


  • 中文名:民航客艙服務英語實訓教程
  • 出版時間:2021年12月1日
  • 出版社清華大學出版社
  • 頁數:167 頁
  • ISBN:9787302592976
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
Unit 1 Duties of Cabin Service 1
Guide Reading 2
Teaching Objectives 2
Section One Flight Attendants’ Duties 2
Unit 2 Procedures of Cabin Service 11
Guide Reading 12
Teaching Objectives 12
Section One Contents of Cabin Service 12
Section Two Basic Procedures of Cabin Service 17
Unit 3 Skills of Cabin Service 28
Guide Reading 29
Teaching Objectives 29
Section One Skills of Verbal Service 29
Section Two Skills of Nonverbal Service 36
Section Three Skills of Serving Special Passengers 65
Unit 4 Cabin Emergency Disposal 69
Guide Reading 70
Teaching Objectives 70
Section One Fire Disposal 70
Section Two Anti-hijacking Disposal 76
Section Three Disposal of Cabin Decompression 78
Section Four Disposal of Dangerous Goods 80
Section Five Emergency Landing/Ditching and Evacuation 86
Section Six Survival Skills 95
Section Seven First aid on board 100
Unit 5 Useful Expressions of Cabin Service 123
Guide Reading 124
Teaching Objectives 124
Section One Before Take-off 124
Section Two Mid-flight 126
Section Three Pre-arrival and Post-arrival 131
Unit 6 Flight Announcement 134
Guide Reading 135
Teaching Objectives 135
Section One Announcement Before Taking off 135
Section Two Announcement during the Flight 136
Section Three Announcement before Landing and after Landing 138
Section Four Emergency Announcement 139
Unit 7 Simulation Practice of Cabin Service 141
Guide Reading 142
Teaching Objectives 142
Section One The Charts of Flight Attendants’ duties 142
Section Two The Procedures of Simulation Training 145
References 155
Appendix Airline Logos 156


