- 軟體名稱:Griddle
- 軟體平台:Windows
- 開發商:ITASCA集團
- 軟體版本:2.0
◎ 鏊 ào 〈名〉(1) 烙餅用的平底鐵鍋,俗稱鏊子或鏊盤 [griddle]范全在那裡叫苦叫屈,如熱鏊上螞蟻,沒走一頭處。——《水滸傳》(2) 又如:鏊硯(鏊形的硯台)古籍釋義 康熙字典 《廣韻》五到切《集韻》《正韻》魚到切,𠀤音傲。《廣韻》餠鏊。《集韻》燒器。又山名。《山海經》大荒之中有山,...
griddlecake griddlecake,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“熱餅;薄煎餅”。單詞用法 N bread or cake made on a griddle 煎鍋麵包 同近義詞 n. 熱餅;薄煎餅 chapatti,slapjack
扒爐(Griddle)又稱鐵板燒,是用於油煎各種食物、肉製品等的廚具。簡介 扒爐Griddle又稱鐵板燒,用於油煎各種食物、肉製品等等,如牛排、雞翅、雞肉、培根卷、豬頸肉、羔羊肉、羔羊肉卷、肥牛肉、肥牛卷等等,蔬菜類如蘆筍、白靈菇、捲心菜、白菜、蘑菇、雞腿菇、青椒等。海鮮類如扇貝、青口貝、鳳尾蝦、明蝦、...
N-COUNT[SCOTTISH][DIALECT] → another word for griddle 短語搭配 Shoulder girdle 肩帶 ; 肩胛帶 ; [解剖] 上肢帶骨 ; 胸帶 Girdle proportion 腰厚比 bearded girdle 須狀腰圍 Girdle condition 腰棱條件 ; 腰棱前提 oblique girdle 斜環帶 girdle axis 環帶軸 girdle band 環帶 sport girdle 運動腰帶 ...
” griddlebones最後得出結論,“所以可不可以讓一個真正的商人,為了繼續做合法的生意,而去隨意生殺予奪?基本上,烈娜塔的人格就是從這一點開始落腳的。”烈娜塔的財富繼承自她的父母,他們是祖安的鍊金師,所崇尚的人道主義行為達到了過分的程度。他們為最貧窮的人提供醫療援助,而且不收取任何補償,完全免費。...
葛雷多寶(Griddlebone)長毛白貓,在革羅泰革(Growltiger)的最後一戰中飾演革羅泰革(Growltiger)的戀人。與他一齊唱者義大利抒情曲或是比利馬考的長詩(The Ballad of Billy McCaw)視不同的演出而定,幾乎都由飾演傑利羅蘭(Jellylorum)的演員兼任,然而在錄影版中,這一段完全被省略。革羅泰革(Growltiger)劇院貓...
5、平底鍋(或griddle)中放入一塊黃油加熱融化至微黃,下芒果粒煎熱;6、下牛柳粒以中火煎,不斷翻面煎至表面微焦(1-2分鐘),裝盤即可。小貼士:1、這道菜推薦用 New York strip T steak(紐約T-排),ribeye steak(牛眼排),filet mignon(腓力牛排)2、煎牛柳之前一定要擦乾表面,以免醬汁燒糊影響...
girdlecake,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“烘板烘成的糕餅”。短語搭配 girdlecake flapjack griddle cake 水果合子 griddle cake girdlecake flapjack 水果合子 flapjack griddle cake girdlecake 水果合子 單詞釋義 烘板烘成的糕餅 ...烘板烘成的糕餅girdlecake烘焙torrefaction烘焙的baked...糕餅...
醬汁烤豆腐 醬汁烤豆腐,主料為老豆腐,輔料是韓式燒烤醬,難度普通。原料 主料 老豆腐 輔料 韓式燒烤醬 做法 小貼士 1.用griddle可以烤出漂亮的條紋,底部水分也蒸發得比較快,成品更香脆。但是要注意火候不要太猛,我之前就把幾塊烤焦了…… 也可以排放在刷過油的烤盤上200C烤箱15分鐘,中途翻面。
自此她很快登上了倫敦西區的舞台,被邀請參加了新倫敦劇院的《貓》劇組,並陸續嘗試挑戰了不同的角色:Jemima, Demeter, Griddlebone 和 Grizabella。1990年她在Drury Lane皇家劇院扮演《西貢小姐》中Chris的美國妻子Ellen,其後在《伊甸園的孩子們》(Children of Eden)中首演Aphra。1992年Ruthie以《悲慘世界》中的...
griddle dispart fill sand method 篩分灌砂 雙語例句 By the practice testify, the machine accord with request of dispart and select.實踐證明,擺動式浮石機合乎分選的要求,且達到了很高的分選效率。Capacihve moisture sensor regards frequency signal as variability, it is made up of capacitive probe, ...
griddle cake girdlecake flapjack 水果合子 flapjack griddle cake girdlecake 水果合子 Double Flapjack DDT 雙人千斤摔擊DDT girdlecake flapjack griddle cake 水果合子 雙語例句 You, know. flapjack and a cigarette?你知道的,烙餅和紙菸?The so-called fried paste cake, is popular to say, is the Flapj...
