n. 扭打,混亂;並列爭球
vi. 參加並列爭球
vt. 拋(球)開始並列爭球
There was a real scrum when the bus arrived. 公共汽車到站時,人們一窩蜂都往上擠。
The key aspect of a daily scrum (or standup or team meeting) is to focus on what the team is working on now. 每日例會(或站立會議或團隊會議)的關鍵方面是關注團隊現在正在做的工作。
Chapter 4: The Essence of scrum. 第4章Scrum本質。
A daily scrum meeting was held. 每天舉行一個小會。
Scrum shares this perspective. Scrum也分享了這個觀點。
But it's enough to start with Scrum. 但一開始時Scrum還是足夠用的。
But what about a chief scrum master? 但是解僱一位首席混戰大師時會這樣嗎?
How many active Scrum teams do you have? 你們有多少活躍的Scrum團隊?
This might be a neat opportunity to use Scrum. 這可能是使用Scrum的一個很好的機會。
What have you done since the last Scrum meeting? 自上次Scrum會議後你做了什麼?
The bottom one defines a Scrum-like process. 16下面的編輯器定義了一個類scrum過程。
Effectively using Scrum to implement itself. 同時有效地運用Scrum實施這一切。
If possible, ask to sit in on a Daily Scrum. 如果可能,請求旁聽一次每日scrum例會。
The road blocks are also identified in the scrum. 在scrum 中還可以識別路線障礙。
Again, that's 'abusing' the Scrum framework, IMO. 重申一下,我認為這是“濫用”Scrum框架。
Product Owners are critical to the success of Scrum. 產品負責人是Scrum成功的關鍵。
None of the Scrum concepts are particularly new. 沒有Scrum概念是特別新的。
Scrum and RUP can enhance each other in various ways. Scrum和RUP可以通過很多方式相互加強。
These metrics are useful for Scrum progress tracking. 這些做法對Scrum進度回溯都是有益的。
Scrum is gaining traction outside of information technology. Scrum正在獲得信息技術領域以外的推進力。
This enabled them to remain fully engaged in the Scrum process. 這使他們能全身心地繼續從事於Scrum流程。
The Scrum Alliance lists courses on offer all around the world. Scrum聯盟面向全世界提供培訓課程。
During the Daily Scrum meeting, the team answers three questions. 在Daily Scrum會議期間,團隊回答以下三個問題。
The scrum framework consists of the following interrelated aspects. scrum框架由以下相關的方面組成。
Scrum: Scrum is a daily action plan meeting held by the self-directed team. Scrum:Scrum是由自主團隊舉行的日常行動計畫會議。
Scrum is an iterative, incremental model for project management and development. Scrum是用於項目管理和開發的疊代式漸進模型。
Indians call it "playing colors" a jubilant scrum of horseplay and body painting. 印度人稱此為“色彩的遊戲”,一群人瘋狂的,盡情的喧鬧和人體彩繪。
Although in all fairness, it's not just the fault of Scrum and the popularity of Scrum. 公平地說,不僅僅是Scrum和其高度普及的問題。
Participate fully in all scrum rituals, including the daily scrum and the retrospectives. 完全投入到Scrum的所有儀式中去,包括每日立會和回顧。
On a Scrum team, there are 3 well-defined roles: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Developer. 在Scrum團隊中,有3種定義好的角色:產品負責人、ScrumMaster、開發人員。