Stanford University, Visiting Scholar
University of Georgia, Ph.D.
Teachers College, Columbia University, M.A.
Mindfulness, Associate Editor 副主編
Journal of Child and Family Studies, Associate Editor 副主編
長期擔任Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Family Psychology, Social Development, Parenting: Science and Practice, British Journal of Developmental Psychology等期刊專家審稿人
1. Xu, J., Wang, H., Liu, S., Hale, M. E., Weng, X., Ahemaitijiang, N., Hu, Y.*, Suveg, C., & Han, Z. R.* (2023). Relations Among Family, Peer, and Academic Stress and Adjustment in Chinese Adolescents: A Daily Diary Analysis. Developmental Psychology.
2. 徐健捷,張一一,林德堃,車俐穎,宋漫漫,韓卓*.(2023). 兒童對環境的生物敏感性的作用及父母差異. 心理學報,55,469-480.
3. Yi, L.*, Wang, Q., Song, C., & Han, Z. R.* (2022). Hypo- or hyperarousal? The mechanisms underlying social information processing in autism. Child Development Perspectives, 16, 215-222.
4. Wang, H., Liu, S., Xu, J., Hu, X., & Han, Z. R.*(2023). Daily experiences and well-being of Chinese parents of children with autism. Autism, 1-15.
5. Han, Z. R., Ahemaitijiang, N., Yan, J., Hu, X.*, Parent, J., Dale, C., DiMarzio, K., & Singh, N. (2021). Parent mindfulness, parenting, and child psychopathology in China. Mindfulness, 12, 334-343.
6. Wang, H., Suveg, C., West, K. B., Han, Z. R.*, Zhang, X., Hu, X., & Yi, L. (2021). Synchrony of respiratory sinus arrhythmia in parents and children with autism spectrum disorder: Moderation by interaction quality and child behavior problems. Autism Research, 14, 512-522.
7. Zhang, X., Han, Z. R.*, & Gatzke-Kopp, L. M. (2021). A biopsychosocial approach to emotion-related parenting: Physiological responses to child frustration among urban Chinese parents. Journal of Family Psychology.
8. Cui, L*., Zhang, X., & Han, Z. R.* (2021). Perceived child difficultness, emotion dysregulation, and emotion-related parenting among Chinese parents. Family Process, doi: 10.1111/famp.12638
9. Ahemaitijiang, N., Han, Z. R.*, Dale, c., DiMarzio, K., & Parent, J. (2021). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Multidimensional Assessment of Parenting Scale (MAPS). Psychological Assessment, doi:.org/10.1037/pas0000981
10. West, K. B., Wickrama, K. A. S., Han, Z. R.*, & Suveg, C. (2021). Preschoolers’ dynamic Respiratory Sinus Arrythmia (RSA) change during a challenging parent-child interactive task: Relations with preschoolers’ socioemotional health. Developmental Psychobiology, doi: 10.1002/dev.22054