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《高級實用英語系列教材·現代商務溝通》是2009年10月1日中國人民大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是(美國)斯科特·奧伯(Scot Ober)


  • 中文名:高級實用英語系列教材·現代商務溝通
  • 作者:(美國)斯科特·奧伯(Scot Ober)
  • 出版時間:2009年10月1日
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 頁數:286 頁
  • ISBN:9787300112558
  • 原作品:Fundamentals of Contemporary Business Communication (Second Edition)
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 正文語種:簡體中文, 英語


《現代商務溝通(第2版)》可供本科生、研究生和相關學習者使用。強力推薦:Fundamentals of Contemporary Business Communication 英文原版火熱發售


Part One Foundations of Business Communication
Chapter 1 Understanding Business
Communication 2
Communicating in Organizations 2
The Components of Communication 3
The Stimulus 4
The Filter 5
The Message 5
The Medium 6
The Destination 6
Verbal Communication 8
Oral Communication 8
Written Communication 9
Spotlight 1 Overcoming Information
Anxiety 10
Barriers to Verbal Communication 11
Inadequate Knowledge or Vocabulary 11
Differences in Interpretation 11
Language Differences 12
Inappropriate Use of Expressions 12
Overabstraction and Ambiguity 13
Potarization 13
Introducing the Three Ps: Problem, Process,Product 14
The 3Ps: Using Euphemisms Appropriotely 15
Problem 15
Process 15
Product 16
Online Help in This Course 16
Summary 16
Looking Ahead 17
Key Terms 17
Exercises 17
Chapter 2 Interpersonal Communication Skirls 20
Interpersonal Communications 20
Nonverbal Communication 21
Body Movement 21
Physical Appearance 21
Voice Qualities 22
Time 22
Touch 22
Space and Territory 22
Listening 24
The Problem of Poor Listening SkiUs 24
Keys to Better Listening 25
Communicating byTelephone 28
Your Telephone Voice 28
Your Telephone Technique 28
Voice Mail 29
Telephone Tag 29
Cell Phones 29
Business Meetings 30
Planningthe Meeting 31
Conductingthe Meeting 33
Following Up the Meeting 34
CheckUst I Business Meetings 35
The 3Ps: A Plan for a Business Meeting 39
Problem 39
Process 39
Product 40
Summary 40
Looking Ahead 41
Key Terms 41
Exercises 41
Part Two Developing Your Business Writing Skills
Chapter 3 The Writing Process 46
An Overview of the Writing Process 46
Audience Analysis 47
Who Isthe PrirnaryAudience? 48
What Does the Audience Already Know? 49
What Is Your Relationship with the
Audience? 49
How WiU the Audience Likely React? 49
Planning 51
Purpose 51
Content 52
Organization 52
Drafting 54
Revising 56
Revising for Content 57
Revising for Style 57
Revising for Correctness 57
Formatting 59
Proofreading 59
Checklist 2 The Writing Process 61
The 3Ps: A Simple Memo 62
Problem 62
Process 62
Product 64
Summary 64
Looking Ahead 65
Key Terms 65
Exercises 65
Chapter 4 Revising Your Writing 69
What Do We Mean by.Style? 69
Choosing the Right Words 70
Write Clearly 70
UseShort, SirnpleWords 72
Use Positive Language 75
Writing Effective Sentences 77
Use a Variety of Sentence Types 77
Use Active and Passive Voice AppropriateLy 79
Developing Logical Paragraphs 81
Keep Paragraphs Unified and Coherent 82
Use Paraltel Structure 84
ControtParagraph Length 84
What Io We Mean by Tone? 86
Write Confidently 86
Use a Courteous and Sincere Tone 86
Use Appropriate Emphasis and
Subordination 87
Use Nondiscriminatory Language 88
Stress the "You" Attitude 89
Effective Business Writing 90
Checklist 3 Writing with Style 91
The 3Ps: Writing an Unbiased Message 92
Problem 92
Process 92
Product 93
Summary 93
Looking Ahead 94
Key Terms 94
Exercises 94
Portfolio Project 1: Writing an Informationoi Message 98
Part Three Correspondence
Chapter 5 Routine Letters, Memos, and E-Mail Messages
Chapter 6 Persuasive Letters, Memos, and E-Mail Messages
Chapter 7 Bad-News Letters, Memos, and E-Mail Messages
Part Four Written and Oral Business Reports
Chapter 8 Writing the Business Report
Chapter 9 Making Oral Presentations
Part Five Employment Communication
Chapter 10 The Job Search, Resumes, and Job-App[ication Letters]
Chapter 11 Employment Interviewing and Follow-Up


