


強調句,是基本語法 ,是一種修辭,是人們為了表達自己的意願或情感而使用的一種形式。英語常用的強調結構是It is (was)+被強調部分(主語賓語狀語)+who (that)...。



  • 中文名:強調句
  • 外文名:The Emphatic Pattern
  • 類別:一種修辭
  • 用法:表達自己的意願使用的一種形式


It is/ was + 被強調部分(通常是主語賓語狀語)+ that/ who(當強調主語且主語指人)+ 其他部分。
例子 It was yesterday that he met Li Ping.
2. 一般疑問句的強調句型
同上,只是把is/ was提到it前面。
例子 Was it yesterday that he met Li Ping?
3. 特殊疑問句的強調句型
被強調部分(通常是疑問代詞疑問副詞)+ is/ was + it + that/ who + 其他部分?
例子 When and where was it that you were born?
4.not … until … 句型強調
A. 句型為:It is/ was not until + 被強調部分 + that + 其他部分
普通句:He didn't go to bed until/ till his wife came back.
強調句:It was not until his wife came back that he went to bed.
B. 注意:
句型只用until,不用till。但如果不是強調句型,till, until可通用;因為句型中It is/ was not ... 已經是否定句了,that後面的從句要用肯定句,切勿再用否定句了。
A. It is/ was ... that ... 結構不能強調謂語,如果需要強調謂語時,用助動詞do/ does或did
Do sit down. 務必請坐。
Do be careful when you cross the street. 過馬路時,務必(千萬)要小心啊!
B. 注意:
此種強調只用do/ does和did,沒有別的形式;過去時用did,後面的謂語動詞原形


⒈用do\does\did + V可表強調
Some people do believe that nuclear power poses a threat to the world peace.
adv或adj可表強調:Never \ only\ Very
This is the very question that deserves careful analysis.
Taking part-time jobs is never without drawbacks.
What really matters is cooperation.
Little do people take into account the seriousness of this problem.
Nothing is more imperative than to learn from the past.
It is \was +被強調部份+ that \ who +原句剩餘部份
It is stability that destroys people’s ambition and barricades people’s steps.


Do write to me when you get there.你到那兒後務必給我來信。
How dare you buy such expensive jewels?你怎么敢買這么貴的寶石呢?
3.用ever,never,very,just等副詞和badly,highly,really等帶有-l y的副詞來進行強調
I really don’t know what to do next.我的確不知道下一步該怎么做。
4.用in the world,on earth,at all等介詞短語可以表達更強的語氣(常用於疑問句):
Where in the world could he be?他到底會在哪兒?
How interesting a story it is!這是一個多么有趣的故事啊!
Why!why!The cage is empty!啊!啊!箱子是空的。
On the table were some flowers.桌上擺著一些花。(強調地點)
8.用強調句型:“It is(was)+被強調的部分+that(who)+原句其它部分”來強調說話人意願
It was on Monday night that all this happened.所有這一切發生在周一晚上。
1)If從句+I don’t know who/what,etc.does/is/has,etc.
主語部分也可以用nobody does/is/has,etc.或everybody does/is/has,et c.來代替(這裡的if從句往往是正話反說反話正說):
If he can’t do it,I don’t know who can.要是他做不了這件事,我不知道還有誰能做。(強調只有他能做) If Jim is a coward,everybody is.要是吉姆是個膽小鬼,那么人人都是膽小鬼。(強調吉姆不是膽小鬼)
2)if從句+it be主句(此用法可看成是第8中強調句型的變形,即把所要強調的內容放在it be的後面,把其它內容放在由if引導的從句中):
If anyone knew the truth,it was Tom.如果說誰了解事實的真相,那便是湯姆。
It’s because of hard work—ten years of hard work.那是因為艱苦的工作--十年艱苦的工作!
He began the work in late May.他在五月底開始的這項工作。(強調時間)


