- 集數:121 集
- 製片地區:美國
- 首播時間:2009年5月19日(試播集,美國時間)
- 導演:瑞恩·墨菲、布拉德·法爾查克
- 編劇:瑞恩·墨菲、布拉德·法爾查克、伊安·布瑞
- 主演:麗婭·米雪兒、科里·蒙蒂思、馬修·莫里森、簡·林奇、克里斯·柯爾弗、達倫·克里斯、娜雅·里維拉、迪安娜·阿格隆、馬克·沙林、安伯·萊利
- 中文名:歡樂合唱團
- 外文名:Glee
- 作品類型:歌舞、喜劇、校園
- 語言:英語
- 主要獎項:美國青少年選擇獎最佳喜劇類劇集
全球金球獎音樂喜劇類最佳劇集 - 製片人:瑞恩·墨菲
- 出品公司:二十世紀福克斯電影公司
- 拍攝地點:紐約
- 網路播放平台:PP視頻(1-4季)
- 每集時長:約 44 分鐘
- 發行公司:二十世紀福克斯電影公司
- 季數:全6季
- 分級:Singapore:PG13
- IMDB評分:6.8
- 色彩:彩色
- imdb編碼:tt1327801
蘇·西爾維斯特 (簡·林奇飾),啦啦隊教練。帶領啦啦隊蟬聯了多年的啦啦賽總冠軍。性格暴烈,對控制與統治十分著迷,為達目的不惜用盡一切手段。因為對藝術的不屑,一直視合唱團為眼中釘,與舒斯特為常年的死對頭,想方設法地想要剷除掉舒斯特和他的合唱團。但外表剛烈的她也有感性善良的一面,比如對唐氏患者學生貝基格外疼愛,又或是極力促成Klaine這對熒幕情侶的複合。(常駐:第一季—第六季) | |
桑塔納·洛佩茲 (娜雅·里維拉飾),新航向合唱團初代成員,啦啦隊成員,麥金利高中12屆學生。毒舌傲慢、婊氣四溢,很少能夠說出讚美的話。以欺壓其他合唱團成員為樂。曾因為害怕校園輿論而不敢公開自己雙性戀的身份。與布里特妮形影不離,兩人關係親密到貌似已經不僅僅用閨蜜來形容她們。(常駐:第一季—第五季) | |
諾亞·“帕克”·帕克曼 (馬克·沙林飾),新航向合唱團初代成員,麥金利高中12屆學生。猶太人。原名諾亞·帕克曼,但大家都稱他帕克。與鐵哥們菲恩一樣是橄欖球隊隊員。本是睡遍校園的炮王、放蕩不羈的惡霸。平時熱愛彈吉他唱歌,但畢業後似乎熱衷於給空虛富婆“清潔泳池”,對自己的未來沒什麼方向。(常駐:第一季—第四季) | |
阿蒂·艾布拉姆斯 (凱文·麥克哈爾飾),新航向合唱團初代成員,麥金利高中13屆學生。雙腿殘疾,靠輪椅移動。才思敏捷,成績優異,但被人認為是不受歡迎的書呆子。原本的夢想是自己可以雙腿可以痊癒,成為一名舞者。導演《西區故事》的經歷使得他改變了志向,夢想成為一名電影導演。(常駐:第一季—第五季) | |
梅塞德斯·瓊斯 (安伯·萊利飾),新航向合唱團初代成員,麥金利高中12屆學生。有著黑人特有的好嗓音,實力與瑞秋不相上下。食物是她的最愛,也是導致她肥胖的原因。觀念十分保守,不接受婚前性行為。夢想是作為歌手出名。(常駐:第一季—第五季) | |
蒂娜·科恩·張 (珍娜·烏什克維茲飾),新航向合唱團初代成員,麥金利高中13屆學生。亞裔女生,哥特風打扮是她的標誌。曾因為討厭與人打交道而假裝口吃來遠離人群。歌唱實力不容小覷,但在合唱團里一直被掩蓋了光芒。經常會偶然撞到頭,然後做一些奇怪的夢。(常駐:第一季—第五季) | |
麥克·張 (岑勇康飾),新航向合唱團初代成員,麥金利高中12屆學生。亞裔男生,橄欖球運動員。四肢靈活,擅長跳舞,是合唱團的舞蹈擔當。夢想是成為一名舞者,但思想傳統的亞裔父親卻要求他成為一名醫生。(常駐:第一季—第三季) | |
布萊恩·安德森 (達倫·克里斯飾),新航向合唱團初代成員(第三季加入),麥金利高中13屆學生。原為道爾頓學院學生、林鶯合唱團領唱。得益於林鶯合唱團包容的氛圍,早已公開出櫃。才華橫溢、唱跳俱佳的他是高中里優秀同性戀的代表。對髮膠、領結和緊身褲有著非同尋常的喜愛。(常駐:第二季—第六季) | |
薩姆·埃文斯 (寇德·歐沃斯崔飾),新航向合唱團初代成員(第二季加入),橄欖球隊隊員,麥金利高中13屆學生。擁有迷人的身材,炫耀腹肌是他的愛好(另外還有彈唱)。因嘴巴大而常被調侃為“鮭魚嘴”。(常駐:第二季—第六季) | |
瑪莉·羅斯 (梅利莎·拜諾伊斯特飾),新航向合唱團2.0成員,麥金利高中14屆學生。打扮樸素,外形甜美,溫柔單純。天生有著一副好嗓子。家境並不富裕,母親是學校食堂的廚師,因此常被嘲笑排擠。(常駐:第四季—第五季) | |
傑克·帕克曼 (賈科布·阿提斯特飾),新航向合唱團2.0成員,麥金利高中14屆學生。與帕克是同父異母的兄弟。一半黑人血統,一半猶太人血統。和他的哥哥帕克一樣,在學校是花花公子,與許多女生都有過曖昧。但偏偏喜歡上了純潔的瑪莉。(常駐:第四季—第五季) | |
凱蒂·瓦爾德 (Becca Tobin飾),新航向合唱團2.0、3.0成員,啦啦隊成員,麥金利高中14屆學生。視奎恩為崇拜對象,毒舌程度卻與桑塔納有得一拼。(常駐:第四季—第六季) | |
萊德·林 (布萊克·詹納飾),新航向合唱團2.0成員,麥金利高中14屆學生。帥氣憨厚的鄰家男孩。受閱讀障礙症困擾。追求過瑪莉,但總是不了了之。(常駐:第四季—第五季) | |
韋德·“獨一”·亞當斯 (艾歷克斯·紐厄爾飾),新航向合唱團2.0成員,麥金利高中14屆學生。原為腎上腺素樂團的領唱。對自己的性別認知一直是女性,常把自己打扮成女性,也因為這點而受欺凌排擠。擁有動人的嗓音,能夠歌頌出內心的堅強與對認同的渴望,因此把自己的中間名改成“獨一”("Unique")。(常駐:第四季—第五季) | |
羅德里克·米克斯 (諾亞·格思里飾),新航向合唱團3.0成員,麥金利高中15屆學生。來自芝加哥的轉校生,因肥胖而常受欺負。常常戴著耳機獨來獨往,音樂是他唯一的朋友。擁有動人的嗓音,被瑞秋發掘並加入合唱團。(常駐:第六季) | |
珍·海沃爾德 (薩曼莎·瑪麗·韋爾飾),新航向合唱團3.0成員,麥金利高中15屆學生。熱愛唱歌,唱跳俱佳。原為道爾頓學院唯一的女學生,因被性別歧視的林鶯合唱團拒絕,而主動轉校並加入新航向合唱團。(常駐:第六季) | |
斯賓塞·珀爾特 (馬歇爾·威廉士飾),新航向合唱團3.0成員,麥金利高中15屆學生。孜孜不倦地追求四分衛的地位,是個舉止行為都十分直男的同性戀。因為怕被橄欖球隊排擠而曾拒絕加入合唱團,但私底下十分熱愛唱歌跳舞。經薩姆的勸說,繼承前四分衛菲恩的精神,加入了合唱團。(常駐:第六季) | |
梅森·麥卡錫 (比利·路易斯飾)新航向合唱團3.0成員,麥金利高中15屆學生。與雙胞胎姐姐同為啦啦隊成員,兩人形影不離,被調侃為“亂倫雙胞胎”。帥氣的外表和性感的聲線,在獨唱時成為台下女生為之狂熱的對象。被合唱團邪惡三人組的表演吸引而決定加入合唱團。(常駐:第六季) | |
麥迪森·麥卡錫 (勞拉·德雷福斯飾)新航向合唱團3.0成員,麥金利高中15屆學生。與雙胞胎弟弟同為啦啦隊成員,兩人形影不離,被調侃為“亂倫雙胞胎”。弟弟控,有點神經質,從小到大都在干涉弟弟的一切決定。被合唱團邪惡三人組的表演吸引而決定加入合唱團。(常駐:第六季) |
集數 | 歌曲名稱 |
