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  • 中文名:楊秀傑 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師



Visiting Fellow, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University 2018-2019
Supervisor: Jon Star
Ph.D., Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016-2019
Supervisor: Catherine McBride
M.A.,School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences,Peking University 2013-2016
B.S., School of Psychology,Beijing Normal University 2009-2013


Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,2019.7-2019.11



1. Yang, X., *, Yan, M., Ruan, Y., Ku, S., Lo, J., Peng P., & McBride, C. (in press). Relations among Phonological Processing Skills and Mathematics in Children: A Meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/edu0000710
2. Yang, X. J., Zhang, J., Lv, Y. P., Wang, F., Ding, G. S., Zhang, M. L., Meng, X. Z., Song, Y. (2021). Failure of resting-state frontal-occipital connectivity in linking visual perception with reading fluency in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia. NeuroImage. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117911
3. Chen, X., Chen, Y., Yu, X., Wei, J., & Yang, X*. (Accepted). The Impact of Family Socioeconomic Status on Parental Involvement and Student Engagement during COVID-19 in Promoting Later Academic Achievement: A Longitudinal Study in Chinese Children. Contemporary Educational Psychology.
4. Yang, X., Pan, D. J., Lo, J., & McBride, C*. (in press). Same or Different: Chinese Single Character Reading and 2-Character Word Reading of Young Readers with Development. Reading and Writing.
5. Tan, Y., Ding, W., Jiang, Y., Yang, X., Qin, S., Hinshaw, S. P., & Lin, X*. (2021). Different associations of parental control, attachment, and child depressive symptoms between paternal and maternal Grandparenting families. Current Psychology, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02129-0
6. Lin, X.*, Chen, H., Tan, Y., Yang, X., & Chi, P. (2021). The Empathy Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents (EmQue-CA) in Chinese: Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 102775. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajp.2021.102775
7. Yang, X. J., Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., McBride, C. (2021). How do phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming, and vocabulary contribute to early numeracy and print knowledge of Filipino children?. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105179
8. Qi, Y., Chen, Y., Yang, X. *, & Yusi Hao. (accepted). How does Working Memory Matter in Young Children’s Arithmetic Skills: The Mediating Role of Basic Number Processing. Current Psychology.
9. Yang, X. J., Zhang, X., & Huo, S, T. (2021). Visual-spatial skills Contribute to Chinese Reading and Arithmetic for Different Reasons: A Three-wave Longitudinal Study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105142
10. Pan, D. J., Yang, X., Lui, K. F. H., Lo, J. C. M., McBride, C., & Ho, C. S. H. (2021). Character and Word Reading in Chinese: Why and How They Should Be Considered Uniquely Vis-à-vis Literacy Development. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 101961. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cedpsych.2021.101961
11. Tong, J., Zhang, Z., Chen, W., He, Z.*, & Yang, X.* (2021). How physical fitness influences academic burnout in elementary students: An interpersonal perspective. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.117911
12. Dang, X., Li, L., Chen, Y., & Yang, X. (2021). Distinguishing between high-confidence true and false memories: evidence from eye movements. Australian Journal of Psychology, 73(2), 243-253. https://doi.org/10.1080/00049530.2020.1865779
13. Yu, X., Chen, Y., Xie, W., & Yang, X*. (accepted). Bidirectional relationship between visual perception and mathematics performance in Chinese kindergartners. Current Psychology.
14. Zhang, C., Yang, X., & Xu, W. (2021). Parenting style and aggression in Chinese undergraduates with left-behind experience: The mediating role of inferiority. Children and Youth Services Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2021.106011.
15. Yang, X. J., & Qiao, L. (2021). Effects of Spatial Skills and Working Memory on Chinese Character Reading in Young Children. Infant and Child Development.
16. Cheung, S. K., Dulay, K. M., Yang, X. J., Mohseni, F., McBride, C. (2021). Home literacy and numeracy environments in Asia. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.578764
17. Yang, X, J., & Yu, X. (2020). The relationship between mental rotation and arithmetic: Do number line estimation, working memory, or place-value concept matter? British Journal of Educational Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/BJEP.12403
18. Yang, X. J., Zhang, X., Huo, S, T. (2020). Dissociated contributions of cognitive profiles to symbolic and non-symbolic mathematics. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2020.04.003
19. Wu, H., Yang, X., Chen, Y. (2020). How do Working Memory and Inhibition Contribute to the SNARC Effect in Chinese School-aged Children? Cognitive Development. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2020.100959
20. Yang, X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2020). Visual processing matters in Chinese reading acquisition and early mathematics. Frontiers in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00462
21. Wong, S. W. L., Zheng, M., Cheung, H., Yang, X. J., Ho, C. S. H., McBride, C. (2020). The effect of twinning on Chinese and English vocabulary development. Child Development. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13400
22. Yang, X. J., & McBride, C. (2020). How do phonological processing abilities contribute to early Chinese reading and mathematics?. Educational Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2020.1771679
23. Yang, X. J., McBride, C., Ho, C. S. H., & Chung, C. C. (2019). Longitudinal associations of phonological processing skills, Chinese word reading, and arithmetic. Reading and Writing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11145-019-09998-9
24. Yang, X. J., Chung, C. C., & McBride, C. (2019). The contributions of executive functioning and visual-spatial skills to Chinese children’s mathematical learning. Educational Psychology. 1, 1-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2018.1546831
25. Yang, X. J., Peng, P., & Meng, X. Z. (2019). The Domain-general Precursors of Chinese Reading Acquisition in Beginning Readers: The Mediation Effect of Domain-specific Factors. Frontiers in Psychology. 9, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02670
26. Yang, X. J., Peng, P., & Meng, X. (2019). How do metalinguistic awareness, working memory, reasoning, and inhibition contribute to Chinese character reading of kindergarten children?. Infant and Child Development, e2122. https://doi.org/10.1002/icd.2122
27. Li, H., Booth, J. R., Bélanger, N. N… Yang, X. J… & Liu, L. (2018). Structural correlates of literacy difficulties in the second language: Evidence from Mandarin-speaking children learning English. NeuroImage.179, 288-297. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.06.037.
28. Cheung, S. K., Yang, X. J., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2018). Family and individual variables associated with young Filipino children's numeracy interest and competence. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 36(2), 334-353. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjdp.12222
29. Peng, P.#, Yang, X. J.# (Co-first author), & Meng, X. (2017). The relation between approximate number system and early arithmetic: The mediation role of numerical knowledge. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 157, 111-124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2016.12.011
30. Feng, X., Li, L., Zhang, M., Yang, X., Tian, M., Xie, W.,.. & Ding, G. (2017). Dyslexic children show atypical cerebellar activation and cerebro-cerebellar functional connectivity in orthographic and phonological processing. Cerebellum, 16(2), 496-507. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12311-016-0829-2
31. Yang, X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2016). Dissociation between exact and approximate addition in developmental dyslexia. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 56,139-152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2016.05.018
32. Yang, X. J., Han, Y. G., & Wang, D. H. (2013). The aging effect of task switching. Studies of Psychology and Behavior, 11(3), 359-366. [楊秀傑, 韓雨歌, & 王大華. (2013). 任務切換的老化效應. 心理與行為研究, 11(3), 359-366.] (CSSCI)
33. *Yang, X. J. & Feng, Y. N. (2013). Effects of negative emotion and gender difference on task switching. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 27(5), 396-400. [*楊秀傑 & 馮亞楠. (2013). 消極情緒對任務切換的作用及其性別差異. 中國心理衛生雜誌, 27(5), 396-400.] (CSSCI)


