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  • 外文名:Recruitment
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[rɪˈkruːtmənt]
  • 美式音標:[rɪˈkruːtmənt]


英 [rɪˈkruːtmənt] 美 [rɪˈkruːtmənt]
n. 招募,招聘;(自然種群)增長;(生理)募集(反應、現象)


personnel recruitment 人員招聘,員工招聘
recruitment exercise 招聘工作
recruitment drive 入伍記(遊戲)
recruitment policy 招聘政策
Recruitment Co-ordinator 招聘協調人 ; 招聘協調 ; 招聘和諧人
common recruitment examination 綜合招聘考試
recruitment methods 招聘方法 ; 招聘方式 ; 無領導小組討論
Business Topic Recruitment 商務話題篇招聘 ; 商務話題篇聘請 ; 商務話題篇 ; 商務話題篇雇用
recruitment and selection 招聘與選拔 ; 招聘和甄選 ; 甄選 ; 招聘和選拔
recruitment advertising 招聘廣告 ; 招聘啟事 ; 雇用告白
Campus Recruitment 校園招聘 ; 招聘要求及流程 ; 校園招募 ; 校園雇用
Recruitment Site 招聘網站 ; 雇用網站
Recruitment Consultant 招聘顧問 ; 獵頭顧問 ; 求職顧問 ; 徵聘顧問


  • In future, staff recruitment will fall within the remit of the division manager. 以後招募新員工將屬於部門經理的職責。
  • You've been in graduate recruitment for five years. 你已經從事畢業生招聘工作五年了。
  • Recruitment advertisements routinely call for "team players". 招聘廣告通常會招聘“有團隊精神的人”。
  • Recruitment advertisements routinely call for 'team players'. 招聘廣告經常會招聘“有團隊精神的人”。
  • Can I ask you a few questions about your work in graduate recruitment? 我能問你幾個關於你在畢業生招聘工作中的問題嗎?
  • The authors also suggest that traditional recruitment approaches for early childhood educators "do not address the gender gap in the field." 作者還認為,傳統的招聘幼兒教育工作者的方法“不能解決該領域的性別差距問題”。
  • When I saw your volunteer recruitment information, I had no hesitation in applying for it for I really want to participate in this activity. 當我看到你們的志願者招聘信息的時候,我毫不猶豫就申請了,因為我真的很想參加這個活動。
  • Not only does that threaten to rub off on users, it's bad for recruitment and retention of talented hackers, who are the lifeblood of Zuckerberg's creation. 這不僅會威脅到用戶,也不利於招募和留住天才黑客,而這些黑客正是扎克伯格創建(公司)的命脈。
  • Cialdini, Professor of Psychology at Arizona State University, one reason that companies don't succeed as often as they should is that innovation starts with recruitment. 亞利桑那州立大學心理學教授恰爾迪尼說,企業沒有獲得本應的成功的一個原因是,創新始於招聘。
  • The ANC is about to launch a nationwide recruitment drive. 南非非洲人國民大會打算發動一次全國徵兵運動。
  • The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy. 俱樂部成員確已同意修改他們的入會政策。
  • This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies. 這促使很多僱主評價其人才選聘政策。
  • The recruitment process is unique. 招聘程式十分獨特。
  • Employee recruitment and retention. 員工的招募和留任情況。
  • She works in recruitment. 她的工作跟招聘人才有關。
  • Recruitment standards are going down. 徵兵標準在不斷地降低。
  • Recruitment tool. 招聘工具。
  • Recruitment is a form of stalking, I suppose. 我認為招聘也是一種形式的跟蹤。
  • But elsewhere, recruitment firms are busy again. 但在其它地方,招聘公司重新忙碌起來。
  • Instead, recruitment is often an orgy of hyperbole. 而事實上,招聘常常是沒邊兒的誇張。
  • We just don't see the [recruitment] pipeline meeting our needs. 我們認為招聘渠道將根本不能滿足需要。
  • This is to consider the halo effect in the context of recruitment. 這是在招聘的背景下考慮光環效應的。
  • These people will become a fertile ground for extremist recruitment. 這些人將成為極端勢力招募的對象。
  • Cookson says this sort of culture means there are no recruitment issues. 庫森說這種文化意味著不存在招聘的問題。
  • At Goldman Sachs, the answer is well reflected in our recruitment Numbers. 在高盛,我們的招聘數字就是很好的答案。
  • As the competition for jobs grows, recruitment has grown more complicated. 隨著日益加劇的職場競爭,人員招聘也開始變得越來越複雜。
  • The KGB targeted him for recruitment even before he graduated in 1975. 在他1975年畢業之前,克格勃(蘇聯國家安全委員會)就已提前聘用他。