Episode 1 - Pilot | 《On My Own |
《Rehab》 | |
《Leaving On A Jet Plane》 | |
Episode 2 - Showmance | 《freak out》 |
《I Say A Little Prayer For You》 | |
《Push It》 | |
《Gold Digger》 | |
Episode 3 - Acafellas | 《Poison》 |
《I Wanna sex You Up》 | |
《Bust Your Windows》 | |
《Mercy》 | |
Episode 4 - Preggers | |
《Taking Chances》 | |
Episode 5 - The Rhodes Not Taken | |
《Maybe This Time》 | |
《Alone》 | |
《Last Name》 | |
Episode 6 - Vitamin D | 《It's My Life/ Confessions》 |
《Halo / Walking On Sunshine》 | |
Episode 7 - Throwdown | 《Hate On Me》 |
《Ride with Me》 | |
《No Air》 | |
《You Keep Me Hanging On》 | |
Episode 8 - Mash-Up | 《Bust A Move》 |
《Thong Song》 | |
《Sweet Caroline》 | |
《I Could Have Danced All Night》 | |
Episode 9 - Wheels | 《Dancing With Myself》 |
《Proud Mary》 | |
Episode 10 - Ballads | |
《I'll Stand By You》 | |
《Crush》 | |
《You're Having My Baby》 | |
《Lean On Me》 | |
《Don't Stand So Close To Me / Young Girl》 | |
Episode 11 - Hairography | 《Bootylicious》 |
《You Are The One That I Want》 | |
《Papa Don't Preach》 | |
《Crazy In Love/ Hair》 | |
《Imagine》 | |
Episode 12 - Mattress | 《Smile》 |
《Jump》 | |
《Smile》 | |
Episode 13 - Sectionals | 《And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going》 |
《Don't Rain On My Parade》 | |
《You Can't Always Get What You Want》 | |
《My Life Would Suck Without You》 | |
Episode 14 - Hell-O | 《Gives You Hell》 |
《Hello, I Love You》 | |
《Hello》 | |
《Highway To Hell》 | |
《Hello Goodbye》 | |
Episode 15 - The Power of Madonna★ | 《Express Yourself》 |
《Borderline /Open Your Heart》 | |
《Vogue》 | |
《What It Feels Like For A Girl》 | |
《4Minutes》 | |
Episode 16 - Home | 《Fire》 |
《A House Is Not A Home》 | |
《One Less Bell To Answer / A House Is Not A Home》 | |
《Beautiful》 | |
《Home》 | |
Episode 17 - Bad Reputation | 《Physical》 |
《Ice Ice Baby》 | |
《U Can't Touch This》 | |
Episode 18 - Laryngitis | 《Jessie's Girl》 |
《Lady Is A Tramp》 | |
《The Boy Is Mine》 | |
《Rose's Turn》 | |
《One》 | |
Episode 19 - Dream on | 《Piano Man》 |
《Dream On》 | |
《Safety Dance》 | |
《Dream a Little Dream of Me》 | |
《I Dreamed a Dream》 | |
Episode 20 - Theatricality★ | 《Funny Girl》 |
《Shout It Out Loud》 | |
《Beth》 | |
Episode 21 - Funk | 《Another One Bites the Dust》 |
《Give Up the Funk》 | |
《Good Vibrations》 | |
《It's a Man's, Man's Man's World》 | |
《Loser》 | |
《Tell Me Something Good》 |
Episode 22 - Journey | Faithfully |
Any Way You Want It / Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’ | |
Don’t Stop Believin’ (Regionals Version) | |
To Sir, With Love | |
集數 | 歌曲名稱 |
Episode 1 - Audition | Empire State of Mind |
Telephone | |
Billionaire | |
Every Rose Has Its Thorn | |
What I Did for Love | |
Getting to Know You | |
Listen | |
Episode 2 - Britney / Brittany★ | Baby One More Time |
Me Against The Music | |
Toxic | |
I'm A Slave 4 U | |
The Only Exception | |
Episode 3 - Grilled Cheesus | Bridge Over Troubled Water |
I Look To You | |
I Want To Hold Your Hand | |
Losing My Religion | |
One of Us | |
Only the Good Die Young | |
