

《項目管理(英文版·原書第4版)》是2018年機械工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是[美]傑弗里 K. 賓圖(Jeffrey K. Pinto)(賓夕法尼亞州立大學)。


  • 書名:項目管理(英文版·原書第4版)
  • 作者:[美]傑弗里 K. 賓圖(Jeffrey K. Pinto)(賓夕法尼亞州立大學)
  • ISBN:9787111615439
  • 定價:119元
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年12月
  • 開本:16開


本書在涵蓋美國項目管理協會(PMI)制定的項目管理知識體系(PMBoK)的基礎上,從戰略的層面闡釋了項目管理的方法、以整體的視角看待項目管理中多要素的集成;從項目管理的科學層面介紹了項目的風險管理、成本估算和預算、項目進度計畫與關鍵鏈、資源管理、項目評估和控制等技術與方法;同時也從項目管理的藝術層面刻畫了項目經理、項目團隊的職責和作用,研究了團隊建設、衝突解決、談判協商的方法。本書通過設計基於MS Project練習、項目管理研究精要、網上練習等多種方式,將現代項目管理理論、項目管理實踐、研究和案例學習結合起來,讀者可以從多視束芝台角來理解項目管理過程。


第1章 概述:為什麼需要項目管理 1
項目導讀1-1 奈及利亞拉各斯的開發項目 2
概述 4
1.1 什麼是項目 5
1.2 為什麼項目很重要 9
項目導讀1-2 “拿錢打水漂”:BBC的數字媒體計畫 10
實踐中的項目經理1-1 史蒂芬妮·史密斯,西屋電氣公司 15
1.4 項目成功的決定因素 16
項目管理研究精要1-1 如何評估IT項目的成功 19
1.5 建立項目管理成熟度 19
1.6 項目的基礎和本書的組織框架 23
小結 27
討論題 29
案例分析1-1 米格科技有限公司 29
案例分析1-2 漢姆林醫院的信息技術部門 30
案例分析1-3 迪士尼珠峰探險 31
案例分析1-4 智利礦工的救援 32
網上練習 33
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 34
注釋 34
第2章 組織的環境:戰略、結構和文化 36
項目導讀2-1 特斯拉的50億美元豪賭 37
概述 38
2.1 項目與組織戰略 39
2.2 干係人管理 41
2.3 組織結構 47
2.4 組織結構的形式 48
項目管理研究精要2-1 組織結構對項目績效的影響 56
2.6 企業文化 59
項目導讀2-2 美國藝電公司與設計團隊中堅固的文化力量 64
小結 65
討論題 67
案例分析2-1 勞陵整淚斯萊殃匙求膠斯公司 67
案例分析2-2 經典案例:失樂霉霉鞏園—施樂
公司的Alto個人電腦 68
案例分析2-3 項目任務估計和“擴大–壓縮”文化 69
案例分析2-4 WRU公司 70
網上練習 70
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 70
項目綜合練習 制訂你的項目計畫 72
注釋 74
第3章 項目選擇和項目群管理 76
項目導讀3-1 項目選擇的程式:來自多個行業的項目選擇實例 77
概述 78
3.1 項目選擇 78
3.2 項目審查和選擇的方法 80
3.3 財務模型 90
項目導讀3-2 通用電氣公司的項目選擇和審查:關卡似的過程 97
3.4 項目群管理 98
小結 105
已解決的問題 107
討論題 108
練習題 108
案例分析3-1 凱夫拉維克紙業公司 111
案夜故歸例分析戶阿3-2 西部新星有限公司 112
網上練習 113
注釋 113
第4章 領導力與項目經理 115
項目導讀4-1 倫敦奧運會的傑出領導者—約翰·阿米特爵士 116
概述 117
4.1 領導者與經理 118
4.2 項目經理如何領導團隊 119
項目管理研究精要4-1 領導力與情商 124
4.3 卓越的項目領導者的特質 125
項目導讀4-2 伊拉圖瓦拉皮爾·斯里達蘭博士,印度的項目管理明星 126
4.4 項目倡導者 127
4.5 新的項目領導力 131
實踐中的項目經理4-1 比爾·莫厄里,計算機科學公司 132
項目導讀4-3 全球化管理的挑戰 133
小結 135
討論題 136
案例分析4-1 尋找高效的項目經理 137
案例分析4-2 發船船譽夜掘情商,成為一個真正的領導者 137
案例分析4-3 約翰的難題 138
網上練習 141
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 141
注釋 142
第5章 範圍管理 144
項目導讀5-1 案例:“我們就像傻瓜”— 俄勒岡州失敗的歐巴馬醫保網站 145
概述 146
5.1 概念開發 148
項目導讀5-2 工作說明:當時與現在 151
5.2 範圍說明 153
5.3 工作授權 161
項目導讀5-3 定義項目工作包 163
5.4 範圍報告 164
項目管理研究精要5-1 信息技術項目的“死亡之旅” 165
5.5 控制系統 167
5.6 項目收尾 169
小結 170
討論題 171
練習題 172
案例分析5-1 波音的虛擬圍牆 172
案例分析5-2 加利福尼亞的高速鐵路項目 173
案例分析5-3 Dotcom.com的項目管理 175
案例分析5-4 遠征戰車 176
網上練習 178
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 178
MS Project練習 179
附錄5A 項目章程樣本 180
項目綜合練習 制定工作分解結構 182
注釋 184
第6章 項目團隊的建設、衝突和談判 186
項目導讀6-1 無國界工程師協會:項目團隊改善生活 187
概述 188
6.1 建設項目團隊 189
6.2 高效項目團隊的特徵 192
6.3 團隊失敗的原因 194
6.4 團隊發展的階段 196
6.5 實現跨職能合作 199
6.6 虛擬的項目團隊 202
項目導讀6-2 遠距離虛擬實鏡技術讓虛擬團隊的交流變得容易 203
6.7 衝突管理 204
6.8 談判 209
小結 214
討論題 215
案例分析6-1 哥倫布器械公司 215
案例分析6-2 善於計算的人與牛仔 216
案例分析6-3 詹森&羅傑斯軟體工程公司 217
談判練習 219
網上練習 220
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 220
注釋 221
第7章 風險管理 223
項目導讀7-1 可以熔化汽車的建築 224
概述 225
實踐中的項目經理7-1 馬修·保羅,通用電氣公司 227
7.1 風險管理過程的4個階段 228
項目導讀7-2 美國銀行完全錯估了客戶 230
項目導讀7-3 上海公寓樓倒塌 239
7.2 項目風險管理:一種集成方法 241
小結 243
已解決的問題 244
討論題 244
練習題 244
案例分析7-1 經典案例:德哈維蘭隕落的彗星 245
案例分析7-2 浮不起來的西班牙海軍潛艇 248
案例分析7-3 經典案例:塔科馬海峽吊橋 249
網上練習 251
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 251
項目綜合練習 項目風險評估 253
注釋 255
第8章 成本估算和預算 256
項目導讀8-1 索契冬奧會—國家聲望值多少錢 257
8.1 成本管理 259
8.2 成本估算 262
項目管理研究精要8-1 軟體成本估算 270
項目管理研究精要8-2 大型基礎設施建設中的欺詐行為 274
8.3 制定項目預算 275
8.4 制定應急費用預算 278
小結 280
已解決的問題 282
討論題 283
練習題 284
案例分析8-1 基礎設施項目的隱藏成本—建設大壩的案例 286
案例分析8-2 波士頓中心幹線/隧道項目 288
網上練習 290
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 290
項目綜合練習 制定成本估算和預算 292
注釋 294
第9章 項目進度計畫:網路、歷時估計和關鍵路徑 296
項目導讀9-1 耗費巨資卻一無所得:裏海卡什乾石油開採項目 297
概述 298
9.1 項目進度計畫 299
9.2 關鍵術語 300
9.3 繪製網路圖 302
9.4 歷時估計 307
9.5 確定關鍵路徑 311
項目管理研究精要9-1 軟體開發延時及解決方法 321
小結 322
已解決的問題 323
討論題 325
練習題 325
網上練習 327
MS Project練習 328
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 328
注釋 329
第10章 項目進度計畫:滯後、趕工和活動網路 330
項目導讀10-1 擴建巴拿馬運河 331
概述 333
10.1 活動中的滯後關係 333
10.2 甘特圖 335
實踐中的項目經理10-1 克里斯托弗·富爾茨,勞斯萊斯公司 338
10.3 項目趕工 340
10.5 使用網路的爭議 354
小結 356
已解決的問題 357
討論題 358
練習題 358
案例分析10-1 布朗克切克建築公司的項目進度計畫(A) 360
案例分析10-2 布朗克切克建築公司的項目進度計畫(B) 360
MS Project練習 361
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 361
項目綜合練習 制訂項目進度計畫 363
注釋 365
第11章 計畫和排班的高級課題:敏捷和關鍵鏈 366
項目導讀11-1 通過Kickstarter眾籌平台來開發項目—交付日期意味著一切嗎 367
概述 368
11.1 敏捷項目管理 369
項目管理研究精要11-1 敏捷是否有作用 376
11.2 極限編程 377
11.3 約束理論和關鍵鏈項目進度計畫 377
11.4 關鍵鏈項目進度的解決辦法 379
項目導讀11-2 美國禮來製藥公司與其關鍵鏈項目管理的實現 385
11.5 使用關鍵鏈法解決資源衝突 386
11.6 關鍵鏈項目群管理 387
項目管理研究精要11-2 關鍵鏈進度的優勢 390
11.7 對CCPM的批評 391
小結 391
已解決的問題 393
討論題 394
練習題 394
案例分析11-1 這是敏捷的世界 396
案例分析11-2 德國戰車產品有限公司 397
網上練習 398
注釋 398
第12章 資源管理 400
項目導讀12-1 香港與世界上最長的天然氣管道相連 401
概述 402
12.1 資源約束的基礎 402
12.2 資源負載 405
12.3 資源平衡 407
12.4 資源負載圖 416
實踐中的項目經理12-1 凱文·奧唐奈上尉,美國海軍陸戰隊 418
12.5 多項目環境下的資源管理 420
小結 423
已解決的問題 424
討論題 425
練習題 425
案例分析12-1 多任務處理導致的問題 427
網上練習 428
MS Project練習 428
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 429
項目綜合練習 管理你的項目資源 430
注釋 430
第13章 項目評估和控制 431
項目導讀13-1 紐約的CityTime項目 432
概述 433
13.1 控制循環:一個通用模型 434
13.2 監控項目績效 435
13.3 掙值管理 440
13.4 使用掙值管理一組項目 450
項目導讀13-2 掙值在諾斯羅普–格魯曼公司中的套用 451
13.5 有效使用掙值管理的注意事項 452
13.6 項目評估和控制的人為因素 454
小結 458
已解決的問題 459
討論題 460
練習題 461
案例分析13-1 Kimble大學的IT部門 463
案例分析13-2 超導超級對撞機計畫 464
案例分析13-3 波音787“夢幻客機”停飛事件 465
網上練習 468
MS Project練習 468
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 469
附錄13A 掙得進度 470
注釋 475
第14章 項目收尾和終止 477
項目導讀14-1 杜克能源取消萊維縣的核電廠 478
概述 479
14.1 項目終止的類別 480
實踐中的項目經理14-1 邁克·布朗,勞斯萊斯公司 480
14.2 自然終止:收尾過程 482
14.3 項目的提前終止 487
