psychometrics,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[心理] 心理測驗學”。
- 外文名:psychometrics
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[saɪkə(ʊ)'metrɪks]
- 美式發音:[,saɪko'mɛtrɪks]
psychometrics,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[心理] 心理測驗學”。
psychometric,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“心理測量的”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 psychometric /ˌsaɪkəʊˈmɛtrɪk/ 1.ADJPsychometric tests are designed to test a person's mental state, personality, and thought processes. 心理測量學的 [ADJ n]短語搭配 psychometr...
《Contemporary Psychometrics》是Lawrence Erlbaum出版的圖書,作者是Maydeu-Olivares, Alberto; McArdle, John J.;內容簡介 Contemporary Psychometrics features cutting edge chapters organized in four sections: test theory, factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and multivariate analysis. The section on ...
《Contributions to Mathematical Psychology, Psychometrics, and Methodology》是1993年出版的圖書,作者是Fischer, Gerhard H.、Laming, Donald。內容簡介 Contributions to Mathematical Psychology, Psychox metrics and Methodology presents the most esteemed research findings of the 22nd Euro...
⑵心理計量(psychometrics)有兩種涵義:一是和心理測量相同;二是指心理測驗技術,特別是設計測量工作的技術,此時可稱為心理計量學。⑶心理評估(psychological assessment)它比測驗或測量的意義範圍大,不僅用測驗對個人某心理變數數量化,而且還採用其他手段(如交談,調查或實驗等)對過去、此時甚至對將來做更全面的...
十一、Psychometrics 十二、Psychotherapy 十三、Cognitive therapy 十四、Psychological counseling 附錄二 醫學心理學常用評定量表 一、A型行為問卷 二、艾森克人格問卷(成人)三、卡特爾16-PF人格問卷 四、生活事件量表(LES)五、症狀自評量表(SCL-90)六、綜合醫院焦慮抑鬱量表(HAD)七、焦慮自評量表(SAS)八、...
本系教師的主要研究領域為實驗心理學(Experimental Psychology)、認知心理學(Cognitive Psychology)、認知神經科學(Cognitive Neuroscience)、人格心理學(Personality Psychology)、老齡心理學(Psychology of Aging)、進化心理學(Evolutionary Psychology)、心理計量學(Psychometrics)等,並且以基礎心理學為核心、以認知神經科學為重...
anchor test 英文基維百科的解釋是:In psychometrics, an anchor test is a common set of test items administered in combination with two or more alternative forms of the test with the aim of establishing the equivalence of the scores on the alternative forms.
心理發生;精神發生”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 psychogenesis /ˌsaɪkəʊˈdʒɛnɪsɪs/ 1.N the study of the origin and development of personality, human behaviour, and mental processes 心理進化學 [psychol]短語搭配 Psychometrics and Psychogenesis 課程名稱心理測量學 ...
Carlo simulation. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 8(1), 337-354.教授課程 ·本科生:Principles of Psychometrics; Measurement Theory and Applications ·碩士生:Measurement Theory and Applications; Special Topics on Testing & Measurement ·博士生:Special Topics on Testing & Measurement ...
確定絕對閾的方法是實施探測作業:以從小至大或從大至小改變刺激量,或隨機呈現各種不同的強度的刺激方法,探測人對不同刺激的感覺反應,由此建立心理測量函式(psychometric function),繪出每一強度的刺激(X軸坐標)的覺察百分率(Y軸坐標)。心理物理函式曲線並不存在一個唯一的、真正的絕對閾,因為並沒有一個...
霍華德·加德納博士對MIDAS的評價:To my knowledge,The M.I.D.A.S. represents the first effort to measure the Multiple Intelligences, which have been developed according to standard psychometric procedures.Branton Shearer is to be vongratulated for the careful andcautious way in which he has created...
絕對閾限(absolute threshold)是指能可靠地引起感覺的最小刺激強度(物理能量)。定義 確定絕對閾限的方法是實施探測作業:以從小至大或從大至小改變刺激量,或隨機呈現各種不同的強度的刺激方法,探測人對不同刺激的感覺反應,由此建立心理測量函式(psychometric function),繪出每一強度的刺激(X軸坐標)的覺察...
2 Research in Action The Autism “Epidemic” 122 chapter 5 Cognitive Development during the First Three Years 136 Studying Cognitive Development: Six Approaches 138 Behaviorist Approach: Basic Mechanics of Learning 139 Classical and Operant Conditioning 139 Infant Memory 139 Psychometric Approac ...
《Psychological Testing and Assessment》是2012年McGraw-Hill Education出版的圖書,作者是Ronald Jay Cohen。內容簡介 Psychological Testing and Assessment presents students with a solid grounding in psychometrics and the world of testing and assessment. The book distinguishes itself through its logical ...
...strongly recommended to psychologists interested in psychometric issues or researchers aiming to use this approach to analyze scales used in their own research.—Studia Psychologica ...a thorough and comprehensive introduction to IRT and is a very useful reference book. It would be a helpful ...
Lee, S., Choi, K. S. & Choe, I. S. (2003. 7. 7) Factor Structure of a Testlet-Based Test. The 13th International Meeting and the 68th Annual American Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Italy (Cagliary)Lee, S., Choi, K. S. & Choe, I. S. (2002. 4. 16) Representations ...
Morgan, G. A., Wang J., Liao H., Xu, Q. Using the Dimensions of Mastery Questionnaire (DMQ) to Assess Mastery Motivation of English- and Chinese- Speaking Children: Psychometrics and Implications for Self-regulation. For inclusion as a chapter in K.C. Barrett (Ed.) (2012). Handbook ...
Wang, Y.,Wen, Z., Fu, Y.,& Zheng, L. (2017). Psychometric properties of a Chinese version of the measure of empathy and sympathy. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 168–174.Chen, Y., Wen, Z., & Ye, M. (2017). Exploring profiles of work regulatory focus: A person-...
8. Xia P,Li NX*, Hau KT, Liu CJ, Lu YB. Quality of life of Chinese urban community residents: a psychometric study of the mainland Chinese version of the WHOQOL-BREF. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2012;12:11.9. 張力文,李寧秀*. 基於AHP的城鄉衛生一體化評價體系研究. 軟科學. 2011;25(12)...
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Zhu, Z. H., Huang, F., Wang, W. Z., et al. (2009, June). The psychometric properties of children’s impact of event scale administered via mobile phone. The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, China. (全文).Huang, F., & Zhang, J. X....
(PRO) scale in spleen Qi deficiency syndrome for the further development of scale items, the establishment of the item pool and lay a theoretical foundation. [Methods] The work was performed under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory and the direction of psychometrics. ...
5. Zhao, J. X., Xing, X. P., & Wang, M. F. (2012). Psychometric properties of the Spence children’s anxiety scale (SCAS) in Mainland Chinese children and adolescents. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 26, 728–736. (SSCI)6. 趙金霞. (2012). 兒童中期親子依戀與焦慮症狀的交叉滯後分析....
(2021). The Empathy Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (EmQue-CA) in Chinese: Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 102775. 7. Yang, X. J., Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., McBride, C. (2021)....