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2015年獲得美國印第安納大學(印第安納波利斯校區)博士學位。於2015年入職中科院國家天文台月球與深空探測研究部工作至今。2019年獲得“探月工程嫦娥四號任務突出貢獻者”稱號,2021年作為集體獎主要完成者獲得“中國科學院傑出科技成就獎”,於2020年12月晉升為副研究員。主要從事行星遙感和就位光譜數據處理與套用方面的研究。研究成果發表於國際知名期刊,包括Nature, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Space Sciences Reviews,Geophysical Research Letter,Icarus,Remote Sensing等,總計20餘篇。合作外文專著1 部(負責章節編寫),申請專利1 件。先後承擔國家自然科學基金項目2項(項目負責人和主要成員各1項)、作為項目負責人承擔國家重大專項子課題7項、 參與中科院先導專項(B類)1項。


1. Liu D, Wang X, Liu J, et al. Spectral interpretation of late-stage mare basalt mineralogy unveiled by Chang’E-5 samples. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1): 1-10.
2. Li C, Liu D, Liu B, et al. Chang’E-4 initial spectroscopic identification of lunar far-side mantle-derived materials. Nature, 2019, 569(7756): 378-382.
3. Liu D*, Zhang Y, Zhang G, et al. An empirical model to estimate abundance of nanophase metallic iron (npFe0) in lunar soils[J]. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12(6): 1047.
4. Liu D*, Li L, Sun Y. An improved radiative transfer model for estimating mineral abundance of immature and mature lunar soils[J]. Icarus, 2015, 253: 40-50.
5. Yang J, Liu D*, Xue B et al. Design and Ground Verification for Multispectral Camera on the Mars Tianwen-1 Rover[J]. Space Science Reviews, 2022, 218(3): 1-27.
6. Liu B, Ren X, Liu D* et al. Ground Validation Experiment and Spectral Detection Capability Evaluation of Mars Mineralogical Spectrometer (MMS) Aboard HX-1 Orbiter[J]. Space Science Reviews, 2022, 218(1): 1-22.
7. Wang X, Liu J, Liu D* et al. Dusty Mafic Rocks Along the Path of Chang'E‐4 Rover: Initial Analysis of the Image Cubes of the Onboard Visible and Near‐Infrared Imaging Spectrometer[J]. Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49(2): e2021GL095033.
8. Zhang Q, Liu D, Liu J, et al. A reflectance calibration method for Multispectral Camera (MSCam) on the Zhurong rover[J]. Icarus, 2022, 387: 11520;
9. Liu J, Liu B, Ren X, Li C, Shu R, Guo L, Yu S, Zhou Q, Liu D et al. Evidence of water on the lunar surface from Chang’E-5 in-situ spectra and returned samples[J]. Nature Communications, 2022, 13.
10. Li C, Su Y, Pettinelli E, Xing S, Ding C, Liu J, Ren X, Lauro S, Soldovieri F, Zeng X, Gao X, Chen W, Dai S, Liu D et al. The Moon’s farside shallow subsurface structure unveiled by Chang’E-4 Lunar Penetrating Radar[J]. Science Advances, 2020, 6(9)