項目導讀14-2 “瘋狂餵養”的後果:杜拜和取消的建築項目 490
項目管理研究精要14-1 IT行業的項目終止 492
14.4 準備項目終期報告 494
小結 496
討論題 497
案例分析14-1 被終止的哈德遜河隧道工程 497
案例分析14-2 永不結束的項目 499
案例分析14-3 海軍終止旗艦戰艦的開發 500
網上練習 501
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 502
附錄14A  項目簽署檔案的樣本頁 503
注釋 507
附錄A 累積標準常態分配 509
附錄B MS Project 2013指南 510
附錄C 項目計畫框架 520
Chapter 1 IntroduCtIon: Why ProjeCt ManageMent? 1
Project Profile: Development Projects in Lagos, Nigeria 2
Introduction 4
1.1 What Is a Project? 5
General Project Characteristics 6
1.2 Why Are Projects Important? 9
Project Profile: “Throwing Good Money after Bad”: the BBC’s Digital
Media Initiative 10
1.3 Project Life Cycles 13
Box 1.1: Project Managers in Practice 15
1.4 Determinants of Project Success 16
Box 1.2: Project Management Research in Brief 19
1.5 Developing Project Management Maturity 19
1.6 Project Elements and Text Organization 23
Summary 27 · Key Terms 29 · Discussion Questions 29
· Case Study 1.1 MegaTech, Inc. 29 · Case Study 1.2 The IT
Department at Hamelin Hospital 30 · Case Study 1.3 Disney’s Expedition
Everest 31 · Case Study 1.4 Rescue of Chilean Miners 32 · Internet
Exercises 33 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 34 · Notes 34
Chapter 2 the organIzatIonal Context: Strategy, StruCture,
and Culture 36
Project Profile: Case — Tesla’s $5 Billion Gamb le 37
Introduction 38
2.1 Projects and Organizational Strategy 39
2.2 Stakeholder Management 41
Identifying Project Stakeholders 42
Managing Stakeholders 45
2.3 Organizational Structure 47
2.4 Forms of Organizational Structure 48
Functional Organizations 48
Project Organizations 50
Matrix Organizations 53
Moving to Heavyweight Project Organizations 55
Box 2.1: Project Management Research in Brief 56
2.5 Project Management Offices 57
2.6 Organizational Culture 59
How Do Cultures Form? 61
Organizational Culture and Project Management 63
Project Profile: Electronic Arts and the Power of Strong Culture in Design Teams 64
Summary 65 · Key Terms 67 · Discussion Questions 67 · Case
Study 2.1 Rolls-Royce Corporation 67 · Case Study 2.2 Classic Case:
Paradise Lost—The Xerox Alto 68 · Case Study 2.3 Project Task Estimation
and the Culture of “Gotcha!” 69 · Case Study 2.4 Widgets ’R Us 70
· Internet Exercises 70 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 70
· Integrated Project—Building Your Project Plan 72 · Notes 74
Chapter 3 ProjeCt SeleCtIon and PortfolIo ManageMent 76
Project Profile: Project Selection Procedures: A Cross-Industry Sampler 77
Introduction 78
3.1 Project Selection 78
3.2 Approaches to Project Screening and Selection 80
Method One: Checklist Model 80
Method Two: Simplified Scoring Models 82
Limitations of Scoring Models 84
Method Three: The Analytical Hierarchy Process 84
Method Four: Profile Models 88
3.3 Financial Models 90
Payback Period 90
Net Present Value 92
Discounted Payback 94
Internal Rate of Return 94
Choosing a Project Selection Approach 96
Project Profile: Project Selection and Screening at GE: The Tollgate Process 97
3.4 Project Portfolio Management 98
Objectives and Initiatives 99
Developing a Proactive Portfolio 100
Keys to Successful Project Portfolio Management 103
Problems in Implementing Portfolio Management 104
Summary 105 · Key Terms 106 · Solved Problems 107
· Discussion Questions 108 · Problems 108 · Case Study 3.1
Keflavik Paper Company 111 · Case Study 3.2 Project Selection at Nova
Western, Inc. 112 · Internet Exercises 113 · Notes 113
Chapter 4 leaderShIP and the ProjeCt Manager 115
Project Profile: Leading by Example for the London Olympics—Sir John Armitt 116
Introduction 117
4.1 Leaders Versus Managers 118
4.2 How the Project Manager Leads 119
Acquiring Project Resources 119
Motivating and Building Teams 120
Having a Vision and Fighting Fires 121
Communicating 121
Box 4.1: Project Management Research in Brief 124
4.3 Traits of Effective Project Leaders 125
Conclusions about Project Leaders 126
Project Profile: Dr. Elattuvalapil Sreedharan, India’s Project Management Guru 126
4.4 Project Champions 127
Champions—Who Are They? 128
What Do Champions Do? 129
How to Make a Champion 130
4.5 The New Project Leadership 131
Box 4.2: Project Managers in Practice 132
Project Profile: The Challenge of Managing Internationally 133
4.6 Project Management Professionalism 134
Summary 135 · Key Terms 136 · Discussion Questions 136
· Case Study 4.1 In Search of Effective Project Managers 137
· Case Study 4.2 Finding the Emotional Intelligence to Be a Real Leader 137
· Case Study 4.3 Problems with John 138 · Internet Exercises 141
· PMP Certification Sample Questions 141 · Notes 142
Chapter 5 SCoPe ManageMent 144
Project Profile: Case — “We look like fools.”—Oregon’s Failed Rollout of Its Obamacare
Web Site 145
Introduction 146
5.1 Conceptual Development 148
The Statement of Work 150
The Project Charter 151
Project Profile: Statements of Work: Then and Now 151
5.2 The Scope Statement 153
The Work Breakdown Structure 153
Purposes of the Work Breakdown Structure 154
The Organization Breakdown Structure 159
The Responsibility Assignment Matrix 160
5.3 Work Authorization 161
Project Profile: Defining a Project Work Package 163
5.4 Scope Reporting 164
Box 5.1: Project Management Research in Brief 165
5.5 Control Systems 167
Configuration Management 167
5.6 Project Closeout 169
Summary 170 · Key Terms 171 · Discussion Questions 171
· Problems 172 · Case Study 5.1 Boeing’s Virtual Fence 172
· Case Study 5.2 California’s High-Speed Rail Project 173 · Case