鹽半小勺,玉米澱粉1大勺,蒜蓉1大勺 做法 1.雞裡脊縱向切成3-4條約手指粗細的條。2.微波爐適用的玻璃碗內加椰子油,微波一會兒化開,加糖和鹽攪化,加入剩餘的所有調料拌勻,放入雞肉條,蓋上保鮮膜冰櫃冷藏1-2天。3.竹籤兒均勻地串上雞肉,griddle 預熱300F,刷少許油,兩面煎熟即可,大約12分鐘。
Whether it's a wok, frying pan, casserole, griddle, saucepan, or roasting pan, Conrad Gallagher delights in easy ways to create unashamedly modern and sublime appetizers, sensational main dishes, and delicious desserts. Entertaining is much more fun without the hassle of endless washing up ...
Concentrating my attention on the lady Griddlebone And my raffish crew were sleeping in their barrels and their bunks As the Siamese came creeping in their sampans and their junks Growltiger had no eye or ear for aught but Griddlebone And the lady, she was enraptured by my manly baritone D...
Hot as a griddle That is what is the middle of love Whenever you fight that urge Let that old blood pressure surge Be like a kitten Be happy you did it for love Life is a riddle And you're in the middle of skoo doody doo Hey diddle diddle Your heart is a fiddle for love Over ...
bannock,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“一種薄餅”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 bannock /ˈbænək/ 1.N a round flat unsweetened cake originating in Scotland, made from oatmeal or barley and baked on a griddle 燕麥或大麥烘烤製作的圓餅,原產蘇格蘭 短語搭配 Graham Bannock 本...
Griddle fish gluten, pork recipes.Ingredients: 300 grams of fish, gluten, onion 50 grams, 100 grams of streaky pork;Click here to buy raw fish gluten Seasoning: 5 grams of steamed fish oil, oyster sauce 10 grams, 3 grams of salt, MSG 2 grams, 5 grams of soy sauce, chili powder, Hu...
chapatty chapatty,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“薄煎餅”。短語搭配 chapatty hot cake slapjack 薄煎餅 同近義詞 slapjack,griddlecake
Basil chili and Tomato 乳酪洋蔥 Cheese onion 酪梨莎莎醬 Guacamole 自製馬鈴薯餅 Handmade Hash Browns 乾煎奶油杏鮑菇 Pan-fry King Oyster Mushrooms 檸檬百里香炒磨菇 Saute Mushroom With Lemon Thyme 大蒜蛋黃醬烤波特菇 Portobello Mushroom With Garlic Mayonnaise 干鍋蔬菜烘蛋 Griddle Caul if ...
燒餅拼音是shāo bing,指烤熟的小麵餅,表面多有芝麻。基本解釋 [sesame seed cake;griddle cake sprinkled with sesame seed] 烤熟的小麵餅,表面多有芝麻。園子裡面,頂著籃子賣燒餅油條的有一二十個。——《老殘遊記》引證解釋 指古代指經烘烤製成的麵餅,有餡兒。指經烘烤的不加餡的發麵餅,表面多有芝麻。
(I might mention Mungojerrie Rumpelteazer Griddlebone) Are nothing more than agents for the cat who all the time Just controls the operations The Napoleon of Crime Macavity Macavity there's no one like Macavity He's a fiend in feline shape A monster of depravity You may meet him in a by...
My griddle riot song 我的燒烤歌 Time is always passing by 時光總是匆匆流去 It never waits for me to chew 連咀嚼的時間也不等我 Never meant to be like this 從來沒有像這樣 But doing papers everyday 但總是每天擺弄著無法完成的檔案 Tomorrow we go barbeque 明天我們去BBQ We burn papers as ...
He shakes my ashes greases my griddle Churns my butter strokes my fiddle;My man is such a handy man He threads my needle creams my wheat Heats my heater chops my meat;My man is such a handy man Don’t care if you believe or not He sure is good to have around;Why when my furnace...