見背jiànbèi 【be orphaned】長輩去世 生孩六月,慈父見背。——李密《陳情表》 見財起意 jiàncái-qǐyì 【to have evil thoughts at the sight of riches;be moved to commit crimes by sight of money】看見錢財,就動起了貪圖的歹意。
見長 jiàncháng 【be good at;be expert in】在某方面具有超過別人或一般水平的能力。
見風使帆 jiànfēng-shǐfān 【trim one’s sails;sail with the wind;see how the gander hops;watch how the cat jumps;go with the crowd;sail with the current (stream,tide,times)】根據風向使用帆位。比喻見機而行,靈活變通。 別事見風使帆,再作道理。——《官場現形記》
見稜見角 jiànléng-jiànjiǎo 【a showy display of one's abilities and spirit;be angular】有稜有角。喻人的氣勢,個性表現很強
見利忘義 jiànlì-wàngyì 【forget morality and justice when one sees money;be actuated by mercenary views;forsake good for the sake of gold】只圖一己私利,而置道義於不顧 某與呂布同鄉知其有勇無謀,見利忘義,某憑三寸不爛之舌,說呂布拱手來降。——羅貫中《三國演義》
見獵心喜 jiànliè-xīnxǐ 【thrill to see one's favorite sport and itch to have a go;have a teasing inclination;remind one of the former sports of hunting】指舊習未忘,看到雷同於自己喜好的事物,不禁心喜。比喻觸其所好 他見主人涉足花叢,也未免見獵心喜,偷身出去,到花煙間走走。——清·彭養鷗《黑籍冤魂》
見馬克思 jiàn Mǎkèsī 【to see Marxism——die】死的委婉語(限於信仰馬克思主義的人) 我比老弟痴長五歲,河北滄州人氏,父親一九六七年被“造反派”趕去見馬克思了;不久,母親也悲傷過度,哀哀而逝。——李棟《心心相印》
見貌辨色 jiànmào-biànsè 【adapt oneself to changing conditions】視其容貌,辨其顏色。形容觀測風向,看情勢採取相應對策 虧得他見貌辨色,立刻告老還鄉,…。——《官場現形記》
見兔放鷹 jiàntù-fàngyīng 【take measures in time】看見兔子再放獵鷹不遲。比喻火候到了再採取行動,恰到好處 見兔放鷹,遇獐發箭。——《五燈會元》
見兔顧犬 jiàntù-gùquǎn 【take measures in time;it is not yet too late to take advantage of an opportunity that comes only once in a long time】比喻情況雖然緊急,及時採取措施還來得及
見外 jiànwài 【regard sb. as an outsider;be treated as a stranger】不當作親近的人對待
見危授命 jiànwēi-shòumìng 【give one's life in peril;be ready to die for one's country in times of national crisis】臨難見危,能挺身而出,不顧惜自己的生命 子曰:見利思義,見危授命。——《論語》
見微知萌 jiànwēi-zhīméng 【from the first small beginnings one can see how things will develop】微:微小的跡象。萌:開始發生。看到事情的一點苗頭,就能知道將要發生什麼事
見微知著 jiànwēi-zhīzhù 【from one small clue one can see what is coming;from the first small beginnings one can see how things will develop】看到微小的苗頭,就知道可能會發生顯著的變化。比喻小中見大 故聖人見微知著,睹始知終。——漢·袁康《越絕書》
見聞 jiànwén 【information;knowledge;what one sees and hears】看到聽到的情況
見習 jiànxí 【be on probation;learn on the job】剛到工作崗位進行實習
見義勇為 jiànyì-yǒngwéi 【see what is right and have the courage to do it;be ready to take up the cudgets for a just cause;do boldly what is righteous;be zealous in doing what is righteous in seeing it】意識到是正義之舉就大膽去做
見異思遷 jiànyì-sīqiān 【change one’s mind the moment one sees something new;fondness of novelty prompts frequent changes;look for a change for sth.better】缺乏主見,這山望著那山高,遇到不一樣的就改變趨向