Papa Can You Hear Me | |
Episode 4 - Duets | Happy Days are Here Again / Get Happy |
Le Jazz Hot | |
River Deep, Mountain High | |
With You I'm Born Again | |
Lucky | |
Don't Go Breaking My Heart | |
Sing! | |
Episode 5 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show★ | Science Fiction Double Feature |
Damn It, Janet | |
Hot Patootie | |
Sweet Transvestite | |
Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch Me | |
There's a Light(Over At the Frankenstein Place) | |
Time Warp | |
Episode 6 - Never Been Kissed | Teenage Dream |
Stop!In the Name of Love / Free Your Mind | |
One Love(People Get Ready) | |
Teenage dream | |
Start Me up / Livin' on a prayer | |
Episode 7 - The Substitute | Forget You |
Singing in the Rain/Umbrella | |
Make'em laugh | |
Nowadays / Hot Honey rag | |
Episode 8 - Furt | Ohio |
Sway | |
Episode 9 - Special Education | Don't Cry for Me Argentina |
The Living Years | |
(I've had)the Time of My Life | |
Valerie | |
Dog Days Are Over | |
Episode 10 - A Very Glee Christmas | The Most Wonderful Day of the Year |
We Need A Little Christmas | |
You're a Mean One, Sue the Grinch | |
Last Christmas | |
Baby, It's Cold Outside | |
Merry Christmas Darling | |
Welcome Christmas | |
Episode 11 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle Bowl | Need You Now |
California Girls(原唱) | |
Thriller/ Heads Will Roll | |
Bills Bills Bills | |
She' s Not There | |
Episode 12 - Silly Love Songs | Firework |
Fat Bottomed Girls | |
P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) | |
My Funny Valentine | |
When I Get You Alone | |
Silly Love Songs | |
Episode 13 - Comeback | Baby |
Somebody to Love | |
Take Me or Leave Me | |
This Little Light of Mine | |
I Know What Boys Like | |
Sing | |
Episode 14 - Blame It on The Alcohol | My Headband(原創) |
Tik Tok | |
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer | |
Blame It on The Alcohol | |
Don't You Want Me | |
Like a G6(原唱) | |
Episode 15 - Sexy | Afternoon Delight |
Animal | |
Landslide | |
Kiss | |
Do You Wanna Touch Me | |
Episode 16 - Original Song | Misery |
Only Child(原創) | |
Blackbird | |
Trouty Mouth(原創) | |
Big Ass Heart(原創) | |
Hell To The No(原創) | |
Candles | |
Raise Your Glass | |
Jesus Is Friend Of Mine | |
Loser Like Me(原創) | |
Get It Right(原創) |
Episode 17 - A Night Of Neglect | |
Ain't No Way | |
I Follow Rivers | |
Turning Tables | |
Bubble Toes | |
Episode 18 - Born This Way | |
Duck Sauce(原唱) | |
I Feel Pretty / Unpretty | |
As If We Never Said Goodbye | |
I've Gotta Be Me | |
Episode 19 -Rumours★ | Dreams |
Don't Stop | |
Nice to Meet You, Have I Slept with You?(原創) | |
Never Going Back Again | |
Songbird | |
Go Your Own Way | |
I Don't Want to Know | |
Episode 20 - Prom Queen | I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance with You |
Isn't she lovely | |
Friday | |
Jar of Hearts | |
I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You | |
Episode 21 - Funeral | |
