





  • 中文名:喇拉曲智仁波切
  • 外文名:喇拉曲智仁波切
  • 別名:尊者
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:藏族
  • 出生地:四川省甘孜州新龍縣
  • 出生日期:公元一八六二年
  • 逝世日期:一九四五年十二月初
  • 職業:佛教尊者
  • 信仰:佛教
  • 主要成就:為佛教所培養的眾多高僧大德。為後代所撰的大量論著。
  • 代表作品:《寶鬘論大疏》《大幻化網攝義》《大圓滿基道果密要》


尊者是文殊菩薩蓮花生大士親自攝受加持的大成就者。據伏藏大師嘎托卡薩授記中言:"勝士索南曲智尊,你本來為聖境處,陳那論師之化身"。認定其為因明創造者陳那論師之化身。法王嘎瑪巴也曾如此讚譽過。秋嘉朗巴的未來授記中寫道:"喇拉曲智仁波切是蓮師二十五位大弟子之一吉喔瓊尊者的轉世。"此外,卡托堪仁波切也作過如是授記:尊者是吉喔瓊之化身,所結緣有情一萬,弟子中廣弘佛法者千餘眾,獲殊勝成就者八十人。彼遇到違緣時,觀修蓮師、金剛橛,本來年壽七十餘歲,依此亦可住世八十幾年,後將成為銅色吉祥山剎土空行主尊。尊者在自傳中說:"我自幼便對聞思修十分感興趣,這也是宿世的因緣所致。"一次,尊者講經時對弟子們說:"我自己雖然無有廣大的功德可言,但從小就對正法有強烈的希求心,對聞思修有濃厚的興趣,這完全來源於生生世世祈禱本尊文殊以及蓮師的善緣,你們若如此而行,也定會開顯廣大智慧。"The sage is Manjusri, Padmasambhava personally by the blessing, achievement photo. According to the hidden master gartog Vyakarana said: "in the Southern Song, who wins the cable, you have to enter, the theory of teacher Chen incarnation". That the creator of the theory division of Chen Ming incarnation. Faniga Mar Ba had so much praise. Autumn Jialangba future granted to remember wrote: "the reincarnation of one of guru Rinpoche twenty-five disciple Ji Oh Joan sage is Ralaziz Rinpoche. "In addition, Kato Carupoche also made such as is granted to remember: respect is Ji Oqiong incarnation, affinity have ten thousand, thousand all the disciples Naka Hirohiro Dhamma, won Pogorelich wins achievement eighty people. Peter encountered Weiyuan, view of teacher Xiulian, Vajrakilaya. Originally Shouson more than 70 years old, accordingly can live world eighty years, will become the copper Ji Xiangshan brake dust blank lines of the Buddha. He wrote in his autobiography: "I was very interested in the conduct of the smell, which is caused by Su Shi's fate. "A, the venerable preaching to his disciples and said:" my own although no extensive merits whatsoever, but grew up for the Dharma have strong desirability, strong interest of Wen Si Xiu, the complete source in the generation after generation praying statue Manjusri and Padmasambhava predestined relationship, if you like this walk and will show the majority of wisdom. Rhododendron aureum


