


  • 中文名:脾氣虛證PRO量表概念框架的探討
  • 外文名:Research on conceptual framework of PRO scale in spleen Qi deficiency syndrome
  • 作者:林建東、胡鏡清、劉保延
  • 語種:Chinese 漢語
  • 中圖分類::R289.5
  • 屬性:書籍
作者: 林建東[1] 胡鏡清[2,3] 劉保延[4]
論文題名: 英文題名:
作者機構: [1]福建中醫藥大學,福州350001 [2]河南中醫學院,鄭州450008 [3]中國中醫科學院廣安門醫院國家中醫藥管理局中醫臨床研究方法重點研究室,北京100053 [4]中國中醫科學院,北京100700
題名、責任者附註: LIN Jian-dong, HU Jing-qing, LIU Bao-yan(1. Fujian University of TCM, Fuzhou 350001, China, 2.Henan College of TCM, Zhengzhou 450008, China, 3. The key research unit of TCM clinical research methods, Guanganmen Hospital, China A cademy of Chinese Medical Science Beijing 100053, China; 4. China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing 100700, China)
作者簡介: 作者簡介:林建東(1988-),男,碩士,主要從事心腦血管疾病中醫證治規律研究。
期刊收錄: 國家中醫藥管理局中醫藥行業科研專項項目(201107006); 北京市科技計畫項目(Z11110207031101)
來源: 天津中醫藥, Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chin Medicine,2013,005
標識號: ISSN:1672-1519CN:12-1349/R
中文關鍵字: 脾氣虛證 療效評價 PRO量表 概念框架
英文關鍵字: spleen Qi deficiency syndrome; evaluation of the effect; PRO scale; conceptual framework
中文摘要 [目的]構建脾氣虛證患者報告結局(PRO)量表的概念框架為進一步發展量表條目、建立條目池和量表的研製奠定理論基礎。[方法]在中醫傳統理論的指導下,參照美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)所規定的PRO量表的製作原則及流程,根據脾氣虛證的臨床特點,結合世界衛生組織(WHO)的健康概念、中醫整體觀念及脾臟的生理功能構建量表的概念框架。[結果]量表分為生理、心理、獨立性和社會4個領域,生理領域由脾虛症狀、氣虛症狀、五臟相關3個方面組成;心理領域由消極感受、積極感受2個方面組成;獨立性領域由日常生活能力、工作學習能力2個方面組成;社會領域由社會支持、社會關係2個方面組成。[結論]通過對脾氣虛證概論的操作及界定,初步探討形成的4個領域9個方面能夠較為全面地概括了脾氣虛的內涵和外延。
英文摘要 [[Objective] To develop a conceptual framework of patient-reported outcomes (PRO) scale in spleen Qi deficiency syndrome for the further development of scale items, the establishment of the item pool and lay a theoretical foundation. [Methods] The work was performed under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory and the direction of psychometrics. The formation of the conceptual framework of PRO scale in spleen Qi deficiency syndrome is set up according to the clinical features of spleen Qi deficiency syndrome, the production principles and processes of PRO scale in United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and combined with the WHO concept of health, TCM holistic concept and physiological functions of the spleen. [Results] The scale is composed of four domains: physiology domain, psychology domain, independence domain and social domain. The physiology domain is composed of three facets, which are symptoms of spleen deficiency, symptoms of Qi deficiency and symptoms of the five viscera. The psychology domain is composed of negative feelings and positive feelings. The independence domain is composed of three faces of the activities of daily living and work learning ability. The social domain is composed of social support and social relations. [Conclusion] The four domains and nine fields that formed by preliminary study of defineing and explaining the conception of Spleen Qi Deficiency Syndrome generalize about the connotation and extension of it allsidely.]