Study 5.3 Project Management at Dotcom.com 175 · Case Study 5.4
The Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle 176 · Internet Exercises 178
· PMP Certification Sample Questions 178 · MS Project Exercises 179
· Appendix 5.1: Sample Project Charter 180 · Integrated Project—
Developing the Work Breakdown Structure 182 · Notes 184
Chapter 6 ProjeCt teaM BuIldIng, ConflICt, and negotIatIon 186
Project Profile: Engineers Without Borders: Project Teams Impacting Lives 187
Introduction 188
6.1 Building the Project Team 189
Identify Necessary Skill Sets 189
Identify People Who Match the Skills 189
Talk to Potential Team Members and Negotiate with Functional Heads 189
Build in Fallback Positions 191
Assemble the Team 191
6.2 Characteristics of Effective Project Teams 192
A Clear Sense of Mission 192
A Productive Interdependency 192
Cohesiveness 193
Trust 193
Enthusiasm 193
Results Orientation 194
6.3 Reasons Why Teams Fail 194
Poorly Developed or Unclear Goals 194
Poorly Defined Project Team Roles and Interdependencies 194
Lack of Project Team Motivation 195
Poor Communication 195
Poor Leadership 195
Turnover Among Project Team Members 196
Dysfunctional Behavior 196
6.4 Stages in Group Development 196
Stage One: Forming 197
Stage Two: Storming 197
Stage Three: Norming 198
Stage Four: Performing 198
Stage Five: Adjourning 198
Punctuated Equilibrium 198
6.5 Achieving Cross-Functional Cooperation 199
Superordinate Goals 199
Rules and Procedures 200
Physical Proximity 201
Accessibility 201
Outcomes of Cooperation: Task and Psychosocial Results 201
6.6 Virtual Project Teams 202
Project Profile: Tele-Immersion Technology Eases the Use
of Virtual Teams 203
6.7 Conflict Management 204
What Is Conflict? 205
Sources of Conflict 206
Methods for Resolving Conflict 208
6.8 Negotiation 209
Questions to Ask Prior to the Negotiation 209
Principled Negotiation 210
Invent Options for Mutual Gain 212
Insist on Using Objective Criteria 213
Summary 214 · Key Terms 214 · Discussion Questions 215 · Case
Study 6.1 Columbus Instruments 215 · Case Study 6.2 The Bean Counter
and the Cowboy 216 · Case Study 6.3 Johnson & Rogers Software
Engineering, Inc. 217 · Exercise in Negotiation 219 · Internet
Exercises 220 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 220 · Notes 221
Chapter 7 rISk ManageMent 223
Project Profile: The Building that Melted Cars 224
Introduction 225
Box 7.1: Project Managers in Practice 227
7.1 Risk Management: A Four-Stage Process 228
Risk Identification 228
Project Profile: Bank of America Completely Misjudges Its Customers 230
Risk Breakdown Structures 231
Analysis of Probability and Consequences 231
Risk Mitigation Strategies 234
Use of Contingency Reserves 236
Other Mitigation Strategies 237
Control and Documentation 237
Project Profile: Collapse of Shanghai Apartment Building 239
7.2 Project Risk Management: An Integrated Approach 241
Summary 243 · Key Terms 244 · Solved Problem 244 · Discussion
Questions 244 · Problems 244 · Case Study 7.1 Classic Case: de
Havilland’s Falling Comet 245 · Case Study 7.2 The Spanish Navy Pays
Nearly $3 Billion for a Submarine That Will Sink Like a Stone 248 · Case
Study 7.3 Classic Case: Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge 249 · Internet
Exercises 251 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 251 · Integrated
Project—Project Risk Assessment 253 · Notes 255
Chapter 8 CoSt eStIMatIon and BudgetIng 256
Project Profile: Sochi Olympics—What’s the Cost of National Prestige? 257
8.1 Cost Management 259
Direct Versus Indirect Costs 260
Recurring Versus Nonrecurring Costs 261
Fixed Versus Variable Costs 261
Normal Versus Expedited Costs 262
8.2 Cost Estimation 262
Learning Curves in Cost Estimation 266
Box 8.1: Project Management Research in Brief 270
Problems with Cost Estimation 272
Box 8.2: Project Management Research in Brief 274
8.3 Creating a Project Budget 275
Top-Down Budgeting 275
Bottom-Up Budgeting 276
Activity-Based Costing 276
8.4 Developing Budget Contingencies 278
Summary 280 · Key Terms 281 · Solved Problems 282
· Discussion Questions 283 · Problems 284 · Case Study 8.1 The
Hidden Costs of Infrastructure Projects—The Case of Building Dams 286
· Case Study 8.2 Boston’s Central Artery/Tunnel Project 288 · Internet
Exercises 290 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 290 · Integrated
Project—Developing the Cost Estimates and Budget 292 · Notes 294
Chapter 9 ProjeCt SChedulIng: netWorkS, duratIon eStIMatIon,
and CrItICal Path 296
Project Profile: After 20 Years and More Than $50 Billion, Oil is No Closer to the Surface:
The Caspian Kashagan Project 297
Introduction 298
9.1 Project Scheduling 299
9.2 Key Scheduling Terminology 300
9.3 Developing a Network 302
Labeling Nodes 303
Serial Activities 303
Concurrent Activities 303
Merge Activities 304
Burst Activities 305
9.4 Duration Estimation 307
9.5 Constructing the Critical Path 311
Calculating the Network 311
The Forward Pass 312
The Backward Pass 314
Probability of Project Completion 316
Laddering Activities 318
Hammock Activities 319
Options for Reducing the Critical Path 320
Box 9.1: Project Management Research in Brief 321
Summary 322 · Key Terms 323 · Solved Problems 323 ·
Discussion Questions 325 · Problems 325 · Internet
Exercises 327 · MS Project Exercises 328 · PMP Certification
Sample Questions 328 · Notes 329
Chapter 10 ProjeCt SChedulIng: laggIng, CraShIng, and aCtIvIty
netWorkS 330
Project Profile: Enlarging the Panama Canal 331
