Ba Duan Jin

Ba Duan Jin



  • 中文名:Ba Duan Jin
  • 出版社:外文
  • 頁數:58 頁
  • ISBN:9787119047812 
  • 作者:國家體育總局健身氣功管理中心
  • 出版日期:2007年5月1日
  • 開本:0 開
  • 品牌:外文出版社
Chapter Ⅰ Origins and Development
Chapter Ⅱ Characteristics
Chapter Ⅲ Practice Tips
Chapter Ⅳ Step-by-Step Descriptions of the Routines
Section 1 Hand and Foot Forms
Basic Hand Forms
Basic Stance
Section 2 The Exercises Illustrated
Ready Position
Routine 1 Holding the Hands High with Palms Up to Regulate the Internal Organs(雙手托天理三焦)
Routine 2 Posing as an Archer Shooting Both Left- and Right-Handed (左右開弓似射鵰)
Routine 3 Holding One Arm Aloft to Regulate the Functions of the Spleen and Stomach (調理脾胃須單舉)
Routine 4 Looking Backwards to Prevent Sickness and Strain (五勞七傷注後瞧)
Routine 5 Swinging the Head and Lowering the Body to Relieve Stress (搖頭擺尾去心火)
Routine 6 Moving the Hands down the Back and Legs, and Touching the Feet to Strengthen the Kidneys(兩手擎足固腎腰)
Routine 7 Thrusting the Fists and Making the Eyes Glare to Enhance Strength(攢拳怒目增氣力)
Routine 8 Raising and Lowering the Heels to Cure Diseases(背後七顛百病消)
Closing Form
Acupuncture Points Mentioned in This Book


