霍華德·加德納博士對MIDAS的評價:To my knowledge,The M.I.D.A.S. represents the first effort to measure the Multiple Intelligences, which have been developed according to standard psychometric procedures.Branton Shearer is to be vongratulated for the careful andcautious way in which he has created his instrument and offered guidance for it's use and interpretation.(據我所知,MIDAS是衡量多元智慧型的首次努力,根據標準的心理程式開發。布萊頓·希勒是值得祝賀的,他通過小心和謹慎的方式創造了他的測量方法,並為其使用和解釋提供指導。)MIDAS專家在一起
布萊頓·希勒博士對MIDAS如是說:I created the MIDAS in 1987 to help people to achieve their full intellectual potential and live satisfying and rewarding lives as valued members of their community. This work has taken me to many fascinating places around the world and across the United States as I've worked with students, teachers and business leaders to bring the power of the multiple intelligences to their daily work and lives. The MIDAS is used for a wide variety of purposes. This website can be your hub for learning。(1987年,我創建了MIDAS,用以幫助人們開發他們的智力潛能,過上充分滿足和有意義的生活,成為有價值的社會成員。這項工作讓我去過美國和世界上許多迷人的地方,在這些地方,我和學生、教師和商業領袖一起工作,把多元智慧型的力量帶進他們的日常工作和生活。)