

  • 中文名:管理的溝通策略
  • 特色:Realistic cases throughou
  • 評論: turn words into pictures
  • 簡介:數位化信息


・ Realistic cases throughout-Based on composite facts.
○Brings text content to life for students, and enables them to perceive these scenarios as similar to situations in their own life.
・ A focus on the consequences of positive and negative communications with the best practices and anecdotes-Features interviews with business people.
○Illustrates a range of problem solving strategies and highlights strategy and tactics used by working managers.
・ Coverage of critical managerial functions-E.g., manager as communication coach; concept illustrator; cross-functional leader of diverse teams; crisis team leader; and liaison to the media.
○Supplies students with a toolbox of strategies targeted at a manager's daily activities.
・ Examples of effective business visuals-Not limited to number-based visual communication.
○Demonstrates how to turn words into pictures.
・ Realistic cases throughout-Based on composite facts.
○Brings text content to life for students, and enables them to perceive these scenarios as similar to situations in their own life.
・ A focus on the consequences of positive and negative communications with the best practices and anecdotes-Features interviews with business people.
○Illustrates a range of problem solving strategies and highlights strategy and tactics used by working managers.
・ Coverage of critical managerial functions-E.g., manager as communication coach; concept illustrator; cross-functional leader of diverse teams; crisis team leader; and liaison to the media.
○Supplies students with a toolbox of strategies targeted at a manager's daily activities.
・ Examples of effective business visuals-Not limited to number-based visual communication.
○Demonstrates how to turn words into pictures.


This casebook views writing and presentation skills as necessary prerequisites in managerial communications, and provides a forum to discuss realistic situations and explore creative solutions in difficult business situations. Organized around functional areas that mirror the critical managerial functions of real-life, the text helps students think effectively and quickly. It enables them to capitalize on what they already know, creatively apply accepted business tools to what they perceive as communications issues, andconsequently accomplish better results-with tasks and people. This text covers the art and science of communications.
本書中著重強調了數位化信息,介紹了基本分析原則和信息系統設計。原名《Managerial Communication Strategies》。
This casebook views writing and presentation skills as necessary prerequisites in managerial communications, and provides a forum to discuss realistic situations and explore creative solutions in difficult business situations. Organized around functional areas that mirror the critical managerial functions of real-life, the text helps students think effectively and quickly. It enables them to capitalize on what they already know, creatively apply accepted business tools to what they perceive as communications issues, andconsequently accomplish better results-with tasks and people. This text covers the art and science of communications.
本書中著重強調了數位化信息,介紹了基本分析原則和信息系統設計。原名《Managerial Communication Strategies》。


How to Use This Book and Work the Cases.
1. Manager as Communication Coach.
2. Manager as Cross-Functional Leader of Diverse Teams.
3. Manager as Idea-Generator.
4. Manager as Meeting Facilitator.
5. Manager as Concept Illustrator.
6. Manager as Crisis Team Leader and Liaison to the Media.
7. Manager as Conflict Mediator.


