簡介Journal of bacteriology 出版國家: United States 出版地: Washington, DC 出版商: American Society for Microbiology 出版周期: 半月刊 語言: 英語 影響因子:...
Journal of Bacteriology, 183:393-396.3. Degang Ning, Xudong Xu, 2004. alr0117, a two-component histidine kinase gene, is involved in heterocyst ...
Journal of Bacteriology, 2010, 192(4):1169-1170.Jiao N, Zhang Y, Chen Y. Time series observation based InfraRed Epifluorescence Microscopic (TIREM) ...
至2012年2月已發表20篇SCI論文;其中,9篇為通訊作者或第一作者,發表在Nucleic Acids Research、Journal of Bacteriology、Journal of Molecular Diagnostics、PLoS ONE...
相關研究成果在Journal of Bacteriology、PLoS ONE、Gene、Journal of Biotechnology等期刊上發表SCI收錄學術論文20餘篇。參與研究的“微生物源農藥申嗪黴素”項目獲得...
JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY111. JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY 112. J. EXP. BOT.113.Journal of Industrial Microbiology 114.Journal of Bacteriology...
JingmeiLu* and RuifuYang The iron-responsive Fur regulon in Yersinia pestis,Journal of Bacteriology,Apr.,2008.,P.3063-3-75 ISSN: 0021-9193 SCI...
Journal of Bacteriology 196(22): 3949-3963 4. Dongfeng Liu, Guomin Ai, Qingxiang Zheng, Chang Liu, Chengying Jiang, Lixia Liu, Bo Zhang, Yiming ...
Archaeal Eukaryote-Like Serine/Threonine Protein Kinase Interacts with and Phosphorylates a Forkhead-Associated-Domain-Containing Protein .Journal of Bacteriology,...
2. Li X, Krumholz LR, Thioredoxin is involved in U(VI) and Cr(VI) reduction in Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20, Journal of bacteriology 2009;191(15)...
Identification of the HetR-recognition sequence upstream of hetZ in Anabaena sp. Strain PCC 7120. Journal of Bacteriology, 194: 2297-2306....
Journal of Bacteriology. 2011, 193(22): 6408-6409(SCI, IF3.940)11. Xiuli Hao, Yanbing Lin, Laurel Johnstone, David Baltrus, Susan Miller, Gehong...
Journal of Bacteriology, 2011,193 (3):787-788. (1These authors contributed equally to this work). ( IF: 3.593)4.Yin Sheng, Zhengyuan Zhai, Guohong...
“Journal of Bacteriology”、“Microbiology”、“Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology”、“Archives of Microbiology”、“FEMS Microbiology Letters”共發表研究論文...
2008-2014年任英國皇家微生物學協會期刊Microbiology執行編輯;2008年至今任美國微生物學協會期刊Journal of Bacteriology編委。 [1] 中文...
目前已在國內外學術刊物發表論文20餘篇,包括國際著名刊物PNAS(美國科學院院報), Journal of Infectious Diseases,Infection and Immunity,Journal of bacteriology,...
《Nucleic Acids Research》、《Molecular Microbiology》、《Applied and Environmental Microbiology》和《Journal of Bacteriology》等SCI刊物上發表研究論文30餘篇,授權...
Journal of Bacteriology[1] 參考資料 1. 李雙利 .中國科學院北京基因組研究所.2014-03-13[引用日期2014-03-13] 詞條標籤: 科學家 , 人物 ...
Journal of bacteriology4.Shao, L.; Qu, X. D.; Jia, X. Y.; Zhao, Q. F.; Tian, Z. H.; Wang, M.; Tang, G. L.; Liu, W., Cloning ...
JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY 2005 , 187 (1): 185-192 (SCI , 4. 146)· Huang J, Wang JF, Wang QH, Zhang HS .Identification of a Rice Zinc Finger ...
Journal of Bacteriology191 ,2675–2682.Li X, Krumholz L 2008. Influence of nitrate on microbial reduction of pertechnetate. Environmental Science and ...
Journal of Bacteriology38. 潘倩倩, 朱夢靈, 劉洋, 林燊, 李仁輝*. 2014. 阿氏浮絲藻mcyT基因序列多樣性研究. 水生生物學報39. 代志剛 蔣永光 谷依露 胡晗...
Journal of Bacteriology. 2012. 194(16) 4455-4456. (2012 IF=3.194)[25] Yibo Zhu, Jie Liu, Guocheng Du, Jingwen Zhou, Jian Chen. A high ...
Structural characterization of the released polysaccharide of desiccation-tolerant Nostoc commune DRH-1. Journal of Bacteriology 182: 974-982....
Journal of Bacteriology. 194: 5080-5090. 2012. (5-yr IF=3.298)13) Yun Chen, Zhang Wenzhi, Liu Xin, Ma Zhonghua, Li Bo, Allen Caitilyn, Guo...