Some People | |
Try A Little Tenderness | |
Pure Imagination | |
My Man | |
Episode22 - New York | Still Got Tonight |
My Cup(原創) | |
I love New York | |
Bella Notte | |
As Long as You're There(原創) | |
Pretending(原創) | |
Light Up the World(原創) | |
For Good | |
Yeah! |
集數 | 歌曲名稱 |
Episode 1 - The Purple Piano Project | We Got the Beat |
Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead | |
Anything Gose / Anything You Can | |
It's not Unusual | |
You Can't Stop the Beat | |
Episode 2 - I Am Unicorn | Something's Coming |
I'm the Greatest Star | |
Somewhere | |
Episode 3 - Asian F | It's All Over |
Out Here On My Own | |
Cool | |
Spotlight | |
Episode 4 - Pot of Gold | Bein' Green |
Candyman | |
Take Care of Yourself | |
Waiting for a Girl Like You | |
Episode 5 - The First Time★ | |
A Boy Like That(West Side Story) | |
Poison Arrow | |
America(West Side Story) | |
One Hand,One Heart(West Side Story) | |
Episode 6 - Mash Off | You and I/Just You and I |
Hot for Teacher | |
I Can't Go for That(No Can Do)/You Make My Dreams | |
OneWay or Another/Hit Me With Your Best Shots | |
Episode 7 - I kissed A Girl | |
I'm The Only One | |
Girls Just Want to Have Fun | |
Constant Craving | |
Jolene | |
Episode 8 - Hold on to Sixteen | Buenos Aires |
Red Solo Cup | |
Survivor / I Will Survive | |
ABC | |
Control | |
Man in the Mirror | |
Episode 9 - The Christmas | |
Blue Christmas | |
Christmas Eve with You | |
Christmas Wrappin' | |
Do They Know It's Christmas | |
Do You Here What I Hear | |
Let It Snow | |
Litter Drummer Boy | |
River | |
Santa Baby | |
Episode 10 - Yes / No | |
Wedding Bell Blues | |
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face | |
We Found Love | |
Summer Nights | |
Episode 11 - Michael ★ | |
Ben | |
Bad | |
Wanna Be Starin' Something | |
Episode 12 - The Spanish Teacher | A Little Less Conversation |
Bamboleo /Hero | |
Don't Wanna Lose You | |
Sexy and I Know It | |
Episode 13 - Heart | L-O-V-E |
Let Me Love You | |
Stereo Heart | |
Home | |
I Will Always Love You | |
You're The Top | |
Loveshack | |
Episode 14 - On My Own | Fly /I Believe I Can Fly |
stronger | |
Cough Syrup | |
Here's to Us | |
Episode 15 - Big Brother | Fighter |
Hungry Like The Wolf /Rio | |
I'm Still Standin' | |
Up Up Up | |
Episode 16 - Saturday Night Glee-ver★ | You Should Be Dancin' |
Night Fever | |
Disco Infemo | |
If I Can't Have You | |
How Deep Is Your Love | |
Boogie Shoes | |
More Than A Woman | |
Episode 17 - Dance With Somebody ★ | |
I Wanna Dance with Somebody(Who Loves Me) | |
Savin' All My Love for You | |
So Emotional | |
It's Not Right but It's Okay | |
I Have Nothing | |
My Love Is Your Love | |
Episode 18 - Choke | Cell Block Tango |
Not The Boy Next Door | |
School's Out | |
Shake It Out | |
Rain in Spain | |
Episode 19 - Prom-Asauru | |
Dinosaur | |
Love You Like A Love Song | |
Episode 20 - Prop | I Won't Give Up |
Always True to You in My Fashion | |
Mean | |
What A Feeling | |