Sage was born in Sichuan Province Ganzi Xinlong County, the territory of guru Rinpoche hidden Kamiyama Cu Lou Za Yanga near, like a blooming lotus auspicious sanctuary, located in place. My father didn't Namgyal is a rather practicing scholar, mother banma. Autumn is a kind-hearted, gentle and compassionate women. Ad 1862 years (14 wins and body water spaniel years), with everywhere in full bloom unprecedented colorful flowers and many other Swiss phase, a looks solemn, clever clever, very cute boy was born. He was born integrity division Sambo, compassionate loving beings, and has no pseudo renunciation, for the Dharma and moksha has strong interest. As a child, often in the process of playing the game show a variety of different places.
Unfortunately, when he was only one year old, between the dragon and the Lhasa people happened a fierce battle, finally Xinlong failed. Dear were forced to leave their homeland, their family also become homeless in other countries, failed to get rid of this doom.
At the age of five. Father was assassinated. Soon, home all the property almost looted, leaving only a few yaks, poverty has been extremely, later migrated to the Syracuse area live. At that time, life is very tight, just rely on the mother dig Cordyceps, selling herbs, selling firewood, etc.. A statue as a disciple transmission method in the process of smiling sadly said: "in my young life very poor, mother bear bitter hardships to carefully Buyang I grew up, after the hardships. I'm not starved to death at the time, was also the mother of kindness. Rhododendron aureum
Perhaps some people will ask: since the statue is a great big achievement, why still suffer so unfortunate? For this problem, a little know how people will understand the Dharma teachings. For example, my master Shakya Muni infinite compassion and mercy Buddha born seven days, my mother passed away. The Buddha's venerable Milarepa childhood experienced all kinds of misfortune, his father died, the property was seized,...... Study teacher practice is much more difficult. Life for rainbow body achievement banma dengda sage has also been suffering destruction etc.. The famous virtual cloud the old monk in the permanent springs temple only to pine nuts, stream to satisfy his hunger, thirst, at the age of 24 and contracted a serious illness was sent to Singapore infectious disease hospital heal... For many people who are going through the method of India, Tibet, Han you big achievements in asceticism, such examples too numerous to mention.
Venerable eight years old to start learning the text, due to the wisdom of the extraordinary talent, easily proficient in the text recite writing, painting Mandala, drums blowing snails... Fine, especially the calligraphy in Tibet is exquisite beyond compare, to the people. Like the prince, like the prince, although the body in the world, but did not become contaminated with the secular habits, like a muddy and not dyed white lotus.


Statue at the age of 16, of all the three worlds cycle a deep-rooted, extremely strong centrifugal, then go to the ROM mulberry sincere Khenpo tonsure monks, Farmington Luo Qiu Shang Ji Zha ba. As mentioned in the song "three hundred": the real teaching by monks. At the age of twenty, in the root of the root of the King Kong before the division by nearly round. From then on, to do not escape the precepts of all the school, such as the eye. The snow at the time of the Tibet is like the stars surrounding the moon praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct, emit cool bright light. We are not difficult to see how much emphasis on discipline in the teaching of the descendants of the statue. He often said to his disciples, "it is the most solemn of all the solemn. Rhododendron aureum
Good knowledge in Qing Gensang cable before the Bodhisattva precepts. He has not totally unbiased the compassion all beings. Mahayana bodhicitta is the most venerable biography. As Zhi Zun Beiguang biography of the said: "I since the childhood has no pseudo compassion and bodhichitta, this is the biography of my life is the most important. Another example: "root Sanglang Pakistan master horse is stolen, please read the disciples of guru jinx subdue thieves. The master said: "if you don't snap at bad karma, I will never use food for many lifetimes have accumulated for a few horses. "As many many eminent monks in the words and deeds, respect who both suffered any damage, who never retorted, and a tooth for a tooth, and with a compassionate heart to treat injuries, and truly reflects the great bodhisattvas of noble character.
Hold the precepts must first obtain the tantric initiations, that is to say Micheng quit only through the initiations can be affected by. The venerable yogi Jigme in autumn Wang before relying on image have been obtained, in the mandala continued all initiations. After diligent practice students circle order, especially no hindrance to light all the Dzogchen pith all around. He for various continued the samaya attaches great importance to, pure and uphold the oath and never once disobeyed masters teachings, interrupted the teacher's heart.