Introduction 333
10.1 Lags in Precedence Relationships 333
Finish to Start 333
Finish to Finish 334
Start to Start 334
Start to Finish 335
10.2 Gantt Charts 335
Adding Resources to Gantt Charts 337
Incorporating Lags in Gantt Charts 338
Box 10.1: Project Managers in Practice 338
10.3 Crashing Projects 340
Options for Accelerating Projects 340
Crashing the Project: Budget Effects 346
10.4 Activity-on-Arrow Networks 348
How Are They Different? 348
Dummy Activities 351
Forward and Backward Passes with AOA Networks 352
AOA Versus AON 353
10.5 Controversies in the Use of Networks 354
Conclusions 356
Summary 356 · Key Terms 357 · Solved Problems 357 · Discussion
Questions 358 · Problems 358 · Case Study 10.1 Project Scheduling
at Blanque Cheque Construction (A) 360 · Case Study 10.2 Project
Scheduling at Blanque Cheque Construction (B) 360 · MS Project
Exercises 361 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 361 · Integrated
Project—Developing the Project Schedule 363 · Notes 365
Chapter 11 advanCed toPICS In PlannIng and SChedulIng: agIle
and CrItICal ChaIn 366
Project Profile: Developing Projects Through Kickstarter—Do Delivery Dates Mean
Anything? 367
Introduction 368
11.1 Agile Project Management 369
What Is Unique About Agile PM? 370
Tasks Versus Stories 371
Key Terms in Agile PM 372
Steps in Agile 373
Sprint Planning 374
Daily Scrums 374
The Development Work 374
Sprint Reviews 375
Sprint Retrospective 376
Problems with Agile 376
Box 11.1: Project Management Research in Brief 376
11.2 Extreme Programming (XP) 377
11.3 The Theory of Constraints and Critical Chain Project Scheduling 377
Theory of Constraints 378
11.4 The Critical Chain Solution to Project Scheduling 379
Developing the Critical Chain Activity Network 381
Critical Chain Solutions Versus Critical Path Solutions 383
Project Profile: Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals and Its Commitment to Critical Chain Project
Management 385
11.5 Critical Chain Solutions to Resource Conflicts 386
11.6 Critical Chain Project Portfolio Management 387
Box 11.2: Project Management Research in Brief 390
11.7 Critiques of CCPM 391
Summary 391 · Key Terms 393 · Solved Problem 393
· Discussion Questions 394 · Problems 394 · Case Study 11.1 It’s an
Agile World 396 · Case Study 11.2 Ramstein Products, Inc. 397
· Internet Exercises 398 · Notes 398
Chapter 12 reSourCe ManageMent 400
Project Profile: Hong Kong Connects to the World’s Longest Natural
Gas Pipeline 401
Introduction 402
12.1 The Basics of Resource Constraints 402
Time and Resource Scarcity 403
12.2 Resource Loading 405
12.3 Resource Leveling 407
Step One: Develop the Resource-Loading Table 411
Step Two: Determine Activity Late Finish Dates 412
Step Three: Identify Resource Overallocation 412
Step Four: Level the Resource-Loading Table 412
12.4 Resource-Loading Charts 416
Box 12.1: Project Managers in Practice 418
12.5 Managing Resources in Multiproject Environments 420
Schedule Slippage 420
Resource Utilization 420
In-Process Inventory 421
Resolving Resource Decisions in Multiproject Environments 421
Summary 423 · Key Terms 424 · Solved Problem 424 ·
Discussion Questions 425 · Problems 425 · Case Study 12.1 The
Problems of Multitasking 427 · Internet Exercises 428 · MS Project
Exercises 428 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 429 · Integrated
Project—Managing Your Project’s Resources 430 · Notes 430
Chapter 13 ProjeCt evaluatIon and Control 431
Project Profile: New York City’s CityTime Project 432
Introduction 433
13.1 Control Cycles—A General Model 434
13.2 Monitoring Project Performance 435
The Project S-Curve: A Basic Tool 435
S-Curve Drawbacks 436
Milestone Analysis 437
Problems with Milestones 438
The Tracking Gantt Chart 439
Benefits and Drawbacks of Tracking Gantt Charts 440
13.3 Earned Value Management 440
Terminology for Earned Value 441
Creating Project Baselines 442
Why Use Earned Value? 443
Steps in Earned Value Management 444
Assessing a Project’s Earned Value 445
13.4 Using Earned Value to Manage a Portfolio of Projects 450
Project Profile: Earned Value at Northrop Grumman 451
13.5 Issues in the Effective Use of Earned Value Management 452
13.6 Human Factors in Project Evaluation and Control 454
Critical Success Factor Definitions 456
Conclusions 458
Summary 458 · Key Terms 459 · Solved Problem 459 ·
Discussion Questions 460 · Problems 461 · Case Study 13.1 The
IT Department at Kimble College 463 · Case Study 13.2 The Superconducting
Supercollider 464 · Case Study 13.3 Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner:
Failure to Launch 465 · Internet Exercises 468 · MS Project
Exercises 468 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 469
· Appendix 13.1: Earned Schedule* 470 · Notes 475
Chapter 14 ProjeCt CloSeout and terMInatIon 477
Project Profile: Duke Energy and Its Cancelled Levy County Nuclear
Power Plant 478
Introduction 479
14.1 Types of Project Termination 480
Box 14.1: Project Managers in Practice 480
14.2 Natural Termination—The Closeout Process 482
Finishing the Work 482
Handing Over the Project 482
Gaining Acceptance for the Project 483
Harvesting the Benefits 483
Reviewing How It All Went 483
Putting It All to Bed 485
Disbanding the Team 486
What Prevents Effective Project Closeouts? 486
14.3 Early Termination for Projects 487
Making the Early Termination Decision 489
Project Profile: Case — Aftermath of a “Feeding Frenzy”: Dubai and Ca ncelled
Construction Projects 490
Shutting Down the Project 490
