散步 / 002
提問 / 008
教一個人 / 014
風格 / 020
建立融洽的關係 / 030
故事 / 036
學習的間歇 / 046
地點 / 052
時間 / 060
結課 / 066
停頓 / 072
目光接觸 / 078
切入點 / 084
遊戲和練習 / 090
DUA / 096
DUA 代表:發現(discover)、理解(understand)和套用(application)。
知識 / 102
技能 / 108
習慣 / 116
方法 / 120
計畫 / 124
觀察 / 130
精通 / 136
最好的 / 140
學習 / 152
徒弟 / 158
學?還是教? / 164
寫作 / 170
身體 / 176
書 / 180
課題 / 186
措辭 / 192
學習時刻 / 198
天賦、激情、能力和時節 / 204
我的觀察 / 216
結語 / 254
Walk / 004
I have found that arranging time to go for walks with people is a good time to impart lessons. But the setting must be very natural, and a skillful teacher knows that walking is a good learning situation.
Questions / 010
Phrased correctly, and asked at the right time, it is sometimes better than teaching. This is aligned to the fact that adults learn better when it is problem oriented.
One / 016
Inspiration, counsel, and example, these three, intentionally pre-purposed and done well, will be the key to man-to-man training.
Style / 023
Inspiration, counsel, and example, these three, intentionally pre-purposed and done well, will be the key to man-to-man training.
Rapport / 032
The rapport established in the class and continual rapport after class will influence the learner in a way the content of the class cannot.
Stories / 040
Stories create interest, and make a concept easy to remember. It creates an environment of fruitful anxiety and a sense of commonness amongst both teacher and learner.
Learning Stoppers / 048
One must stop to think when one is learning. When we stop, our thinking gets a jolt and we start to process what we are learning, we begin to conclude, crystallize, and to deeply understand.
Where / 055
The best place for learning is probably not in the classroom. Everyone is a teacher or a learner. Everywhere is a place to learn and teach.
When / 062
When do you sleep best? When do you eat best? When do you learn best? When is your learner “most ready” to learn?
Close / 068
I like to end with a story or with something really challenging and memorable. I like to make the learners think. I like to put them in a position when they are thinking, “What must I do?”
Pause / 074
The pause allows the learners to think at the right moment. This is when the learning moment takes place. It is the most important part of learning.
Eye Contact / 080
When you are looking in one direction, focus on one person as though you are talking to him. That is the easiest way to develop eye contact.
The Entry / 086
Most of the time whether you are worth learning from can be decided from the first few minutes when you open your mouth.
Games and Exercise / 092
Every trainer should be familiar with games and exercises. How often he uses it will depend on how well it helps the learner learn.
DUA / 098
In our case DUA stands for Discover, Understand, Apply.
Knowledge / 104
Teaching knowledge is mostly a waste of time because we are replacing their laziness by carrying water from the well for him rather than telling him where the well is.
Skills / 111
the key in teaching skills is in three areas, the learner’s realization of their own need to solve a problem, the method that excites the learner, and the reality that it is important to me.
Habit / 117
One of the higher forms of learning is when students are so convinced of something they form it as a life habit.
Methods / 121
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
Plan / 126
actually a part of preparation is thinking. Just thinking about the learners, the content, what they should be learning, and how this is going to happen.
Observation / 132
A learner’s ability and willingness to perform well on the job is what teaching is all about. The teacher must be a master at observation. He must be able to see what others cannot see.
Mastery / 137
Mastery should be the greater ambition of learning.
The Best / 144
Working together with a much more senior person in the same field is the best learning method.
Learn / 154
How does a teacher learn and grow? Is your learning journey well mapped out? Are you a learning teacher?
Disciples / 160
The time and effort a teacher takes to teach a disciple is probably one of the most useful practice a teacher can have to improve his skill as a teacher.
Learn? Teach? / 166
Most times we start to focus on how we teach. I think we have to start with understanding how our learner learns.
Write / 172
A good teacher must also be a good a writer. Combining teaching through the written and spoken word engages brings learning to a deeper level.
Body / 177
When a teacher is fit, and appears fit, the learner is attracted to learn.
Books / 182
A good old book on the subject you are learning will ensure you have some authentic input on the subject.
Projects / 188
Projects are great ways for adults to learn. It can be a one-person project or in a team.
Phrases / 194
What phrases can enhance the learner’s learning in your teaching?
Learning Moment / 200
It happens when
we suddenly understand what it is. When our minds start to connect to the subject. It is at this time that the learning takes place in the mind of the student.
Talent, Passion, Capacity and Seasons / 208
It is not possible to discuss learning and teaching without mention of a human being’s talent, passion, capacity and seasons.
My Observations / 231
I have observed teaching and learning over two decades and here are some personal observations and lessons I have learnt.
Epilogue / 256
Trying to solve the right problem may be more important than just trying to solve any problem.