Episode 21 - National | |
Paradise by the Dashboard Light | |
Pinball Wizard | |
Tongue Tied | |
Episode 22 - Goodbye | |
Glory Days | |
I'll Remember | |
In My Life | |
You Get What You Give | |
Not the End | |
Roots Before Branches |
集數 | 歌曲名稱 |
Episode 1 - The New Rachel | Americano / Dance Again |
It's Time | |
New York State of Mind | |
Episode 2 - Britney 2.0 ★ | Boys / Boyfriend |
Oops!... I Did It Again | |
Crazy / You Drive Me Crazy | |
Episode 3 - Makeover | Everybody Wants to Rule the World |
A Change Would Do You Good | |
Mister Monotony | |
The Way You Look Tonight / You're Never Fully Dressed | |
Celebrity Skin | |
Episode 4 - Break Up | Give Your Heart A Break |
Don't Speak | |
Barely Breathing | |
Mine(Acoustic Version) | |
Hopelessly Devoted To You | |
Epiode 5 - The Role You Were Born to Play | Blow Me(One Last Kiss) |
Everybody Talks | |
Juke Box Hero | |
Born to Hand Jive | |
Greased Lightning | |
Episode 6 - Glease★ | Look at Me,I'm Sandra Dee |
Beauty School Drop Out | |
There Are Worse Things I Could Do | |
Look at Me,I'm Sandra Dee(Reprise) | |
You're the One That I Want | |
Dark Side | |
Episode 7 - Dynamic Duets | Some Nights |
Heroes | |
Holding Out for a Hero | |
Superman | |
Come See About Me | |
Episode 8 - Thanksgiving | Gangnam Style |
Live While We're Young | |
Whistle | |
Homeward Bound/Home | |
Let's Have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time | |
All That Jazz | |
Episode 9 - Swan Song | Being Alive |
Being Good Isn't Good Enough | |
O Holy Night | |
Something Stupid | |
Don't Dream It's Over | |
Feliz Navidad | |
Episode 10 - Glee Actually | White Christmas |
Hanukkah,oh Hanukkah | |
The First Noel | |
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas | |
Silent Night | |
Joy to the World | |
I'll Be Home for Christmas | |
Happy Xmas(War Is Over) | |
I Don't Know How to Love Him | |
Episode 11 - Sadie Hawkins | I Only Have Eyes For You |
Locked Out of Heaven | |
No Scrubs | |
Tell Him | |
Baby Got Back | |
Episode 12 - Naked | |
This is the New Year | |
A Thousand Years | |
Let Me Love You(Until You Learn to Love Yourself) | |
Centerfold/Hot in Herre | |
Diva | |
Episode 13 - Diva | Don't Stop Me Now |
Nutbush City Limits | |
Make No Mistake,She's Mine | |
Bring Him Home | |
Girl On Fire | |
Hung Up | |
You're All I Need To Get By | |
Episode 14 - I Do | (Not)Getting Married Today |
Just Can't Get Enough | |
We've Got Tonight | |
Anything Could Happen | |
You're All the World to Me | |
Episode 15 - Girls(and Boys) On Films | Shout |
Old Time Rock & Roll/Danger Zone | |
Come What May | |
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend/Material Girl | |
In Your Eyes | |
Unchained Melody | |
Footloose | |
Bye Bye Bye / I Want It That Way | |
Episode 16 - Feud | Closer |
Cold Hearted | |
How To Be a Heartbreaker | |
I Still Believe / Super Bass | |
The Bitch Is Back / Dress You Up | |
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go | |