Box 14.2: Project Management Research in Brief 492
Allowing for Claims and Disputes 493
14.4 Preparing the Final Project Report 494
Conclusion 496
Summary 496 · Key Terms 497 · Discussion Questions 497
· Case Study 14.1 New Jersey Kills Hudson River Tunnel Project 497
· Case Study 14.2 The Project That Wouldn’t Die 499 · Case Study 14.3
The Navy Scraps Development of Its Showpiece Warship—Until the Next
Bad Idea 500 · Internet Exercises 501 · PMP Certification Sample
Questions 502 · Appendix 14.1: Sample Pages from Project Sign-off
Document 503 · Notes 507
Appendix A The Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution 509
Appendix B Tutorial for MS Project 2013 510
Appendix C Project Plan Template 520
項目綜合練習 制訂你的項目計畫 72
注釋 74
第3章 項目選擇和項目群管理 76
項目導讀3-1 項目選擇的程式:來自多個行業的項目選擇實例 77
概述 78
3.1 項目選擇 78
3.2 項目審查和選擇的方法 80
3.3 財務模型 90
項目導讀3-2 通用電氣公司的項目選擇和審查:關卡似的過程 97
3.4 項目群管理 98
小結 105
已解決的問題 107
討論題 108
練習題 108
案例分析3-1 凱夫拉維克紙業公司 111
案例分析3-2 西部新星有限公司 112
網上練習 113
注釋 113
第4章 領導力與項目經理 115
項目導讀4-1 倫敦奧運會的傑出領導者—約翰·阿米特爵士 116
概述 117
4.1 領導者與經理 118
4.2 項目經理如何領導團隊 119
項目管理研究精要4-1 領導力與情商 124
4.3 卓越的項目領導者的特質 125
項目導讀4-2 伊拉圖瓦拉皮爾·斯里達蘭博士,印度的項目管理明星 126
4.4 項目倡導者 127
4.5 新的項目領導力 131
實踐中的項目經理4-1 比爾·莫厄里,計算機科學公司 132
項目導讀4-3 全球化管理的挑戰 133
小結 135
討論題 136
案例分析4-1 尋找高效的項目經理 137
案例分析4-2 發掘情商,成為一個真正的領導者 137
案例分析4-3 約翰的難題 138
網上練習 141
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 141
注釋 142
第5章 範圍管理 144
項目導讀5-1 案例:“我們就像傻瓜”— 俄勒岡州失敗的歐巴馬醫保網站 145
概述 146
5.1 概念開發 148
項目導讀5-2 工作說明:當時與現在 151
5.2 範圍說明 153
5.3 工作授權 161
項目導讀5-3 定義項目工作包 163
5.4 範圍報告 164
項目管理研究精要5-1 信息技術項目的“死亡之旅” 165
5.5 控制系統 167
5.6 項目收尾 169
小結 170
討論題 171
練習題 172
案例分析5-1 波音的虛擬圍牆 172
案例分析5-2 加利福尼亞的高速鐵路項目 173
案例分析5-3 Dotcom.com的項目管理 175
案例分析5-4 遠征戰車 176
網上練習 178
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 178
MS Project練習 179
附錄5A 項目章程樣本 180
項目綜合練習 制定工作分解結構 182
注釋 184
第6章 項目團隊的建設、衝突和談判 186
項目導讀6-1 無國界工程師協會:項目團隊改善生活 187
概述 188
6.1 建設項目團隊 189
6.2 高效項目團隊的特徵 192
6.3 團隊失敗的原因 194
6.4 團隊發展的階段 196
6.5 實現跨職能合作 199
6.6 虛擬的項目團隊 202
項目導讀6-2 遠距離虛擬實鏡技術讓虛擬團隊的交流變得容易 203
6.7 衝突管理 204
6.8 談判 209
小結 214
討論題 215
案例分析6-1 哥倫布器械公司 215
案例分析6-2 善於計算的人與牛仔 216
案例分析6-3 詹森&羅傑斯軟體工程公司 217
談判練習 219
網上練習 220
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 220
注釋 221
第7章 風險管理 223
項目導讀7-1 可以熔化汽車的建築 224
概述 225
實踐中的項目經理7-1 馬修·保羅,通用電氣公司 227
7.1 風險管理過程的4個階段 228
項目導讀7-2 美國銀行完全錯估了客戶 230
項目導讀7-3 上海公寓樓倒塌 239
7.2 項目風險管理:一種集成方法 241
小結 243
已解決的問題 244
討論題 244
練習題 244
案例分析7-1 經典案例:德哈維蘭隕落的彗星 245
案例分析7-2 浮不起來的西班牙海軍潛艇 248
案例分析7-3 經典案例:塔科馬海峽吊橋 249
網上練習 251
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 251
項目綜合練習 項目風險評估 253
注釋 255
第8章 成本估算和預算 256
項目導讀8-1 索契冬奧會—國家聲望值多少錢 257
8.1 成本管理 259
8.2 成本估算 262
項目管理研究精要8-1 軟體成本估算 270
項目管理研究精要8-2 大型基礎設施建設中的欺詐行為 274
8.3 制定項目預算 275
8.4 制定應急費用預算 278
小結 280
已解決的問題 282
討論題 283
練習題 284
案例分析8-1 基礎設施項目的隱藏成本—建設大壩的案例 286
案例分析8-2 波士頓中心幹線/隧道項目 288
網上練習 290
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 290
項目綜合練習 制定成本估算和預算 292
注釋 294
第9章 項目進度計畫:網路、歷時估計和關鍵路徑 296
項目導讀9-1 耗費巨資卻一無所得:裏海卡什乾石油開採項目 297
概述 298
9.1 項目進度計畫 299
9.2 關鍵術語 300
9.3 繪製網路圖 302
9.4 歷時估計 307
9.5 確定關鍵路徑 311
項目管理研究精要9-1 軟體開發延時及解決方法 321
小結 322
已解決的問題 323
討論題 325
練習題 325
網上練習 327
MS Project練習 328
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 328
注釋 329
第10章 項目進度計畫:滯後、趕工和活動網路 330
項目導讀10-1 擴建巴拿馬運河 331
概述 333
10.1 活動中的滯後關係 333
10.2 甘特圖 335
實踐中的項目經理10-1 克里斯托弗·富爾茨,勞斯萊斯公司 338
10.3 項目趕工 340
10.5 使用網路的爭議 354
小結 356
已解決的問題 357
討論題 358
練習題 358
案例分析10-1 布朗克切克建築公司的項目進度計畫(A) 360
案例分析10-2 布朗克切克建築公司的項目進度計畫(B) 360
MS Project練習 361
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 361
項目綜合練習 制訂項目進度計畫 363
注釋 365
第11章 計畫和排班的高級課題:敏捷和關鍵鏈 366
項目導讀11-1 通過Kickstarter眾籌平台來開發項目—交付日期意味著一切嗎 367
概述 368
11.1 敏捷項目管理 369
項目管理研究精要11-1 敏捷是否有作用 376
11.2 極限編程 377
11.3 約束理論和關鍵鏈項目進度計畫 377
11.4 關鍵鏈項目進度的解決辦法 379
項目導讀11-2 美國禮來製藥公司與其關鍵鏈項目管理的實現 385
11.5 使用關鍵鏈法解決資源衝突 386
11.6 關鍵鏈項目群管理 387
項目管理研究精要11-2 關鍵鏈進度的優勢 390
11.7 對CCPM的批評 391
小結 391
已解決的問題 393
討論題 394
練習題 394
案例分析11-1 這是敏捷的世界 396
案例分析11-2 德國戰車產品有限公司 397
網上練習 398
注釋 398
第12章 資源管理 400
項目導讀12-1 香港與世界上最長的天然氣管道相連 401
概述 402
12.1 資源約束的基礎 402
12.2 資源負載 405
12.3 資源平衡 407
12.4 資源負載圖 416
實踐中的項目經理12-1 凱文·奧唐奈上尉,美國海軍陸戰隊 418
12.5 多項目環境下的資源管理 420
小結 423
已解決的問題 424
討論題 425
練習題 425
案例分析12-1 多任務處理導致的問題 427
網上練習 428
MS Project練習 428
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 429
項目綜合練習 管理你的項目資源 430
注釋 430
第13章 項目評估和控制 431
項目導讀13-1 紐約的CityTime項目 432
概述 433
13.1 控制循環:一個通用模型 434
13.2 監控項目績效 435
13.3 掙值管理 440
13.4 使用掙值管理一組項目 450
項目導讀13-2 掙值在諾斯羅普–格魯曼公司中的套用 451
13.5 有效使用掙值管理的注意事項 452
13.6 項目評估和控制的人為因素 454
小結 458
已解決的問題 459
討論題 460
練習題 461
案例分析13-1 Kimble大學的IT部門 463
案例分析13-2 超導超級對撞機計畫 464
案例分析13-3 波音787“夢幻客機”停飛事件 465
網上練習 468
MS Project練習 468
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 469
附錄13A 掙得進度 470
注釋 475
第14章 項目收尾和終止 477
項目導讀14-1 杜克能源取消萊維縣的核電廠 478
概述 479
14.1 項目終止的類別 480
實踐中的項目經理14-1 邁克·布朗,勞斯萊斯公司 480
14.2 自然終止:收尾過程 482
14.3 項目的提前終止 487
項目導讀14-2 “瘋狂餵養”的後果:杜拜和取消的建築項目 490
項目管理研究精要14-1 IT行業的項目終止 492
14.4 準備項目終期報告 494
小結 496
討論題 497
案例分析14-1 被終止的哈德遜河隧道工程 497
案例分析14-2 永不結束的項目 499
案例分析14-3 海軍終止旗艦戰艦的開發 500
網上練習 501
項目管理職業認證考試樣題 502
附錄14A  項目簽署檔案的樣本頁 503
注釋 507
附錄A 累積標準常態分配 509
附錄B MS Project 2013指南 510
附錄C 項目計畫框架 520
Chapter 1 IntroduCtIon: Why ProjeCt ManageMent? 1
Project Profile: Development Projects in Lagos, Nigeria 2
Introduction 4
1.1 What Is a Project? 5
General Project Characteristics 6
1.2 Why Are Projects Important? 9
Project Profile: “Throwing Good Money after Bad”: the BBC’s Digital
Media Initiative 10
1.3 Project Life Cycles 13
