



  • 中文名:黃顯清
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:上海交大
  • 研究方向:微生物次級代謝的分子調控機理


目前開展的研究工作:(1)重點開展組學及分子生物學研究,闡明假單胞菌次生代謝的分子調控通路與網路、重要調控系統或因子的精細調控機理;(2)假單胞菌資源、新型或新活性化合物及相關功能基因的挖掘與基礎及套用研究。作為課題負責人已主持完成863探索導向課題(2007AA02Z215)、國家自然基金(30800009)各一項。目前主持承擔一項國家自然科學基金面上項目(31270083)。相關研究成果在Journal of BacteriologyPLoS ONEGene、Journal of Biotechnology等期刊上發表SCI收錄學術論文20餘篇。參與研究的“微生物源農藥申嗪黴素”項目獲得2007年度上海市科技進步一等獎、2011年度高等學校科技進步二等獎。2008年,入選上海交通大學晨星青年學者獎勵計畫與上海高校選拔培養優秀青年教師。參與編寫全國工程碩士核心教材1本,《基因工程:原理、方法與套用》(清華大學出版社,2008年)。




[1] Wei X 1,Huang XQ 1,*,Tang LL,Wu DQ,Xu YQ*. (2013) Globalcontrol of GacA on secondary metabolism, primary metabolism, secretion systems,and motility in the rhizobacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa M18.Journal ofBacteriology. 195 (15): 3387-3400 (*Corresponding author, 1Co-first authors)
[2] Li SN 1,Huang XQ 1, *,Wang GH,Xu YQ*. (2012) Transcriptional activation of pyoluteorin operon mediated by theLysR-type regulator PltR bound at a 22 bplysbox inPseudomonas aeruginosa M18.PLoS ONE 7(6): e39538. (*Corresponding authors, 1 Co-firstauthors)
[3] Wang GH 1,Huang XQ 1, *,Li SN,Huang JF, Wei X, Li YQ, Xu YQ*. (2012) The RNA chaperone Hfq regulatesantibiotic biosynthesis in the rhizobacteriumPseudomonas aeruginosaM18.Journal of Bacteriology194: 2443-2457. (*Corresponding authors,1 Co-first authors)
[4] Wu DQ, Ye J, Ou HY, Wei X,Huang XQ,He YW, Xu YQ (2011) Genomic analysis and temperature-dependent transcriptomeprofiles of the rhizosphere originating strainPseudomonas aeruginosaM18.BMC Genomics12:438.
[5] Li YQ, Du XL, Lu ZJ, Wu DQ, Zhao YL, RenB, Huang JF,Huang XQ, Xu YH, Xu YQ (2011) Regulatory Feedback Loop ofTwophzGene Clusters through 5 '-Untranslated Regions inPseudomonassp M18.PLoS One6: e19413.
[6] Su JJ, Zhou Q, Zhang HY, Li YQ, Huang XQ,Xu YQ. 2010. Medium optimization for phenazine-1-carboxylic acid production bya gacA qscR double mutant of Pseudomonas sp. M18 using response surfacemethodology. Bioresource Technol 101:4089-4095.
[7] Lu JS 1,Huang XQ 1, *,Li K, LiSN, Zhang MY, Wang Y, Jiang HX, Xu YQ* (2009) LysR family transcriptionalregulator PqsR as repressor of pyoluteorin biosynthesis and activator ofphenazine-1-carboxylic acid biosynthesis inPseudomonassp. M18.Journalof Biotechnology143(1): 1-9. (*Corresponding author, 1Co-firstauthors)
[8] Lu JS,Huang XQ *,Zhang MY, LiSN, Jiang HX, Xu YQ (2009) The distinct quorum sensing hierarchy oflasandrhlinPseudomonassp. M18.Current Microbiology59(6):621-627 (*Corresponding authors)
[9] Huang JF, Xu YQ, Zhang HY, Li YQ, HuangXQ, Ren B, Zhang XH (2009) Temperature-dependent expression of phzM with itsregulatory geneslasIandptsPin rhizosphere isolatedPseudomonassp. strain M18.Applied and Environmental Microbiology75(20):6568-6580.
[10]Huang XQ, Zhang XH, Xu YQ (2008)PltR expression modulated by the global regulators GacA, RsmA, LasI and RhlI inPseudomonassp. M18.Research in Microbiology159(2):128-136.
[11]Huang XQ, Zhang XH, Xu YQ (2008)Positive regulation of pyoluteorin biosynthesis inPseudomonassp. M18by quorum-sensing regulator VqsR.J Microbiol Biotechnol18:828-836.
[12] Yan A,Huang XQ, Liu HM, Dong DX,Zhang DB, Zhang XH, Xu YQ (2007) Anrhl-like quorum-sensing systemnegatively regulates pyoluteorin production inPseudomonassp. M18.Microbiology-SGM153(1): 16-28.
[13]Huang XQ, Yan A, Zhang XH, Xu YQ(2006) Identification and characterization of a putative ABC transporterPltHIJKN required for pyoluteorin production inPseudomonassp. M18.Gene376(1): 68-78.
[14] Ge YH,Huang XQ, Wang SL, ZhangXH, Xu YQ (2004) Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid is negatively regulated andpyoluteorin positively regulated bygacAin Pseudomonas sp. M18.FEMSMicrobiol Lett237: 41-47.
[15]Huang XQ, Zhu DH, Ge YH, Hu HB,Zhang XH, Xu YQ (2004) Identification and characterization ofpltZ, agene involved in the repression of pyoluteorin biosynthesis inPseudomonassp. M18.FEMS Microbiol Lett232: 197-202.


