DP 方程(Degasperis-Procesi equation)是一個模擬彌散介質中非線性波動非線性偏微分方程
- 中文名:DP 方程
- 外文名:Degasperis-Procesi equation


DP 方程(Degasperis-Procesi equation)是一個模擬彌散介質中非線性波動非線性偏微分方程
《Degasperis-Procesi方程的控制問題》是2014年06月由國防工業出版社出版的圖書,作者是宗西舉。內容簡介 本書共7 章,系統地介紹了Degasperis - Procesi 方程的最新控制理論以及指數能穩的結果。內容包括線性無窮維系統的能控性,線性無窮維系統的能穩性,Degasperis - Procesi 方程的能控性和能穩性,二元De...
《Degasperis-Procesi方程若干控制問題的研究》是依託濟南大學,由宗西舉擔任項目負責人的青年科學基金項目。項目摘要 本項目主要研究一類完全可積的淺水波方程Degasperis-Procesi方程和二元Degasperis-Procesi方程的若干控制問題, 特別是能控性和漸近能穩性問題. 將套用返回(returning)方法和不動點原理建立Degasperis-...
《b-族非線性淺水波方程尖峰子解的研究》是依託同濟大學,由周羚君擔任項目負責人的青年科學基金項目。中文摘要 在孤立子與可積系統理論中,b-族非線性淺水波方程因容有尖峰子解,是近20年的研究熱點,其中Camassa-Holm方程和Degasperis-Procesi方程是最有代表性的兩個。相對於人們對Camassa-Holm方程全面且深刻的...
到目前為止,除了經典的 Camassa-Holm 方程和 Degasperis-Procesi 方程以外,最近人們也發現了一些具有高階非線性項的可積系統,例如修正的 Camassa-Holm 方程和 Novikov 方程等,也具有尖峰孤立子解、周期的尖峰孤立子解和多重尖峰孤立子解。本項目主要研究可積系統尖峰孤立子解的軌道穩定性,以期一方面給出描述這一...
Yue Liu : Wave Breaking Phenomena and Stability of Peakons for the Degasperis-Procesi Equation Xi-Nan Ma and Qianzhong Ou : The Convexity of Level Sets for Solutions to Partial Differential Equations Xing-Bin Pan : Nucleation of Instability of Meissner State of Superconductors and Related ...
項目中的具體的套用問題包括Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw (CHHS) 系統、含間斷解的Degasperis–Procesi (DP) 方程、多個守恆量的Schrödinger-KdV方程、以及無梯度選擇的薄膜生長問題。數值試驗表明這些數值格式能夠處理帶有高階導數、具有穩定系統能量的梯度流問題的能力,並且時間空間均具有高階精度。相關成果發表在 ...
《一類兩分支非線性淺水波方程的若干問題研究》是依託西南大學,由張雙虎擔任項目負責人的青年科學基金項目。項目摘要 研究包含Camassa-Holm 方程和Degasperis-Procesi 方程為其特殊情形的b 族方程初值問題和初邊值問題的局部適定性,相應強解的爆破機制和強解的爆破,強解的整體存在性,整體弱解的存在性和唯一性,...
我們研究了地球流體力學和物理中的一些非線性偏微分方程的適定性和漸進性,主要研究了二元DGH方程組和二元具有旋轉效應的CH適定性;隨機原始方程等流體力學方程的適定性、動力學和大偏差估計;具有加法躁聲和乘法躁聲Camassa-Holm方程和Degasperis-Procesi方程等淺水波方程(組)適定性; 具有加法躁聲和乘法躁聲的隨機...
首先, 對三維變密度不可壓縮Navier-Stokes方程, 研究了其整體光滑解的穩定性定理, 得到一類大初始速度下的整體適定性理論, 建立了大密度情形下此方程在臨界空間中的局部和整體適定性理論;得到變導電係數下二維MHD方程的整體適定性理論. 在第二方面, 得到了Degasperis-Procesi 方程在臨界空間中的局部適定性理論及其強...
1. Global well-posedness for the Cauchy problem of the viscous Degasperis–Procesi equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2010, 361(2(SCI檢索)), 457-465.2.On the inverse scattering problem and the low regularity solutions for the Dullin–Gottwald–Holm equation. Nonlinear...
Matter wave soliton solutions of the cubic-quintic nonlinear schrodinger equation with an harmonic potential 《Applied Mathematics and Computation》Factorization technique and new exact solutions for the modified camassa-holm and degasperis-procesi equations《Applied Mathematics and Computation》Novel soliton-...
1、宗西舉,馬汝建,李實等。Degasperis-Procesi方程若干控制問題的研究.國家自然科學基金(批准號11201179).2、宗西舉,孫書榮,胡海清等。基於延時邊界觀測器的廣義Degasperis-Procesi方程輸出反饋鎮定問題研究,國家自然科學基金(批准號11026112).3、宗西舉,程新功,張勇, 李實,胡岩,張永峰,裴興華. Camassa-Holm...