Box 1.1: Project Managers in Practice 15
1.4 Determinants of Project Success 16
Box 1.2: Project Management Research in Brief 19
1.5 Developing Project Management Maturity 19
1.6 Project Elements and Text Organization 23
Summary 27 · Key Terms 29 · Discussion Questions 29
· Case Study 1.1 MegaTech, Inc. 29 · Case Study 1.2 The IT
Department at Hamelin Hospital 30 · Case Study 1.3 Disney’s Expedition
Everest 31 · Case Study 1.4 Rescue of Chilean Miners 32 · Internet
Exercises 33 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 34 · Notes 34
Chapter 2 the organIzatIonal Context: Strategy, StruCture,
and Culture 36
Project Profile: Case — Tesla’s $5 Billion Gamb le 37
Introduction 38
2.1 Projects and Organizational Strategy 39
2.2 Stakeholder Management 41
Identifying Project Stakeholders 42
Managing Stakeholders 45
2.3 Organizational Structure 47
2.4 Forms of Organizational Structure 48
Functional Organizations 48
Project Organizations 50
Matrix Organizations 53
Moving to Heavyweight Project Organizations 55
Box 2.1: Project Management Research in Brief 56
2.5 Project Management Offices 57
2.6 Organizational Culture 59
How Do Cultures Form? 61
Organizational Culture and Project Management 63
Project Profile: Electronic Arts and the Power of Strong Culture in Design Teams 64
Summary 65 · Key Terms 67 · Discussion Questions 67 · Case
Study 2.1 Rolls-Royce Corporation 67 · Case Study 2.2 Classic Case:
Paradise Lost—The Xerox Alto 68 · Case Study 2.3 Project Task Estimation
and the Culture of “Gotcha!” 69 · Case Study 2.4 Widgets ’R Us 70
· Internet Exercises 70 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 70
· Integrated Project—Building Your Project Plan 72 · Notes 74
Chapter 3 ProjeCt SeleCtIon and PortfolIo ManageMent 76
Project Profile: Project Selection Procedures: A Cross-Industry Sampler 77
Introduction 78
3.1 Project Selection 78
3.2 Approaches to Project Screening and Selection 80
Method One: Checklist Model 80
Method Two: Simplified Scoring Models 82
Limitations of Scoring Models 84
Method Three: The Analytical Hierarchy Process 84
Method Four: Profile Models 88
3.3 Financial Models 90
Payback Period 90
Net Present Value 92
Discounted Payback 94
Internal Rate of Return 94
Choosing a Project Selection Approach 96
Project Profile: Project Selection and Screening at GE: The Tollgate Process 97
3.4 Project Portfolio Management 98
Objectives and Initiatives 99
Developing a Proactive Portfolio 100
Keys to Successful Project Portfolio Management 103
Problems in Implementing Portfolio Management 104
Summary 105 · Key Terms 106 · Solved Problems 107
· Discussion Questions 108 · Problems 108 · Case Study 3.1
Keflavik Paper Company 111 · Case Study 3.2 Project Selection at Nova
Western, Inc. 112 · Internet Exercises 113 · Notes 113
Chapter 4 leaderShIP and the ProjeCt Manager 115
Project Profile: Leading by Example for the London Olympics—Sir John Armitt 116
Introduction 117
4.1 Leaders Versus Managers 118
4.2 How the Project Manager Leads 119
Acquiring Project Resources 119
Motivating and Building Teams 120
Having a Vision and Fighting Fires 121
Communicating 121
Box 4.1: Project Management Research in Brief 124
4.3 Traits of Effective Project Leaders 125
Conclusions about Project Leaders 126
Project Profile: Dr. Elattuvalapil Sreedharan, India’s Project Management Guru 126
4.4 Project Champions 127
Champions—Who Are They? 128
What Do Champions Do? 129
How to Make a Champion 130
4.5 The New Project Leadership 131
Box 4.2: Project Managers in Practice 132
Project Profile: The Challenge of Managing Internationally 133
4.6 Project Management Professionalism 134
Summary 135 · Key Terms 136 · Discussion Questions 136
· Case Study 4.1 In Search of Effective Project Managers 137
· Case Study 4.2 Finding the Emotional Intelligence to Be a Real Leader 137
· Case Study 4.3 Problems with John 138 · Internet Exercises 141
· PMP Certification Sample Questions 141 · Notes 142
Chapter 5 SCoPe ManageMent 144
Project Profile: Case — “We look like fools.”—Oregon’s Failed Rollout of Its Obamacare
Web Site 145
Introduction 146
5.1 Conceptual Development 148
The Statement of Work 150
The Project Charter 151
Project Profile: Statements of Work: Then and Now 151
5.2 The Scope Statement 153
The Work Breakdown Structure 153
Purposes of the Work Breakdown Structure 154
The Organization Breakdown Structure 159
The Responsibility Assignment Matrix 160
5.3 Work Authorization 161
Project Profile: Defining a Project Work Package 163
5.4 Scope Reporting 164
Box 5.1: Project Management Research in Brief 165
5.5 Control Systems 167
Configuration Management 167
5.6 Project Closeout 169
Summary 170 · Key Terms 171 · Discussion Questions 171
· Problems 172 · Case Study 5.1 Boeing’s Virtual Fence 172
· Case Study 5.2 California’s High-Speed Rail Project 173 · Case
Study 5.3 Project Management at Dotcom.com 175 · Case Study 5.4
The Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle 176 · Internet Exercises 178
· PMP Certification Sample Questions 178 · MS Project Exercises 179
· Appendix 5.1: Sample Project Charter 180 · Integrated Project—
Developing the Work Breakdown Structure 182 · Notes 184
Chapter 6 ProjeCt teaM BuIldIng, ConflICt, and negotIatIon 186
Project Profile: Engineers Without Borders: Project Teams Impacting Lives 187
Introduction 188
6.1 Building the Project Team 189
Identify Necessary Skill Sets 189
Identify People Who Match the Skills 189
Talk to Potential Team Members and Negotiate with Functional Heads 189
