- 中文名:定語
- 外文名:attributive
- 詞性:名詞
- 詞性:代詞
- 詞性:數詞
- 詞性:介詞短語
- 詞性:動詞不定式
- 詞性:形容詞
a famous American university
an interesting little red French oil painting
a new plastic bucket
a purple velvet curtains
an elegant German clock
- 描述身體特徵的形容詞先於表示情感和性格特徵的形容詞
例如:a small lovely girl,a long patient queue,a pale anxious patient ; - 表示顏色的形容詞放在表示情感和性格特徵的形容詞之後
例如:a kindly black teacher,an inquisitive brown dog ; - little,old 和young 有時可以作為名詞短語不可分割的一部分,所以可以直接放在名詞之前,
例如:a lovely little girl - 表示性格特徵的形容詞可以放在old young 之前,也可放在old young 之後,例如:
a young ambitious man (強調年齡),an ambitious young man(強調雄心勃勃)。
當然,三個以上形容詞連用作定語,就顯得累贅,因此上面所說的情況一般較少出現. - 數詞
數詞作定語相當於形容詞:Two boys need two pens.(two為定語,修飾名詞boy:two修飾名詞pen)兩個男孩需要兩支鋼筆。
The two boys are students.(two為定語,在此數詞做形容詞,修飾名詞boy)這兩個男孩是學生。
There are two boys in the room.(two為定語,在此數詞做形容詞,修飾名詞boy)房間裡有兩個男孩。
- 短語作定語一般後置
It was a conference fruitful of results. 那是一個碩果纍纍的會議。
He gave me a basket full of eggs. 他給我一個裝滿雞蛋的籃子。
English is a language easy to learn but difficult to master. 英語是一門容易學但是難精通的語言。
The boys hardest to teach are all in his class.最難教的男生都在他的班裡了。 - 修飾some,any,no,every等詞構成的不定代詞的定語都後置
Let’s go somewhere quiet. 咱們去找個安靜一點的地方吧。
There is nothing important in today's newspaper. 今天報紙上沒有什麼重要的東西。
Do you have anything more to say? 你還有什麼話要說嗎 - 副詞作定語(表示地點、方位、時間的副詞)
They lived in the room above.他們住在樓上的房間。 - 動詞、名詞轉化而來的以-able,-ible 結尾的形容詞作定語
He is a person dependable. 他是一個可以依靠的人
This is the only transportation means available. 這是唯一可行的交通工具。 - 起強調作用的單個分詞
Everybody involved should stay here.每個(被)涉及到的人都應該呆在這裡。
The college mentioned. (被)提及的大學。
- The boy in the classroom needs a pen of yours.
(in the classroom 為定語,修飾名詞boy;of yours為定語,修飾名詞pen)/教室里的男孩需要你的一支鋼筆。 - The boy in blue is Tom.
(in blue為定語,修飾名詞boy)/穿藍色衣服的孩子是湯姆。 - There are two boys of 9,and three of 10.
(two,three,of 9和of10為定語,修飾名詞boy)/有兩個9歲的,三個10歲的男孩。
- The boy needs a ball pen.(ball為定語,修飾名詞pen)/男孩需要一支原子筆。
- It is a ball pen.(ball為定語,修飾名詞pen)/這是一支原子筆。
- There is only one ball pen in the pencil box.(the pencil box為定語,修飾名詞ball pen )/這鉛筆盒裡只有一支原子筆。
- The boy there needs a pen.(there為定語,修飾名詞boy)/那兒的男孩需要一支鋼筆。
- The best boy here is Tom.(here為定語,修飾名詞boy)/這裡最棒的男孩是Tom。
- The boy to write this letter needs a pen.( to write this letter 為定語,修飾名詞boy)/寫這封信的男孩需要一支鋼筆。
- The boy to write this letter is Tom.(to write this letter為定語, 修飾名詞boy)/將要寫這封信的男孩是湯姆。
- There is nothing to do today.(to do為定語, 修飾名詞nothing)/今天沒有事要做。
- The smiling boy needs a pen bought by his mother.( smiling為定語, 修飾名詞boy;bought by his mother為定語,修飾名詞pen)/那個微笑的男孩需要一支他媽媽買的鋼筆。
- The pen bought by her is made in China.(bought by her 為定語,修飾名詞pen)/她買的筆是中國產的。
- There are five boys left.(five為定語,修飾名詞boy;left為定語,修飾名詞boy)/有五個留下的男孩。

Is he the man (who/that) wants to see you?
He is the man (whom/ that )I saw yesterday.
They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人車壞了,大家都跑過去幫忙。
Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green. 請遞給我那本綠皮的書。
A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 農村出現了前所未有的繁榮。(which / that在句中作主語)
The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作賓語)