Episode 17 - Guilty Pleasures | Copacabana |
Against All Odds (Take a Look At Me Now) | |
Wannabe | |
My Prerogative | |
Creep | |
Mamma Mia | |
More Than Words | |
Episode 18 - Shooting Star | Say |
Your Song | |
Outcast | |
Episode 19 - Sweet Dream | You Have More Friends Than You Know |
Next to Me | |
(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right(To Party) | |
Don't Stop Believein'(Rachel Solo Audition Version) | |
At the Ballet | |
Episode 20 - Lights Out | Everybody Hurts |
For the Longest Time | |
Little Girls | |
You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' | |
We Will Rock You | |
Signed,Sealed,Delivered | |
Episode 21 - Wonder-ful★ | You Are the Sunshine of My Life |
Higher Ground | |
For Once In My Life | |
Superstitious | |
Uptight(Everything's Alright) | |
I Wish | |
Clarity | |
Episode 22 - All or Nothing | Wings |
All or Nothing | |
Hall Of Fame | |
To Love You More |
Episode 1 - Love,Love,Love★ | Yesterday |
Drive My Car | |
Get to Get You into My Life | |
You've Got to Hide Your Love Away | |
Help! | |
A Hard Day's Night | |
I Saw Her Staning There | |
All You Need Is Love | |
Episode 2 - Tina in the Sky with Diamonds★ | Get Back |
Here Comes the Sun | |
Something | |
Revolution | |
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band | |
Hey Jude | |
Let It Be | |
Episode 3 -The Quarterback★ | Seasons of Love |
I'll Stand by You | |
Fire and Rain | |
If I Die Young | |
No Surrender | |
Make You Feel My Love | |
Episode 4 - A Katy or A Gaga★ | Roar |
Applause | |
Wide Awake | |
Marry The NIght | |
Episode 5 - The End of Twerk | Blurred Lines |
If I Were a Boy | |
On Our Way | |
Wrecking Ball | |
You Are Woman, I Am Man | |
Episode 6 - Movin' Out★ | Movin' Out (Anthony's song) |
Piano Man | |
My Life | |
Honesty | |
An Innocent Man | |
Just the Way You Are | |
You May Be Right | |
Episode 7 - Puppet Master | The Fox |
Into the Groove | |
Nasty/Rhythm Nation | |
You're My Best Friend | |
Cheek to Cheek | |
Episode 8 - Previously Unaired Christmas | Here Comes Santa Claus |
Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree | |
Mary’s Little Boy Child | |
The Chipmunks Song (Christmas Don’t Be Late) | |
Love Child | |
Away In A Manger | |
Episode 9 - Frenemies | Don't Rain On My Parade |
I Believe In A Thing Called Love | |
Whenever I Call You Friend | |
Brave | |
My Lovin’ (You’re Never Gonna Get It) | |
Every Breath You Take | |
Breakaway | |
Episode 10 - Trio | Jumpin', Jumpin' |
The Happening | |
Danny's Song | |
Gloria | |
Hold On | |
Don't You (Forget About Me) | |
Barracuda | |
Time for Some Girl Talk | |
Episode 11 - City of Angels | I Love LA |
Vacation | |
Mr. Roboto / Counting Stars | |
More Than a Feeling | |
America | |
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For | |
Episode 12 - 100★ | Raise Your Glass |
Toxic | |
Defying Gravity | |
Valerie | |
Keep Holding On | |
Happy | |
Episode 13 - New Directions★ | I Am Changing |
Party All the Time | |