During the home has to Khenpo GA bin seat under the heard of the "* * *" the treasure "" tengyur "and so on many by the theory of inheritance. And in three months by listening to Tantra in Nolo Tenzin Rinpoche before they.
At the age of twenty-two, he went to different places far away from the homeland, we seek the dew. In Peng bamboo green Xirisangha rely upon the ocean Tayi incarnation smell by great circle filled with drop teach, has digital master achievement division widely heard the merit used "the real name of the" four heart drop "and so on numerous Tantra. In the river Yancey around the statue of research and study the release of large sparse "logic and calendar, medical, poetics and rhetoric study, especially for medical master, Gaoming exquisite medical skills to make countless beings to get rid of the diseases of the body, sent in addition to the suffering.
He of mipham Rinpoche admired. In its first won the "Monju praise" the inheritance, to pray for many other very deep to this, but was mipham Rinpoche is writing many Dalun code, and method body poor reason, failed to fulfill a wish.
In order to obtain the Prajna Dharma, he also experienced go through untold hardships. In a freezing winter, the way a to Shiqu, roaring north wind, biting cold, snow swirl underground stop, his feet almost frozen. However, he continues to move forward...... As the former often cry Bodhisattva all sorts of penance he wins the Bodhisattva then the last before Jiang Yixi flower won the many teachings evangelical Prajnaparamita Sutra and kadam.
In the color Guerra Daji statue before heard "nishidera abhidharmakosa" in Shandong teaching. In the seat next to the Chinese Khenpo root by the "middle" method based on solemn medium to. In the autumn before heard that "Gong lono theory" and other law, five kinds of the special way to obtain. Especially when he heard the pith Master Wu Dan increase Logrono in the name of Allah, and venerable Milarepa heard Marpa lotsawa Swami name similar, involuntarily estate gave birth to suppress the strong confidence, after the meeting will be on the division, as the true Buddha, in the lower seat respectfully the scale free light respect works of Dzogchen, and Joe beauty Rinpoche in the land of bliss may paper "Amitabha Buddha. The teacher said to him: "you should always pray innovis between him and Rinpoche, I'm your only one person, so it has nearly passed the blessing. "He replied to the confidence of the Vajra guru and top up law and fully realized Dzogchen reality secret meaning. The person often said: "I was lucky to meet such a good teacher, who is a real sense of the person. Rhododendron aureum
In short, the near the mipham Rinpoche merits and virtues of the Buddha's nineteenth guru, Takekei Tetsuhitomikiri grace Desheng Buddha seven division, Wu Kim Tenzing Lo Nor, such as eye, heart, life like three big divisions were 29 unnumbered with phase division, with three happiness rests, communication blessing, and heard four syntactic meaning more than good knowledge all respectful bearing paternity.
But now some people due to the lack of Buddhism basic knowledge has on a division before the smell by the method of many, but also re apprentice. This is ridiculous. Just as the venerable old Buddha as only a miracle "over hell and Gatha flames, suicide die and method. Rhododendron aureum


In Buddha Shakya Muni's teachings, argument, debate, writing is the three largest cause of the wise. The Dharma must be accessible through the three. Therefore, he is very happy to have the compassion taken expound the texts of Buddhism, a large margin. Because of his wisdom, extraordinary, from Tibet, Qinghai and other places of the aspirant in an endless stream, have flocked to, the seat of the four disciples is increasing. From "Happy forward on guiding text" to teach many, it was for law. Many pupils vowed to thirteen years worked very hard, enlightened monks have their number. Later, the sage in bamboo Xirisangha reconstruction of Buddhist Institute, deeply preach "praise" and many other Xianmi Manjusri teaching. Gartog Kan Rinpoche Vyakarana said: "the venerable Dharma career in the east. "Here refers to the Dragon Temple East zagreb. The statue of Buddha in the temple for thirteen years. Anju during the year were taught the precept of "and so on, a total of here to preach the precept of" 21 times, the * * * on 13 times, the the concept of solemn theory "three times, Zhonglun three times," into the "" five times, the mahamaya, five times, "Ju homes" twice. In a word, mainly in the five classics by the theory again imparted to. Especially for not more than 10 worthy teaches the method bounded treasure on Dzogchen pith for instruments used in the edge, and a total of eight times the supreme wisdom ". The teacher repeated preaching is not tired, patiently, until the disciples understood so far infer other things from one fact. One time, he explained to one of his disciples thirteen times the "wisdom". Finally said: "I have to tell you thirteen times, if you still don't understand, then you may not have the fate. Rhododendron aureum
From the voice loud, clear, deeply smell the welcome. Once, an official of the Hongyuan area here to work, he took a curiosity to listen to the venerable dharma. The result was a very appealing voice. Delayed to do things, listen to the full. All the people will hear his words that benefit. Regardless of the status and level of support, as long as it is a pious seeking law, he will be given the appropriate law to.
It is also because of the incomparable eloquence, the thought of law in the period of being not very difficult to accept debate without live play eloquence. But we from his works, it is easy to see: the his eloquence is like the roar of a lion, so that all the evil beast tremble with fear of heresy.
Due to have been complete method of understanding reality, to natural awareness showing the wisdom of code words beautiful, profound, "Po Man on hydrophobic" the mahamaya photo meaning "the great perfection based Road fruit densely to" and remained in the world wide for amendments.










