



  • 外文名:nonlinear
  • 英式讀音: [nɑn'lɪniɚ]
  • 美式讀音: [nɑn'lɪniɚ]
  • 詞性:形容詞


英 [nɒnˈlɪnɪə] 美 [ˌnɑːnˈlɪniər]
adj. 非線性的


nonlinear system 非線性系統
nonlinear programming 非線性規劃
nonlinear dynamics 非線性動力學
nonlinear vibration 非線性振動
nonlinear optics 非線性光學
nonlinear coupling 非線性耦合;非線性聯結
nonlinear response 非線性回響
nonlinear distortion 非線性失真
nonlinear circuit 非線性電路


  • Environmental systems tend to be nonlinear, and therefore not easy to predict. 環境系統一般是非線性的,所以很難預測。
  • The motion of spherical pendulum in z-direction is described by nonlinear oscillation equation. 用非線性振動方程描述了球擺在 z 方向上的運動。
  • We derived a set of mathematical formulas for describing the third-order nonlinear optical process in polydiacetylene crystals. 我們建立了一套描述聚丁二炔晶體中的三階非線性光學過程的數學公式。
  • This nonlinear one in the gas phase. 這是氣相中的非線性曲線。
  • Nonlinear file processing: Jumping around. 非線性檔案處理:跳躍訪問。
  • Nonlinear regression and quadratic response surface models. 非線性回歸和二次回響面模型。
  • These provide clues for further study of nonlinear Dynamics. 這些為進一步研究非線性動力學提供了線索。
  • The cloaking technology also may affect nonlinear acoustic phenomena. 該隱聲技術也能影響非線性的聲音現象。
  • The theory of nonlinear dynamics has been widely used in this field. 在這一領域,非線性動力學理論得到了廣泛的套用。
  • The dimension accuracy of parts is very complicated nonlinear problem. 零件的尺寸精度是非常複雜的非線性問題。
  • The method is suitable not only for nonlinear systems, but also for linear systems. 該方法不僅適用於線性系統,而且適用於非線性系統。
  • For performing tasks, whether linear or nonlinear, wizard-style UI is often desired. 為了完成任務,無論線形或非線形,嚮導樣式的用戶界面都經常被設計。
  • We also face the specter of nonlinear "tipping points" that may cause much more severe changes. 我們還面臨另一個幽靈,那就是非線性的“氣候引爆點”,這會帶來許多嚴重得多的變化。
  • For nonlinear filters, noise suppressing and detail preserving is a pair of contradictions. 對於非線性濾波器,噪聲消除和細節保持為一對矛盾。
  • One of r's strengths is its ability to calculate linear, as well as nonlinear regression models. 計算線性與非線性回歸模型的能力是R的強大功能之一。
  • Each subsystem contains nonlinear term and the interconnections are nonlinear and unmatched. 每個子系統都包含非線性項,且互聯項是非線性非匹配的。
  • The investigation indicates the lager nonlinear-error and the disturbing errors of these methods. 研究表明,這些方法有較大的非線性誤差和干擾誤差。
  • Ashby was an engineer interested in nonlinear control circuits and the virtues of positive feedback loops. 阿什比是一位工程師,他對非線性控制電路和主動反饋迴路的優點感興趣。
  • In this paper, the output tracking of the nonlinear system with nonlinear parameterization is considered. 研究具有非線性參數化的非線性系統的輸出跟蹤問題。
  • To read data, the same tip detects the variations in nonlinear dielectric constant in the altered regions. 進行數據讀取時,則使用尖頂來偵測附近區域介電常數的變化值來讀取數據。
  • Combined with the piecewise linearization, it can be used to compute the response of some nonlinear system. 與分段等效線性化方法相結合,也可用於某些非線性系統的回響計算。
  • If one or more elemental equations are nonlinear, as is the case for a diode, then the overall system is nonlinear. 如果一個或多個基礎方程是非線性的,例如在套用二極體的場合,那么整個系統也就成了非線性的。
  • Using model as an approximation for nonlinear system, the nonlinear system has been fuzzified into local linear model. 採用模糊動態模型逼近非線性系統,將非線性系統模糊化為局部線性模型。
  • Because of the nonlinear and noncontinuous activity of Lotus Domino, we normally would expect to get worse total throughput. 由於LotusDomino活動是非線性的、間斷的,我們獲得的總吞吐量很可能比實際小。
  • Hypertext, on the other hand, stimulates yet another way of thinking: telegraphic, modular, nonlinear, malleable, cooperative. 而超文本激發的是別樣的思考方式:簡短的、組合式的、非線性的、可延展的,合作的思考模式。


