



  • 中文名:語言認知研究(英文版)
  • 作者:高治東
  • ISBN:9787307151888
  • 頁數:547頁
  • 定價:72元
  • 出版社:武漢大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年1月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




1 Metacognitive Awareness Guidance in the Teaching of EFL Reading
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Method
1.4 Results and discussion
1.5 Conclusions
2 Cognitive Analysis of the Ordering of Multiple Attributives of English Sentences
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Literature Review
2.3 Theoretical Framework
2.4 Cognitive Analysis of the Ordering of Multiple Attributives of English Sentences
2.5 Pragmatic Value of the Ordering of Multiple Attributives
2.6 Conclusions
3 An Embodied Study of Gradient Features of English Spatial Prepositions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Spatial Prepositions, Metaphor and Gradient
3.3 Theoretical Framework of Embodied Cognition
3.4 Research Design
3.5 Gradient Features of English Spatial Prepositions
3.6 Conclusions
4 Embodied Analysis of Generation and Comprehension of Verb-Particle Constructions
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Literature Review of Verb-Particle Constructions
4.3 Theoretical Framework of Embodied Cognition
4.4 Research Design
4.5 Embodiment of Generation and Comprehension of VPCs
4.6 Conclusions
5 A Contrast Study of Uyghur Middle School Students' Cognition of Colour Codability in English and Chinese
5.1 Background of the Study
5.2 Literature Review: Studies of Color Terms
5.3 The Prototype Theory and the Holistic Model as Theoretical Framework
5.4 Methodology
5.5 Similarities and Differences of Uyghur Middle School Students' Color Codability in English and Chinese
5.6 Conclusions
6 An ECM Analysis of Reciprocal Functions of News Headline Interrogatives
6.1 Research Background
6.2 Literature Review
6.3 Theoretical Framework
6.4 Research Methodology
6.5 Applications of ECM and CRP to Reciprocal Functions of Interrogatives
6.6 Conclusions
7 Cognitive Study of Textual Functions of Passive Sentences in Abstracts of English Academic Papers
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Literature Review of Studies of Passive Sentence
7.3 Theoretical Frameworks
7.4 Research Methodology
7.5 Textual Function Analysis of Passive sentences of Abstracts in Journal of Pragmatics
7.6 Conclusions
8 Cognitive Study of the Pragmatic Functions of Discourse Marker Well
8.1 Background of the Study
8.2 Previous Studies on Discourse Markers
8.3 Theoretical Framework
8.4 Research Design
8.5 Corpus—based Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of Discourse Marker Well
8.6 Conclusions
9 A Cognitive and Metapragmatic Awareness Study of the Functions of YoH Kn!OW
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Literature Review
9.3 An Analysis of You Know as a Discourse Marker
9.4 Metapragmatic Awareness of You Know from Textual Perspective
9.5 Metapragmatic Awareness of You Know from Interpersonal Perspective
9.6 Factors Influencing the Use of You Know
9.7 Conclusions
10 A Survey of the Studies on Preposition Over from the Perspective of Embodied Theory
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Grammatical Studies of Over
10.3 Semantic Studies of Over
10.4 Evaluation of the Approaches Employed in Previous Studies of Over
10.5 Embodied Hypothesis Model
10.6 Conclusions
1 英語閱讀教學中的元認知意識指導
2 英語多層定語語序的認知語用分析
3 英語空間介詞漸變特徵的具身研究
4 動詞一小品詞結構生成與理解的具身分析
5 維族中學生英漢色彩語碼認知對比研究
6 疑問句新聞標題互動功能的事件域認知模型分析
7 英語學術論文摘要中被動旬語篇功能的認知分析
8 話語標記語well語用功能的認知分析
9 You know功能的認知與元語用意識研究
10 基於具身理論的介詞Over-研究綜述


