
193. | 8.1 | Stand by Me(1986)(伴我同行) | 304,280 |
194. | 8.1 | Rush(2013)(極速風流) | 356,535 |
195. | 8.1 | The Grand Budapest Hotel(2014)(布達佩斯大飯店) | 563,165 |
196. | 8.1 | A Wednesday(2008)(一個星期三的下午) | 56,492 |
197. | 8.1 | 181,360 | |
198. | 8.1 | 72,583 | |
199. | 8.1 | Jurassic Park(1993)(侏羅紀公園) | 698,013 |
200. | 8.1 | Les Quatre cents coups(1959)(四百擊) | 79,964 |
201. | 8.1 | Salinui chueok(2003)(殺人回憶) | 82,803 |
202. | 8.1 | 12 Years a Slave(2013)(為奴十二年) | 514,835 |
203. | 8.1 | Million Dollar Baby(2004)(百萬美元寶貝) | 537,116 |
204. | 8.1 | Mad Max: Fury Road(2015)(瘋狂的麥克斯4:狂暴之路) | 679,982 |
205. | 8.1 | 299,468 | |
206. | 8.1 | Stalker(1979)(潛行者) | 81,347 |
207. | 8.1 | The Truman Show(1998)(楚門的世界) | 754,456 |
208. | 8.1 | Amores perros(2000)(愛情是狗娘) | 190,507 |
209. | 8.1 | Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid(1969)(虎豹小霸王) | 169,242 |
210. | 8.1 | Thor: Ragnarok(2017)(雷神3:諸神黃昏) | 178,272 |
211. | 8.1 | Hachi: A Dog's Tale(2009)(忠犬八公的故事) | 191,788 |
212. | 8.1 | Before Sunrise(1995)(愛在黎明破曉前) | 211,363 |
213. | 8.1 | Kaze no tani no Naushika(1984)(風之谷) | 111,457 |
214. | 8.1 | The Princess Bride(1987)(公主新娘) | 326,303 |
215. | 8.0 | The Maltese Falcon(1941)(馬爾他之鷹) | 126,108 |
216. | 8.0 | Prisoners(2013)(囚徒) | 462,331 |
217. | 8.0 | Le Notti di Cabiria(1957)(卡比利亞之夜) | 31,005 |
218. | 8.0 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2(2011)(哈利·波特與死亡聖器(下)) | 620,423 |
219. | 8.0 | Paper Moon(1973)(紙月亮) | 28,041 |
220. | 8.0 | Catch Me If You Can(2002)(貓鼠遊戲) | 626,941 |
221. | 8.0 | 425,558 | |
222. | 8.0 | The Grapes of Wrath(1940)(憤怒的葡萄) | 70,822 |
223. | 8.0 | Les Diaboliques(1955)(惡魔) | 48,060 |
224. | 8.0 | Monsters, Inc.(2001)(怪獸電力公司) | 663,603 |
225. | 8.0 | Touch of Evil(1958)(歷劫佳人) | 80,982 |
226. | 8.0 | Gandhi(1982)(甘地傳) | 190,049 |
227. | 8.0 | Donnie Darko(2001)(死亡幻覺) | 645,533 |
228. | 8.0 | Barry Lyndon(1975)(巴里·林登) | 115,038 |
229. | 8.0 | The Terminator(1984)(終結者) | 667,315 |
230. | 8.0 | Annie Hall(1977)(安妮·霍爾) | 217,800 |
231. | 8.0 | The Handmaiden(2016)(小姐) | 75,038 |
232. | 8.0 | In the Mood for Love(2000)(花樣年華) | 103,688 |
233. | 8.0 | Groundhog Day(1993)(土撥鼠之日) | 535,035 |
234. | 8.0 | The Wizard of Oz(1939)(綠野仙蹤) | 348,236 |
235. | 8.0 | The Help(2011)(幫助) | 387,885 |
236. | 8.0 | 503,590 | |
237. | 8.0 | The Nights of Cabiria(1957)(卡比利亞之夜) | 38,166 |
238. | 8.0 | Before Sunset(2004)(愛在日落黃昏時) | 204,916 |
239. | 8.0 | Paris, Texas(1984)(德克薩斯的巴黎) | 72,988 |
240. | 8.0 | Castle in the Sky(1986)(天空之城) | 125,542 |
241. | 8.0 | The Best Years of Our Lives(1946)(黃金時代) | 52,652 |
242. | 8.0 | Guardians of the Galaxy(2014)(銀河護衛隊) | 917,575 |
243. | 8.0 | Pirates of the Caribbean:The Curse of the BlackPearl(2003)(加勒比海盜:黑珍珠號的詛咒) | 953,989 |
244. | 8.0 | Beauty and the Beast(1991)(美女與野獸) | 383,535 |
245. | 8.0 | Gangs of Wasseypur(2012)(瓦塞浦黑幫) | 67,932 |
246. | 8.0 | The Exorcist(1973)(驅魔人) | 136,309 |
247. | 8.0 | The Legend of 1900(1998) (海上鋼琴師) | 51,112 |
248. | 8.0 | 8½(1963)(八部半) | 98,447 |
249. | 8.0 | Chungking Express(1994)(重慶森林) | 51,871 |
250. | 8.0 | Akira(1988)(阿基拉) | 136,437 |
- R = average for the movie (mean) = (Rating)
- v = number of votes for the movie = (votes)
- m = minimum votes required to be listed in the Top 250 (currently 25000)
- C = the mean vote across the whole report (currently 7.1)