Build in Fallback Positions 191
Assemble the Team 191
6.2 Characteristics of Effective Project Teams 192
A Clear Sense of Mission 192
A Productive Interdependency 192
Cohesiveness 193
Trust 193
Enthusiasm 193
Results Orientation 194
6.3 Reasons Why Teams Fail 194
Poorly Developed or Unclear Goals 194
Poorly Defined Project Team Roles and Interdependencies 194
Lack of Project Team Motivation 195
Poor Communication 195
Poor Leadership 195
Turnover Among Project Team Members 196
Dysfunctional Behavior 196
6.4 Stages in Group Development 196
Stage One: Forming 197
Stage Two: Storming 197
Stage Three: Norming 198
Stage Four: Performing 198
Stage Five: Adjourning 198
Punctuated Equilibrium 198
6.5 Achieving Cross-Functional Cooperation 199
Superordinate Goals 199
Rules and Procedures 200
Physical Proximity 201
Accessibility 201
Outcomes of Cooperation: Task and Psychosocial Results 201
6.6 Virtual Project Teams 202
Project Profile: Tele-Immersion Technology Eases the Use
of Virtual Teams 203
6.7 Conflict Management 204
What Is Conflict? 205
Sources of Conflict 206
Methods for Resolving Conflict 208
6.8 Negotiation 209
Questions to Ask Prior to the Negotiation 209
Principled Negotiation 210
Invent Options for Mutual Gain 212
Insist on Using Objective Criteria 213
Summary 214 · Key Terms 214 · Discussion Questions 215 · Case
Study 6.1 Columbus Instruments 215 · Case Study 6.2 The Bean Counter
and the Cowboy 216 · Case Study 6.3 Johnson & Rogers Software
Engineering, Inc. 217 · Exercise in Negotiation 219 · Internet
Exercises 220 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 220 · Notes 221
Chapter 7 rISk ManageMent 223
Project Profile: The Building that Melted Cars 224
Introduction 225
Box 7.1: Project Managers in Practice 227
7.1 Risk Management: A Four-Stage Process 228
Risk Identification 228
Project Profile: Bank of America Completely Misjudges Its Customers 230
Risk Breakdown Structures 231
Analysis of Probability and Consequences 231
Risk Mitigation Strategies 234
Use of Contingency Reserves 236
Other Mitigation Strategies 237
Control and Documentation 237
Project Profile: Collapse of Shanghai Apartment Building 239
7.2 Project Risk Management: An Integrated Approach 241
Summary 243 · Key Terms 244 · Solved Problem 244 · Discussion
Questions 244 · Problems 244 · Case Study 7.1 Classic Case: de
Havilland’s Falling Comet 245 · Case Study 7.2 The Spanish Navy Pays
Nearly $3 Billion for a Submarine That Will Sink Like a Stone 248 · Case
Study 7.3 Classic Case: Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge 249 · Internet
Exercises 251 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 251 · Integrated
Project—Project Risk Assessment 253 · Notes 255
Chapter 8 CoSt eStIMatIon and BudgetIng 256
Project Profile: Sochi Olympics—What’s the Cost of National Prestige? 257
8.1 Cost Management 259
Direct Versus Indirect Costs 260
Recurring Versus Nonrecurring Costs 261
Fixed Versus Variable Costs 261
Normal Versus Expedited Costs 262
8.2 Cost Estimation 262
Learning Curves in Cost Estimation 266
Box 8.1: Project Management Research in Brief 270
Problems with Cost Estimation 272
Box 8.2: Project Management Research in Brief 274
8.3 Creating a Project Budget 275
Top-Down Budgeting 275
Bottom-Up Budgeting 276
Activity-Based Costing 276
8.4 Developing Budget Contingencies 278
Summary 280 · Key Terms 281 · Solved Problems 282
· Discussion Questions 283 · Problems 284 · Case Study 8.1 The
Hidden Costs of Infrastructure Projects—The Case of Building Dams 286
· Case Study 8.2 Boston’s Central Artery/Tunnel Project 288 · Internet
Exercises 290 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 290 · Integrated
Project—Developing the Cost Estimates and Budget 292 · Notes 294
Chapter 9 ProjeCt SChedulIng: netWorkS, duratIon eStIMatIon,
and CrItICal Path 296
Project Profile: After 20 Years and More Than $50 Billion, Oil is No Closer to the Surface:
The Caspian Kashagan Project 297
Introduction 298
9.1 Project Scheduling 299
9.2 Key Scheduling Terminology 300
9.3 Developing a Network 302
Labeling Nodes 303
Serial Activities 303
Concurrent Activities 303
Merge Activities 304
Burst Activities 305
9.4 Duration Estimation 307
9.5 Constructing the Critical Path 311
Calculating the Network 311
The Forward Pass 312
The Backward Pass 314
Probability of Project Completion 316
Laddering Activities 318
Hammock Activities 319
Options for Reducing the Critical Path 320
Box 9.1: Project Management Research in Brief 321
Summary 322 · Key Terms 323 · Solved Problems 323 ·
Discussion Questions 325 · Problems 325 · Internet
Exercises 327 · MS Project Exercises 328 · PMP Certification
Sample Questions 328 · Notes 329
Chapter 10 ProjeCt SChedulIng: laggIng, CraShIng, and aCtIvIty
netWorkS 330
Project Profile: Enlarging the Panama Canal 331
Introduction 333
10.1 Lags in Precedence Relationships 333
Finish to Start 333
Finish to Finish 334
Start to Start 334
Start to Finish 335
10.2 Gantt Charts 335
Adding Resources to Gantt Charts 337
Incorporating Lags in Gantt Charts 338
Box 10.1: Project Managers in Practice 338
10.3 Crashing Projects 340
Options for Accelerating Projects 340
Crashing the Project: Budget Effects 346
10.4 Activity-on-Arrow Networks 348
How Are They Different? 348
Dummy Activities 351
Forward and Backward Passes with AOA Networks 352
AOA Versus AON 353
10.5 Controversies in the Use of Networks 354
Conclusions 356
Summary 356 · Key Terms 357 · Solved Problems 357 · Discussion
