Dr. Shearer is a developmental pyschologist who received his master’s degree at Harvard University and his Ph.D in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation at the Union Institute. He created The Multiple Intelligences Developmental Scales (MIDAS) in 1987 as a unique alternative to poorly designed MI tests.
Dr. Shearer conducts Multiple Intelligences workshops for teachers and school administrators. He is an instructor at Kent State University where he assists practicing teachers to learn how to use their multiple intelligences to achieve personal and professional goals. Dr. Shearer is also the founder and chair of the Multiple Intelligences Special Interest Group (MI-SIG) for the American Educational Research Association.
983年,哈佛大學教授霍華德·加德納(Howard Gardner)出版《智慧型的結構》,創立多元智慧型理論。 1987年,哈佛大學的布萊頓·希勒(Branton Shearer)博士嚴格按照多元智慧型理論,根據標準的心理程式開發開發MIDAS™系統,並得到霍華德·加德納(Howard Gardner)的首肯。 1997年,新加坡NURTURE CRAFT PTE LTD集團旗下的公司THE ART COSTA CENTRE FOR THINKING PTE LTD成為MIDAS™授權認證亞洲中心。 2011年,新腦力教育集團和新加坡NURTURE CRAFT PTE LTD集團簽訂戰略合作協定,成為該集團在中國唯一合作夥伴以及MIDAS™多元智慧型發展測評系統在中國唯一合法管理機構。