1. “三重編碼模型”視角下數學學習困難兒童的數字加工缺陷及干預研究
2. 兒童發展性閱讀障礙和計算障礙的共患性:行為和腦機制研究
國家自然科學基金青年基金,主持人 2021.01-2024.01
3. 中國學齡兒童腦智發育佇列研究
4. Parental Promotion of Children’s Early Numeracy, Mathematical Language, and Vocabulary Knowledge: An Intervention Study (Co-I)
Collaborator: Catherine McBride, Hong Kong General Research Fund July, 2021-June, 2024
5. 教學與科研相結合:以課程“數學障礙兒童的認知與發展”為例
北京師範大學教學發展基金,主持人 2020.01-2021.01
6. 不同運算條件下的性別差異以及認知影響因素:來自小學生和成人的證據 2020.10-2022.09
7. 兒童早期語音加工能力對其數學發展的重要影響:一項追蹤研究 2019.12- 2022.12
8. Different contributions of cognitive profiles to fractions of Chinese primary children: A cross-sectional study (PI)
Collaborator: Jon Star, Harvard UniversityJan.2017-June.2019
9. How do phonological awareness, phonological memory, and RAN contribute to early arithmetic of young children? The mediation effect of early numeracy knowledge (Co-I)
Collaborator: Catherine McBride, Direct Grant of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Jun.2018-June.2019
10. An eye movement exploration of the visual factors during fatigue driving (PI)
Supervisor: Xuemin Zhang, National Undergraduate Innovation Program Nov.2011-Mar.2013
11. The aging effect of task switching (PI)
Supervisor: Dahua Wang, BNU Undergraduate Innovation Research GrantNov.2010-Mar.2012
12. Continuity and discontinuity from whole numbers to fraction and rational numbers in numerical cognition (RA)
Work as Research Assistant
Supervisor: Yujing Ni, Direct Grant of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Jun.2015-Sep.2015
13. The cognitive neurophysiological study on perceptual learning difficulties in Chinese-speaking children with developmental dyslexia (RA)
Work as Research Assistant
Supervisor: Xiangzhi Meng, National Natural Science Funds Mar. 2014-Apr.2017
14. The cognitive neuropsychological mechanisms in developmental dyslexia (RA)
Work as Research Assistant
Supervisor: Xiangzhi Meng, National Natural Science Funds Aug.2011-Feb.2015