It was because the water had risen that they could not cross the river。


1. ---Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?---No,___ only the two passengers who got hurt.
A. it was B. there is C. it were D. there was
2. ---Who is making so much noise in the garden? --- ___ the children.
A. It is B. They are C. That is D . There are
3. It was ___ she was about to go out ____ the telephone rang.
A. when ; that B. so; that C. before; then D. when; before
4. It was ___ he said ___ disappointed me.
A. what; that B. that; what C. that; when D. it; when
5.____ that silver is not widely used as a conductor?
A. Why is B. Is it why C. Why is it D. Why is that
6.---I can’t find Mr. Smith .Where did you meet him this morning?--- It was in the hotel ___ he stated.
A. that B which C. the one D. where
7. It was in the small house ___ was built with stones by his father ___ he spent his childhood.
A. which; that B, that ;where C, which; which D. that; which
8. It was ___ it was raining so hard that we had to stay at home all day.
A. since B .for C. as D. because
9. Is ____ three hours ____ the boy ___family is poor to come to school on foot?
A .it ;that; whose B. it; that it takes; whose C. it for ;that it takes; whose D. it; when ;that
10. his wife left him without saying goodbye.
A. that B .which C .when D. in which
11. It is a winter night ___he spent with me last night.
A. that B. where C. as D .when
12It is the young man ___ looked for ___ caught the murderer.
A. that; who B. that; they C. they ;that D they ;which
13. It was ____ my teacher worked ____ I work hard.
A. where; that B. where; where C .that; that D. that ;where
14. It was evening__we reached the little town of Winchester.
A that B. until C. since D. before
15. It was until dark ___ he found ___ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.
A. that; what B. that; that C. when; what D. when; that
16. It was until last year that he ___.
A. left school for a new start
B .came to realize the importance of learning English.
C. worked as an English teacher at a middle school
D .set out to build a new house of his town.
17、It is the ability to do the job ____ matters ,not where you come from or what you are.
A. one B. that C .what D. it
18. I don’t know ____ that you stay here.
A. how long it is B. how long is it C. it is how long D. is it how long
19、.It was _____ that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than usual.
A. we being late B. our being late C. we were too late D. because we were late
20.---what was the party like?---Wonderful. It’s years _____ I enjoyed myself much.
A. after B. before C .that D. since
從句辨析 強調句將句子中的it is / was …that同時省去,句子仍然成立;而主語從句將that與後面部分代替it,成立。如:
(1) It is Li Lei’s brother that you met in the street yesterday. 你昨天在街上所見到的就是李蕾的兄弟。
本句若將It is 及 that同時省去為:You met Li Lei’s brother in the street yesterday. 句子同樣成立,因此前面的句子是強調句型
(2) It is exciting that we have succeeded in sending up Shenzhou V. 我們成功地發射了神舟五號這件事情真令人興奮。
本句若將It is 及 that同時省去為:We have succeeded exciting in sending up Shenzhou V. 顯然句子錯誤,因此,前面句子不是強調句型,而是主語從句
強調句中的It沒有實際意義,It be與that可同時被省略;而定語從句中的It是主語,It be與that不可同時省略;
◎當it be後面的時間、地點名詞作主語、賓語或表語時,引導詞可用that / which;而作其他成分時,引導詞須用when / which。如:
(1) It is an English book (that / which) I bought yesterday. 它是我昨天買的書。(本句是對What is that?問句的回答,that所引導的是定語從句,that可被省略)
It was the English book that I bought yesterday. 昨天我所賣的就是這本書。(本句相當於對I bought the English book yesterday中an English book進行強調)
(2) It was a room where we used to have meetings. 它是我們過去常在開會的房子。(where 所引導的從句對前面的room進行說明,它是定語從句)
It was in the room that we used to have meetings. 過去我們開會就在這間房子裡。(in the room是被強調的部分,本句是強調句型)
(3) It is a day when the people celebrate their victory. 這是人們慶祝他們的勝利的日子。 (when所引導的從句對a day進行說明,是定語從句)
It was on that day that people celebrated their victory. 就在那一天,人們慶祝了他們的勝利。(強調on October 1, 1949)
◎狀語從句的連線副詞that及句子前面的It be不能去掉
◎狀語從句的引導詞可以是when / where,而強調句型中的that不能用其他詞代替。如:
(1) It is such an interesting book that we all like it very much. 它是一本如此有趣的書,我們大家都非常喜歡。(結果狀語主從複合句)
It is such an interesting book that we all like very much. 我們大家都非常喜歡的就是一本如此有趣的書。(強調such an interesting book)
(比較:It is such an interesting book as we all like very much. 這就是我們大家都非常喜歡的有趣的書。定語從句)
(2) It was already morning when he woke up. 當他醒來時,已經是早晨了。(時間主從複合句)
It was the next morning that he woke up. 就在第二天早晨他醒來了。(強調the next morning)


