韋革宏博士建立了西北地區特殊生態環境根瘤菌資源庫(CCNWAU),保藏根瘤菌2600多株,為豆科植物根瘤菌資源在西北地區生態環境保護和建設中發揮作用及根瘤菌的開發利用提供了重要的種質資源。主持了教育部全國優秀博士學位論文作者專項基金、國家自然科學基金和國家自然科學基金“九五”重點項目專題各1項,主持橫向合作課題、校回國人員基金和校青年基金各1項,研究經費90多萬元。參加了中國農業大學陳文新院士主持的“中國豆科植物根瘤菌資源多樣性、分類及系統發育研究”,該項目於2001年獲國家自然科學二等獎。獲楊凌示範區科技進步一等獎1項。發現了3個根瘤菌新種,分別定名為Rhizobium indigoferae、Sinorhizobium kummerowiae和Rhizobium loessense,並且在國際權威雜誌《International Journal of Systematic Evolution Microbiology》發表,而且在國際上正式確定的根瘤菌僅有35個種。在《IJSEM》、《中國農業科學》、《生物工程學報》、《遺傳學報》、《微生物學報》等刊物發表論文30餘篇,其中SCI收錄論文3篇。主要代表作有:《Rhizobium indigoferae sp. nov. and Sinorhizobium kummerowiae sp. nov. isolated from Indigofera spp. and Kummerowia stipulacea respectively》、《Characterization of rhizobia isolated from legume species within the genera Astragalus and Lespedeza grown in the Loess Plateau of China and description of Rhizobium loessense sp. nov.》等。出版專著《西北乾旱半乾旱地區根瘤菌的多相分類及其系統發育研究》1本,編寫有關微生物學方面的教材3本。
1. Zhen Shan Deng, Long Fei Zhao, Zhao Yu Kong, Wen Quan Yang, Kristina Lindström, En Tao Wang, Ge Hong Wei*. Diversity of endophytic bacteria within nodules of the Sphaerophysa salsula in different regions of Loess Plateau in China. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2011, 76: 463-475(SCI, IF3.456)
2. Ge Hong Wei*, Weimin Chen, Wenfei Zhu, J. Peter W. Young, Cyril Bontemps. In vasive Robinia pseudoacacia in China is nodulated by Mesorhizobium and Sinorhizobium species that share similar nodulation genes. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2009, 68(3):320-328(SCI, IF3.598)
3. Li Li, Hanna Sinkko, Leone Montonen, Gehong Wei*, Kristina Lindström, Leena A. Räsänen. Biogeography of symbiotic and other endophytic bacteria isolated from medicinal Glycyrrhiza species in China FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2011,1-23(online)(SCI, IF3.456)
4. Lian Mei Fan, Zhan Qiang Ma, Jian Qiang Liang, Hui Fen Li, En Tao Wang, Ge Hong Wei*, Characterization of a copper resistant Sinorhizobium meliloti CCNWSX0020 isolated from Medicago lupulina in mine tailings. Bioresource Technology. 2011,102: 703-709 (SCI, IF4.365)
5. Huifen Li, Yanbing Lin, Wumeng Guan, Jiali Chang, Lin Xu, Junkang Guo, Gehong Wei*.Biosorption of Zn(II) by live and dead cells of Streptomyces ciscaucasicus strain CCNWHX 72-14. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010, 179: 151-159(SCI, IF4.144)
6. Gehong Wei*, Lianmei Fan, Wenfei Zhu, Yunyun Fu, Jianfu Yu, Ming Tang. Isolation and characterization of the heavy metal resistant bacteria CCNWRS33-2 isolated from root nodule of Lespedeza cuneata in gold mine tailings in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009, 162:50-56(SCI, IF4.144)
7. Gehong Wei*, Jianfu Yu, et al. Characterization of phenol degradation by Rhizobium sp. CCNWTB701 isolated from Astragalus chrysopteru in mining tailing region. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2008,151:111-117(SCI, IF2.975)
8. Longfei Zhao, Zhenshan Deng, Wenquan Yang, Ying Cao, Entao Wang, Gehong Wei*. Diverse rhizobia associated with Sophora alopecuroides grown in different regions of Loess Plateau in China. Syst Appl Microbiol.2010, 33:468-477(SCI, IF3.075)
9. Gehong Wei, Weimin Chen, J. Peter W. Young, Cyril Bontemps*. A new clade of Mesorhizobium nodulating Alhagi sparsifolia. Syst Appl Microbiol. 2009, 32: 8-16(SCI, IF2.643)
10. Yanbing Lin, Xiuli Hao, Laurel Johnstone, Susan Miller, David Baltrus, Christopher Rensing*, Gehong Wei*. Draft genome of Streptomyces zinciresistens K42,a novel metal resistant species isolated from copper-zinc mine tailings. Journal of Bacteriology. 2011, 193(22): 6408-6409(SCI, IF3.940)
11. Xiuli Hao, Yanbing Lin, Laurel Johnstone, David Baltrus, Susan Miller, Gehong Wei*, Christopher Rensing*. Draft genome sequence of plant growth promot in rhizobium Mesorhizobium amorphae isolated from zinc-lead mine tailings. Journal of Bacteriology. 2011, Accepted(SCI, IF3.940)
12. Yanbing Lin, Xinye Wang, Baoping Wang, Osama Mohamad, Gehong Wei*. Bioaccumulation Characterization of Zinc and Cadmium by Streptomyces zinciresistens, a novel actinomycete. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2011 (online)(SCI, IF2.340)
