



  • 中文名:發展心理學(第12版·英文版)
  • 作者:[美]黛安娜·帕帕拉、露絲·費爾德曼
  • ISBN:9787115373465
  • 頁數:765頁
  • 定價:128元
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年11月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:大16開


這本《發展心理學》(Experience Human Development)(第 12版)是發展心理學領域的經典著作,自第 一版面世到今,在美國市場上一直是同類書中的領導,被眾多大學和院校指定為教材。
其一,書名有變化。從第 12版開始,書名由原來的“Human Development”改為“Experience Human Development”。“experience”一詞體現了本書的新理念——體驗式,也突顯了這個版本的新特點:(1)注重理論聯繫實際,讓讀者充分體驗一種與他們的現實世界緊密相聯的項目。(2)重視文化的作用:讓讀者體驗文化的多樣性以及文化對發展的影響。(3)課程資料豐富詳實:讓讀者在浩瀚詳實的課程資料中汲取知識。(4)精選前沿研究:讓讀者接觸到當前**新的發展心理學的研究。
其三,作者團隊增加了新成員。加布里埃拉·瑪托雷爾(Gabriela Martorell)在加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校獲得發展和進化心理學博士,在多所大學教授心理學研究方法、畢生發展心理學、心理學中的文化議題和進化心理學等多門課程。她的加入為本書注入了新的血液。
《發展心理學(第 12版 英文版)》包括九大編,共19章。第 一編概述了發展心理學研究的歷史脈絡,以及發展心理學的基本理論和研究。從第 二編到第八編,按照個體畢生的發展階段,分別描述和介紹了個體在胎兒期、嬰幼兒期、童年早期、童年中期、童年晚期、青少年期、成年早期、成年中期、成年晚期的生理、認知、心理社會的發展情況。第九編闡述了生命結束階段中死亡和喪親的相關問題,並引導人們如何克服死亡恐懼和應對死亡。
《發展心理學(第 12版 英文版)》適合作為普通高等院校心理學專業的研究生和本科生的教科書,也適合於社會各類專門從事發展心理學研究和諮詢的機構及人員使用,也適合於對發展心理學感興趣的廣大讀者參考閱讀。


Part 1 About Human Development
chapter 1 The Study of Human Development 2
Human Development: An Ever-Evolving Field 4
Studying the Life Span 5
Human Development Today 5
The Study of Human Development: Basic Concepts 5
Domains of Development 6
Periods of the Life Span 7
Influences on Development 10
Heredity, Environment, and Maturation 10
Contexts of Development 10
Normative and Nonnormative Influences 15
Timing of Influences: Critical or Sensitive Periods 16
Paul B. Baltes’s Life-Span Developmental Approach 18
summary and key terms 20
Box 1.1 Window on the World Children of Immigrant Families 14
Box 1.2 Research in Action Is There a Critical Period for Language Acquisition  18
chapter 2 Theory and Research 22
Basic Theoretical Issues 24
Issue 1: Is Development Active or Reactive  25
Issue 2: Is Development Continuous or Discontinuous  26
Theoretical Perspectives 26
Perspective 1: Psychoanalytic 27
Perspective 2: Learning 30
Perspective 3: Cognitive 32
Perspective 4: Contextual 35
Perspective 5: Evolutionary/Sociobiological 37
A Shifting Balance 37
Research Methods 38
Quantitative and Qualitative Research 38
Sampling 39
Forms of Data Collection 40
Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research 42
Basic Research Designs 42
Developmental Research Designs 47
Ethics of Research 49
summary and key terms 50
Box 2.1 Window on the World Purposes of Cross-Cultural Research 44
Part 2 Beginnings
chapter 3 Forming a New Life 52
Conceiving New Life 54
How Fertilization Takes Place 54
What Causes Multiple Births  55
Mechanisms of Heredity 56
The Genetic Code 56
What Determines Sex  57
Patterns of Genetic Transmission 58
Genetic and Chromosomal Abnormalities 61
Genetic Counseling and Testing 65
Nature and Nurture: Influences of Heredity and Environment 67
Studying Heredity and Environment 68
How Heredity and Environment Work Together 69
Some Characteristics Influenced by Heredity and Environment 72
Prenatal Development 74
Stages of Prenatal Development 75
Environmental Influences: Maternal Factors 81
Environmental Influences: Paternal Factors 88
Monitoring and Promoting Prenatal Development 88
Disparities in Prenatal Care 90
The Need for Preconception Care 90
summary and key terms 91
Box 3.1 Research in Action Genetic Testing 66
chapter 4 Birth and Physical Development during the First Three Years 94
Childbirth and Culture: How Birthing Has Changed 96
The Birth Process 98
Stages of Childbirth 98
Electronic Fetal Monitoring 98
Vaginal versus Cesarean Delivery 99
Medicated versus Nonmedicated Delivery 100
The Newborn Baby 101
Size and Appearance 102
Body Systems 102
Medical and Behavioral Assessment 103
States of Arousal 104
Complications of Childbirth 105
Low Birth Weight 105
Can a Supportive Environment Overcome Effects of Birth Complications  109
Postmaturity 110
Stillbirth 110
Survival and Health 111
Reducing Infant Mortality 111
Immunization for Better Health 114
Early Physical Development 115
Principles of Development 115
Growth Patterns 116
Nutrition 116
The Brain and Reflex Behavior 118
Early Sensory Capacities 126
Motor Development 127
Milestones of Motor Development 127
Motor Development and Perception 130
Eleanor and James Gibson’s Ecological Theory of Perception 130
How Motor Development Occurs: Thelen’s Dynamic Systems Theory 131
Cultural Influences on Motor Development 132
summary and key terms 132
Box 4.1 Research in Action Lessons from Neuroscience 119
Box 4.2 Research in Action The Autism “Epidemic” 122
chapter 5 Cognitive Development during the First Three Years 136
Studying Cognitive Development: Six Approaches 138
Behaviorist Approach: Basic Mechanics of Learning 139
Classical and Operant Conditioning 139
Infant Memory 139
Psychometric Approac