1. Yang, X. J., Pan, J., Lo, C. M., & McBride, C. (2020). Same or Different: Chinese Single Character Reading and 2-Character Word Reading of Young Readers with Development. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA) (Sep, China).
2. Yang, X. J., &Dulay, K. M., Cheung, S. K., McBride, C(2019). Developmental trajectories of early numeracy and print knowledge in young Filipino children: The roles of phonological awareness, rapid automatized naming, and vocabulary knowledge. Symposium presented at Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society conference (MCLS) (June, Canada).
3. Yang, X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2019). How does visual acuity contribute to Chinese reading and mathematics? The mediating effects of orthographic knowledge and early numerical processing. Paper presented at International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS) (Mar, France).
4. Yang, X. J., & McBride, C. (2019). How do phonological processing abilities contribute to early Chinese reading and mathematics?. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA) (Feb, India).
5. Yang, X. J., & McBride, C. (2018). Longitudinal associations of phonological processing skills, Chinese word reading, and arithmetic. Paper presented at The International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) (July, Austrilia).
6. Yang, X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2018). The absence of global precedence in children with developmental dyslexia. Paper presented at The International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) (July, Austrilia).
7. Cheung, S. K., Yang, X. J., Dulay, K. M., & McBride, C. (2018). Home Learning Environment or Parents’ Characteristics: Which Matters More for Filipino Children’s Numeracy Skills? Paper presented at The 70th International OMEP Conference (June, Czech).
8. Yang, X. J., Han, Y. G., & Wang, D. H. (2018). The aging effect of task switching. U.S.-Hong Kong 2018 Aging Conference "Aging across Time and Contexts" (May, Hong Kong).
9. Yang, X. J., Lo, J. C. M., McBride, C., & Ho, C. S-K. (2018). Pathways to reading and arithmetic: the role of rapid automatic naming, phonological working memory, and phonological awareness. Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA) (February, Japan).
10. Yang, X. J. (2018). Phonological awareness, RAN, and vocabulary contribute to early numeracy and print knowledge of Filipino Children. Paper presented at the Exchange Conference of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Beijing (May, Hong Kong).
11. Yang, X. J., Meng, X. Z., & McBride, C. (2017). The Domain-general and Domain-specific Precursors for Chinese character recognition in Beginning Readers: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) (April, USA).
12. Yang, X. J., Peng, P., & Meng, X. Z. (2017). Do Domain-general Cognitive Skills Matter in Early Chinese Character Reading? Paper presented at Association for Reading and Writing in Asia (ARWA) (February, Hong Kong).
13. McBride, C., Lo, J. C. M., Yang, X. J., Ho, C. S.-H., & Waye, M. (2017). Delay copying uniquely explains spelling in both Chinese and English. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) (April, USA).
14. Yang, X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2016). The Domain-general and Domain-specific Precursors for Chinese Reading Acquisition. Paper presented at the Psychological Association Conference for Four Beijing Universities (May, China).
15. Yang, X. J. (2015). An eye movement exploration of the visual factors during fatigue driving. Paper presented at the Exchange Conference of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Beijing (May, Hong Kong).
Yang, X. J. & Meng, X. Z. (2014). Dissociation between exact calculation and approximation in developmental dyslexia. Paper presented at British Dyslexia Association International Conference (March, UK).
17. Yang, X. J. (2013).Effects of negative emotion and gender difference on task switching. Paper presented at the Psychological Association Conference for Four Beijing Universities (April, China).


  • 心理學導論/普通心理學(本科生專業必修課)
Teaching assistant (2012-2018)
  • Statistics Consultation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (in English, 2018.7-2019.2)
  • Statistics Consultation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (in English, 2017.9-2018.1)
  • Psychological Testing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (in English, 2016.12-2017.4)
  • Teaching Struggling Readers Around The World (K-12), Canvas Network MOOC (in English, 2019)
  • Abnormal Child Psychology, Peking University(in Chinese, 2015.9-2016.1)
  • Experimental Child Psychology, Peking University(in Chinese, 2014.9-2015.1)
  • Developmental Psychology, Peking University (in Chinese, 2013.9-2014.1)


1. 北京師範大學優秀黨員 (2021年)
2. 本科生優秀教育實習工作者(2020年)
3. The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (香港政府獎學金, 2016-2019), University Grants Committee (HK$ 900, 000)
4. The Psychology Department Best Thesis Award, CUHK(香港中文大學心理學系優秀博士畢業論文獎, 2019)
5. The First Prize for Graduation Thesis Competition, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2019)
6. The Global Scholarship for Research Excellence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2018)
7. The Overseas Academic Activities Travel Grants, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (2016-2019)
8. The Travel Fund of MCLS (The Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society) (2019)
9. 國家獎學金(2013-2014; 2014-2015)、國家勵志獎學金(2010-2011; 2011-2012)等


