

《影響中國外語學習者英語寫作的認知因素》結合語言測試、二語寫作和認知心理學方面的理論和研究方法,選取母語(中文)寫作水平、寫作技巧、外語(英語)語言水平以及工作記憶廣度為自變數,以限時條件下的英語寫作為應變數,通過一系列的測試手段和SPSS數據分析軟體,對影響中國學生英語寫作的認知因素進行了研究和探討。 《影響中國外語學習者英語寫作的認知因素》由呂燕彬所著。


  • 書名:影響中國外語學習者英語寫作的認知因素
  • 作者:呂燕彬
  • 出版日期:2014年2月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787302351597
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • 頁數:180頁
  • 開本:32
  • 品牌:清華大學出版社




List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Context of the Study
1.2 Purpose of the Study and Research Questions
1.3 Significance of the Study
Chapter 2 Theoretical Frameworks in L2 Writing Research
2.1 Theoretical Frameworks in L2 Writing Research
2.1.1 Models of Writing
2.1.2 Cummins' Hypotheses of Language Transfer
2.1.3 Conceptions of Second Language Proficiency and Writing Expertise
2.1.4 Working Memory Capacity in Writing
2.2 Review of Relevant Studies
2.2.1 Research on L1 and L2 Writing Ability
and L2 Language Proficiency
2.2.2 Research on the Use of Writing Strategies
and L2 Writing
2.2.3 Research on Working Memory Capacity
and Writing
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Methodologies and Materials
3.1 Participants
3.2 Instruments
3.2.1 Timed Essay Writing in L1 and L2
3.2.2 Writing Strategies Questionnaire
3.2.3 Operation Span Task for Working Memory Capacity
3.2.4 Vocabulary Size Tests
3.2.5 Timed Grammaticality Judgment Task
3.3 Data Collection Procedures
3.4 Scoring
3.4.1 Timed Essay Writing in L1 and L2
3.4.2 Use of Writing Strategies
3.4.3 Working Memory Capacity
 龍灶斷 3.4.4 Vocabulary Scores
3.4.5 Grammar Score
3.5 Variables for Statistical Analysis
3.5.1 L2 Writing Ability (EW)
3.5.2 L1 Writing Ability (CW)
3.5.3 L2 Language Knowledge (EK)
3.5.4 Genre Knowledge (GK)
3.5.5 Strategy Use (SU)
3.5.6 Working Memory Capacity (WM)
Chapter 4 Statistical Analyses of the Research Questions
4.1 Preliminary Data Analysis
4.1.1 Demographic Information of the Participants
4.1.2 Descriptive Statistics and Reliability of the Variables
4.1.3 Inter-rater Reliability
4.2 Statistical Analyses for the Research Questions
4.2.1 Research Question 1: Relationship between
Writing Ability and Working Memory Capacity
4.2.2 Research Question 2: Relationship between L1,
L2 Writing Ability and L2 Language Knowledge
4.2.3 Research Question 3: Relationship between L1,
L2 Writing and the Use of Strategies
4.2.4 Research Question 4: Relative Importance of the
Selected Variables to L2 Writing Performance
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion
5.1 Discussion of the Results and Sunmmary of the Findings
5.1.1 Research Question 1: Relationship between
Writing Ability and Working Memory Capacity
5.1.2 Research Question 2: Relationship between L1,
L2 Writing Ability And L2 Language Knowledge
5.1.3 Research Question 3: Relationship between L1,
L2 Writing and The Use of Strategies
5.1.4 Research Question 4: Relative Importance of
the Selected Variables to L2 Writing Performance
5.2 Implications
5.2.1 Implications for the Blueprint of an L2 Writer
5.2.2 Implications for L2 Writing Instruction
5.2.3 Implications for Assessment and/or Measurement
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
5.4 Conclusion
Appendix A Essay Writing Prompts
Appendix B Questionnaires
Appendix C Operation Span Tasks for Working Memory Capacity
Appendix D Vocabulary Size Tests
Appendix E Materlal for Grammaticality Judgment Task
Appendix F Essay Rating Scales
Appendix G Correlations Matrix
Appendix H Approved Informed Consent Form