14、Jiangbo Zhou, Lixin Tian,Xinghua Fan, Soliton, kink and antikink solutions of a 2-component of the Degasperis-Procesi equation, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 11 (2010) 2529-2536.15、Jiangbo Zhou, Lixin Tian, Xinghua Fan, Soliton, kink and antikink solutions of a 2-component of ...
[5]Ying Fu, Yue Liu, Changzheng Qu. On the blow-up structure for the generalized periodic Camassa-Holm and Degasperis-Procesi equations, Journal of Functional Analysis, 2012,262:3125-3158. (SCI二區)[6]Ying Fu, Changzheng Qu, Unique continuation and persistence properties of solutions of the...
1. 基於延時邊界觀測器的廣義Degasperis-Procesi方程輸出反饋鎮定問題研 究(11026112 ) ,國家自然科學基金-數學天元 2.含有摩擦和間隙的機械系統建模與跟蹤控制研究 (W10075 ),國家自然科 學基金。省級項目2項:1.區域電網分散式無功電壓最佳化控制,山東省優秀中青年科學家科研獎勵 基 金,已結題 2.基於電流電壓...
3.Y. Liu and Zhaoyang Yin (corresponding author), Global existence and blow-up phenomena for the Degasperis-Procesi equation, Comm. Math. Phys., 267:3 (2006), 801-820.4.J. Escher, Y. Liu, and Zhaoyang Yin (corresponding author), Global weak solutions and blow-up structure for the...
Jacek Szmigielski and Lingjun Zhou, Peakon-antipeakon interactions in the Degasperis-Procesi Equation, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems and Random Matrices, AMS Contemporary Mathematics series,Jacek Szmigielski and Lingjun Zhou, Shock creation and Painlevé property of colliding peak...
Compressible Limit of the Nonlinear Schr'6dinger Equation with Different-degree Small Parameter Nonlinearities Some Traveling Wave Solitons of the Green-Naghdi System Travelling Wave Solutions of a Generalized Camassa-Holm-Degasperis-Procesi Equation Dynamics of Stochastic Klein-Gordon-schr6dinger Equations ...
[8]. HY Wu, Duan, Y, Multi-quadric Quasi-Interpolation methods Coupled with FDM for the Degasperis-Procesi Equation. Appl. Math. Comput. 274(2016): 83-92. SCI.(Impact 1.43)。[9]. Duan,Y, JG Liu, Error estimates of the particle method for the b-equations. Methods and Applications...
Hailiang Liu, Yunqing Huang and Nianyu Yi, A direct discontinuous Galerkin method for the Degasperis--Procesi equation,Methods and Applications of Analysis,Vol.21, 2014, pp.83-106.會議論文 Yunqing Huang, Huayi Wei, Wei Yang and Nianyu Yi, A new a posteriori error estimates for adaptive ...
3.Gao QJ , Zhang SG* , Zhang JH . Adaptive moving knots meshless method for Degasperis-Procesi equation with conservation laws[J]. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2019, 142(AUG.):90-101.4.Gao QJ , Zhang SG* . Moving Mesh Strategies of Adaptive Methods for Solving Nonlinear Partial ...
(11) Degasperis-Procesi peakon dynamical system and finite Toda lattice of CKP type, Nonlinearity, 2018, 第 1 作者 (12) Multipeakons of a two-component modified Camassa-Holm equation and the relation with the finite Kac-van Moerbeke lattice, Adv. Math., 2016, 第 1 作者 (13) Three...
(24) Blow-up criteria for the inhomogeneous nonlinear Schr?dinger equation, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014:55, 8 pages. (with Shihui Zhu).(25) Asymptotic behaviors of solutions to the dissipative 2-component Degasperis-Procesi dissipative 2-component Degasperis-Procesi system,...
ZD Zhang, QS Bi, Solitary waves for a nonlinear dispersive long wave equation, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2008.ZD Zhang, QS Bi, Two-mode wave solutions in the Degasperis–Procesi equation, Chinese Physics Letters, 2008.ZD Zhang, QS Bi, Multiple-mode wave solutions in Vakhnenko equation, Physics...
[1] Rui Liu. Several new types of solitary wave solutions for the generalized Camassa- Holm-Degasperis-Procesi equation. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2010, 9(1): 77–90. DOI:10.3934/cpaa.2010.9.77 2010CPAA.pdf 獲得授權專利 [4] 授權美國專利,專利名稱:Detection device...
31、Yang P, Chen Y, Li ZB,An approach for solving short-wave models for Camassa-Holm equation and Degasperis-Procesi equation,COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS,50(3): 583-586,2008 32、Zhaqilao, Li ZB,New multi-soliton solutions for the (2+1)-Dimensional Kadomtsev Petviashvili ...