



  • 中文名:人力資源管理專業英語(第2版)
  • 作者:張子源
  • ISBN:9787111470274
  • 定價:25.0元
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年11月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




前 言
致 謝
Chapter 1 An Overview of Human Resource Management人力資源管理概述
思考要點 Point to ponder 1
概覽Overview 1
正文Text 2
1.1 What is Human Resource Management? 2
1.2 Why Is Good HRM Important? 3
1.3 What Are the Typical HRM Practices and Activities? 4
1.4 The Changing Role of HRM 5
1.5 The Changing Environment of HRM 6
1.6 How Does HRM Relate to Other Management Tasks? 8
1.7 HRM as Strategic Contributor in Organizations 8
核心辭彙Core Words and Expressions 9
知識擴展Knowledge Extension 10
相關網址Useful Websites 12
Chapter 2 Job Analysis and Job Design工作分析與工作設計
思考要點 Point to ponder 13
概覽Overview 13
正文Text 14
2.1 The Nature of Job Analysis 14
2.2 The Nature of Job Design 20
核心辭彙Core Words and Expressions 23
知識擴展Knowledge Extension 24
相關網址Useful Websites 25
Chapter 3 Human Resource Planning人力資源規劃
思考要點 Point to ponder 27
概覽 Overview 27
正文Text 28
3.1 HR Planning Process 28
3.2 Scanning the External Environment 28
3.3 Internal Assessment of the Organizational Workforce 29
3.4 Forecasting HR Supply and Demand 30
3.5 Managing Human Resource Surplus or Shortage 35
3.6 Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) 36
核心辭彙 Core Words and Expressions 37
知識擴展 Knowledge Extension 37
相關網址 Useful Websites 38
Chapter 4 Recruitment招聘
思考要點 Point to ponder 39
概覽 Overview 39
正文Text 40
4.1 Labor Markets Components 40
4.2 Recruiting Source Choices: Internal vs. External 41
4.3 Internal Recruiting 42
4.4 External Recruiting 44
4.5 Internet Recruiting (E-recruiting) 47
4.6 Alternatives to Recruitment 48
核心辭彙 Core Words and Expressions 50
知識擴展 Knowledge Extension 50
Chapter 5 Selection and Placement 甄選與配置
思考要點 Point to ponder 53
概覽 Overview 53
正文Text 54
5.1 The Selection Process 54
5.2 Selection Testing 56
5.3 Selection Interviewing 58
5.4 Placement 62
核心辭彙 Core Words and Expressions 63
知識擴展 Knowledge Extension 64
Chapter 6 Training and Development 培訓與開發
思考要點 Point to ponder 65
概覽 Overview 65
正文Text 66
6.1 Strategic Training 66
6.2 The Training Process 66
6.3 Developing Human Resources 73
核心辭彙 Core Words and Expressions 75
知識擴展 Knowledge Extension 76
Chapter 7 Performance Management and Appraisal 績效管理與評估
思考要點 Point to ponder 77
概覽 Overview 77
正文Text 78
7.1 Identifying and Measuring Employee Performance 78
7.2 Appraising Employee Performance 79
7.3 Methods for Appraising Performance 82
7.4 Appraisal Feedback Interview 87
核心辭彙 Core Words and Expressions 87
知識擴展 Knowledge Extension 88
相關網址 Useful Websites 88
Chapter 8 Compensation Strategies and Practices 薪酬策略與實踐
思考要點 Point to ponder 89
概覽 Overview 89
正文Text 90
8.1 Types of Compensation 90
8.2 Perceptions of Compensation Fairness 91
8.3 Development of a Base Pay System 93
核心辭彙 Core Words and Expressions 98
知識擴展 Knowledge Extension 99
Chapter 9 Incentives and Benefits 激勵與福利
思考要點 Point to ponder 101
概覽 Overview 101
正文Text 102
9.1 Types of Incentives 102
9.2 Employees Benefits 107
核心辭彙 Core Words and Expressions 109
知識擴展 Knowledge Extension 110
Chapter 10 Global Human Resource Management 全球人力資源管理
思考要點 Point to ponder 111
概覽 Overview 111
正文Text 112
10.1 Factors Affecting GHRM 112
10.2 Staffing Global Assignments 114
10.3 Global Assignment Management 117
核心辭彙 Core Words and Expressions 120
知識擴展 Knowledge Extension 120
術語表 122
參考文獻 127