13. Ge Hong Wei, Z. Y. Tan and W. X. Chen*. Characterization of rhizobia isolated from legume species within the genera Astragalus and Lespedeza grown in the Loess Plateau of China and description of Rhizobium loessense sp. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2003,53: 1575-1583(SCI, IF3.187)
14. Ge Hong Wei, En Tao Wang, Zhi Yuan Tan, Ming E Zhu, Wen Xin Chen*. Rhizobium indigoferae sp. nov. and Sinorhizobium kummerowiae sp. nov. isolated from Indigofera spp. and Kummerowia stipulacea respectively.Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2002,52:2231-2239(SCI, IF2.873)
15. JunKang Guo, YanBing Lin, MeiLing Zhao, Ran Sun, TingTing Wang, Ming Tang and GeHong Wei*. Streptomyces plumbiresistens sp. nov., a lead-resistant actinomycete isolated from lead-polluted soil in northwest of China, Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2009,59: 1326 -1330(SCI, IF2.222)
16. Weimin Chen, Wenfei Zhu, Cyril Bontemps, J Peter W Young, Gehong Wei*. Mesorhizobium alhagi sp. nov., isolated from wild Alhagi sparsifolia in northwestern China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2010,60:958-962(SCI, IF2.113)
17. Wei Min Chen, Wen Fei Zhu, Cyril Bontemps, J Peter W Young, Ge Hong Wei*. Mesorhizobium camelthorni sp. nov., isolated from Alhagi sparsifolia in northwestern China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol . 2011, 61: 574-579(SCI, IF1.930)
18. Zhen Shan Deng, Long Fei Zhao, Lin Xu, Zhao Yu Kong, Peng Zhao, Wei Qin, Jia Li Chang, Ge Hong Wei*. Paracoccussphaerophysae sp. nov., a siderophore-producing, endophytic bacterium isolated from root nodules of a Sphaerophysa salsula growing in northwestern China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2011, 61: 665-669(SCI, IF1.930)
19. Yan Bing Lin, Xin Ye Wang, Hui Fen Li, Na Na Wang, Hu Xuan Wang, Ming Tang, Ge Hong Wei*.Streptomyces zinciresistens sp. nov., a zinc-resistant actinomycete isolated from soil from a copper-zinc mine in northwestern China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2011, 61: 616-620(SCI, IF1.930)
20. Pingfa Zhou, Weimin Chen, Gehong Wei*. Mesorhizobium robiniae sp. nov., a novel species isolated from root nodule ofRobinia pseudoacacia in China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 2010, 60: 2552-2556(SCI,IF2.113)
21. Li Juan Yao, Yao Yao Shen, Jun Peng Zhan, Wei Xu, Guang Ling Cui, Ge Hong Wei*. Rhizobium taibaishanense sp. nov., a novel species isolated from root nodule ofKummerowiastriatain China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. (in press)(SCI, IF1.930)
22. Lin YB, Wang XY, Fang H, Ma YN, Tang J, Tang M, Wei Gehong*. Streptomyces shaanxiensis sp. nov., a novel streptomycete with dark blue diffusible pigment isolated from sewage irrigation soil in Shaanxi. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. (in press)(SCI, IF1.930)
23. Lin Xu, Jian Feng Shi, Peng Zhao, Wei Min Chen, Wei Qin, Ming Tang, Ge Hong Wei*. Rhizobium sphaerophysae sp. nov., a novel species isolated from root nodule of Sphaerophysa salsula in China. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2011, 99, 845-854(SCI, IF1.673)
24. Ge-Hong Wei*, Xue-Ying Yang, Ji-Wen Zhang, Jin-Ming Gao. Rhizobialide, a new stearolactone produced by Mesorhizobium sp. CCNWGX022, a rhizobial endophyte from Glycyrrhiza uralensis. Chemistry & Biodiversity. 2007,(4):893-898(SCI, IF1.616)
25. Ge Hong Wei*, Zhi Xin Zhang, et al, Phenotypic and genetic diversity of rhizobia isolated from legume genera of Astragalus, Lespedeza and Hedysarum in the northwestern region of China, Microbiological research, 2008, 163:651-662(SCI, IF1.535)
26. Jianfu Yu, Lianmei Fan, Shushen Yang, Ming Tang, Wenquan Yang, Huifen Li, Gehong Wei*. Characterization of Copper-resistant Agrobacterium Isolated from Legume Nodule in Mining Tailings, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2009, 82:354-357(SCI)
27. Ge-Hong Wei*, YANG Xue-Ying, et al. Strain Mesorhizobium sp. CCNWGX035 a Stress Tolerant Isolate from Glycyrrhiza glabra Displaying a Wide Host Range of Nodulation. PEDOSPHERE, 2008, 18(1):102-112(SCI)