Loser Like Me | |
Be Okay | |
Just Give Me a Reason | |
Don't Stop Believin' | |
Episode 14 - New New York | Downtown |
You Make Me Feel So Young | |
Best Day of My Life | |
Rockstar | |
Glitter Rock Vampire | |
Don't Sleep in the Subway | |
People | |
Episode 15 - Bash | No One is Alone |
You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman | |
Broadway Baby | |
Not While I'm Around | |
Colorblind | |
I'm Still Here | |
Episode 16 - Tested | Addicted to Love |
I Want to Know What Love Is | |
Love Is a Battlefield | |
Let's Wait Awhile | |
Episode 17 - Opening Night | Lovefool |
NYC | |
I'm the Greatest Star | |
Who Are You Now | |
Pumpin Blood |
Episode 18 - The Back Up Plan | Wake Me Up |
Doo Wop (That Thing) | |
Story of My Life | |
Piece of My Heart | |
The Rose | |
Episode 19 - Old Dog, New Tricks | I Melt with You |
Memory | |
Werewolves of London | |
Lucky Star | |
Take Me Home Tonight | |
Episode 20 - The Untitled Rachel Berry Project | Shakin' My Head |
All of Me | |
Girls on Film | |
Glitter in the Air | |
No Time at All | |
American Boy | |
Pompeii |
Episode 1 - Loser Like Me | Uninvited |
Suddenly Seymour | |
Sing | |
Dance the Night Away | |
Episode 2 - Homecoming | Take On Me |
Tightrope | |
Mustang Sally | |
Home | |
Problem |
Episode 3 - Jagged Little Tapestry | It's Too Late |
Hand in My Pocket / I Feel the Earth Move | |
Will You Love Me Tomorrow / Head Over Feet | |
So Far Away | |
You Learn / You've Got a Friend |
Episode 4 - The Hurt Locker | Bitch |
Thousand Miles | |
Rock Lobster | |
Whip It |
Episode 5 - The Hurt Locker Pt. 2 | My Sharona |
You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) | |
It Must Have Been Love | |
Father Figure | |
All Out of Love |
Episode 6 - What the World Needs Now | I'll Never Fall in Love Again |
Baby It's You | |
Wishin' and Hoping | |
Arthur's Theme | |
Promises, Promises | |
They Long to Be Close to You | |
Alfie | |
What the World Needs Now |
Episode 7 - Transitioning | You Give Love a Bad Name |
Same Love | |
All About That Bass | |
Somebody Loves You | |
Time After Time | |
I Know Where I've Been |
Episode 8 - A Wedding | At Last |
Hey Ya! | |
I'm So Excited | |
Our Day Will Come |
Episode 9-Child Star | Lose My Breath | |||
Friday I'm in love | ||||
I Want to Break Free | ||||
Uptown Funk | ||||
Break Free | ||||
Cool Kids |
Episode 10- The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester | Rather Be | ||
The Trolley Song | |||
Far from Over | |||
The Final Countdown | |||
Rise(原創) |
Episode 11-We Built This Glee Club | Listen to Your Heart | ||
We Built This City | |||
Mickey | |||
Take Me to Church | |||
Chandelier | |||
Come Sail Away |
Episode 12-2009★ | Popular | ||
I'm His Child | |||
I Kissed a Girl | |||
Pony | |||
Don't Stop Believin'(第一季版) |
Episode 13-Dreams Come True | Teach Your Children | ||
Someday We'll Be Together | |||
Daydream Believer | |||
The Winner Takes It All | |||
This Time(原創) | |||
I Lived |