Questions 358 · Problems 358 · Case Study 10.1 Project Scheduling
at Blanque Cheque Construction (A) 360 · Case Study 10.2 Project
Scheduling at Blanque Cheque Construction (B) 360 · MS Project
Exercises 361 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 361 · Integrated
Project—Developing the Project Schedule 363 · Notes 365
Chapter 11 advanCed toPICS In PlannIng and SChedulIng: agIle
and CrItICal ChaIn 366
Project Profile: Developing Projects Through Kickstarter—Do Delivery Dates Mean
Anything? 367
Introduction 368
11.1 Agile Project Management 369
What Is Unique About Agile PM? 370
Tasks Versus Stories 371
Key Terms in Agile PM 372
Steps in Agile 373
Sprint Planning 374
Daily Scrums 374
The Development Work 374
Sprint Reviews 375
Sprint Retrospective 376
Problems with Agile 376
Box 11.1: Project Management Research in Brief 376
11.2 Extreme Programming (XP) 377
11.3 The Theory of Constraints and Critical Chain Project Scheduling 377
Theory of Constraints 378
11.4 The Critical Chain Solution to Project Scheduling 379
Developing the Critical Chain Activity Network 381
Critical Chain Solutions Versus Critical Path Solutions 383
Project Profile: Eli Lilly Pharmaceuticals and Its Commitment to Critical Chain Project
Management 385
11.5 Critical Chain Solutions to Resource Conflicts 386
11.6 Critical Chain Project Portfolio Management 387
Box 11.2: Project Management Research in Brief 390
11.7 Critiques of CCPM 391
Summary 391 · Key Terms 393 · Solved Problem 393
· Discussion Questions 394 · Problems 394 · Case Study 11.1 It’s an
Agile World 396 · Case Study 11.2 Ramstein Products, Inc. 397
· Internet Exercises 398 · Notes 398
Chapter 12 reSourCe ManageMent 400
Project Profile: Hong Kong Connects to the World’s Longest Natural
Gas Pipeline 401
Introduction 402
12.1 The Basics of Resource Constraints 402
Time and Resource Scarcity 403
12.2 Resource Loading 405
12.3 Resource Leveling 407
Step One: Develop the Resource-Loading Table 411
Step Two: Determine Activity Late Finish Dates 412
Step Three: Identify Resource Overallocation 412
Step Four: Level the Resource-Loading Table 412
12.4 Resource-Loading Charts 416
Box 12.1: Project Managers in Practice 418
12.5 Managing Resources in Multiproject Environments 420
Schedule Slippage 420
Resource Utilization 420
In-Process Inventory 421
Resolving Resource Decisions in Multiproject Environments 421
Summary 423 · Key Terms 424 · Solved Problem 424 ·
Discussion Questions 425 · Problems 425 · Case Study 12.1 The
Problems of Multitasking 427 · Internet Exercises 428 · MS Project
Exercises 428 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 429 · Integrated
Project—Managing Your Project’s Resources 430 · Notes 430
Chapter 13 ProjeCt evaluatIon and Control 431
Project Profile: New York City’s CityTime Project 432
Introduction 433
13.1 Control Cycles—A General Model 434
13.2 Monitoring Project Performance 435
The Project S-Curve: A Basic Tool 435
S-Curve Drawbacks 436
Milestone Analysis 437
Problems with Milestones 438
The Tracking Gantt Chart 439
Benefits and Drawbacks of Tracking Gantt Charts 440
13.3 Earned Value Management 440
Terminology for Earned Value 441
Creating Project Baselines 442
Why Use Earned Value? 443
Steps in Earned Value Management 444
Assessing a Project’s Earned Value 445
13.4 Using Earned Value to Manage a Portfolio of Projects 450
Project Profile: Earned Value at Northrop Grumman 451
13.5 Issues in the Effective Use of Earned Value Management 452
13.6 Human Factors in Project Evaluation and Control 454
Critical Success Factor Definitions 456
Conclusions 458
Summary 458 · Key Terms 459 · Solved Problem 459 ·
Discussion Questions 460 · Problems 461 · Case Study 13.1 The
IT Department at Kimble College 463 · Case Study 13.2 The Superconducting
Supercollider 464 · Case Study 13.3 Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner:
Failure to Launch 465 · Internet Exercises 468 · MS Project
Exercises 468 · PMP Certification Sample Questions 469
· Appendix 13.1: Earned Schedule* 470 · Notes 475
Chapter 14 ProjeCt CloSeout and terMInatIon 477
Project Profile: Duke Energy and Its Cancelled Levy County Nuclear
Power Plant 478
Introduction 479
14.1 Types of Project Termination 480
Box 14.1: Project Managers in Practice 480
14.2 Natural Termination—The Closeout Process 482
Finishing the Work 482
Handing Over the Project 482
Gaining Acceptance for the Project 483
Harvesting the Benefits 483
Reviewing How It All Went 483
Putting It All to Bed 485
Disbanding the Team 486
What Prevents Effective Project Closeouts? 486
14.3 Early Termination for Projects 487
Making the Early Termination Decision 489
Project Profile: Case — Aftermath of a “Feeding Frenzy”: Dubai and Ca ncelled
Construction Projects 490
Shutting Down the Project 490
Box 14.2: Project Management Research in Brief 492
Allowing for Claims and Disputes 493
14.4 Preparing the Final Project Report 494
Conclusion 496
Summary 496 · Key Terms 497 · Discussion Questions 497
· Case Study 14.1 New Jersey Kills Hudson River Tunnel Project 497
· Case Study 14.2 The Project That Wouldn’t Die 499 · Case Study 14.3
The Navy Scraps Development of Its Showpiece Warship—Until the Next
Bad Idea 500 · Internet Exercises 501 · PMP Certification Sample
Questions 502 · Appendix 14.1: Sample Pages from Project Sign-off
Document 503 · Notes 507
Appendix A The Cumulative Standard Normal Distribution 509
Appendix B Tutorial for MS Project 2013 510
Appendix C Project Plan Template 520


