
李仁輝,1965年1月生,研究員,博士生導師。主要方向為環境微生物學。1985年7月四川大學生物系畢業,1988年8月中國科學院水生生物研究所碩士畢業,同年分配在中國科學院水生生物研究所藻類學研究室,1993年7月開始在日本留學,1998年3月取得筑波大學理學博士;1998年4月至1999年6月於日本國立環境研究所作博士後研究;1999年7月到2001年4月於美國賴特州立大學生物系博士後研究;2001年5月至2003年12月 美國維吉尼亞理工和州立大學生物化學系作博士後研究;2003年12月至2005 年9 月 美國田納西大學微生物系高級研究員。2005年9月 回國受聘於中國科學院水生生物研究所研究員,成立有害藻類生物學學科組,中國科學院“百人計畫”入選者。現任水生所藻類研究中心主任,擔任國際藻類雜誌Phycologia副主編,Journal of Systematics and Evolution的副主編,《套用與環境生物學報》編委等。


  • 中文名:李仁輝
  • 性 別:男
  •  職 稱:研究員
  •   學 歷:研究生


姓 名:  李仁輝
性 別:  男
職 稱:  研究員
學 歷:  研究生


1. 水華藍藻越冬和復甦的時空格局與過程,973項目課題負責人,2008-2012,380萬
2. 湖灣藻華原位控制和藻源性污染消減技術及示範工程,國家水專項洱海項目子課題負責人,2009-2012, 140萬
4. 中國淡水藍藻志-真枝藻目,國家自然科學基金委,2011-2015,35萬
7.擬柱胞藻和尖頭藻的分類以及分子系統學研究。國家自然科學基金委,2012 -2015,60萬
8. 藻類種類,動態以及基因型同水體DOM的關係研究。國家基金委中日合作項目, 2013-2015,60萬


1. 產生毒素及異味等有害物的藻類(藍藻為主)的分布和物種多樣性;
2. 有毒藍藻生物的分子特徵、分子系統及分子進化;
3. 有毒藍藻及藍藻毒素的分子監測;
4. 藍藻水華暴發機理以及有害藍藻的去除






1.Jiang Y., Yu G., Shao J., Liu D. and Li R*. 2014. Sporadic distribution and distinctive variation of cylindrospermopsin genes in cyanobacterial strains and environmental samples from Chinese freshwater bodies. Applied Environmental Microbiology
2.Yu G., Jiang Y., Song G., Tan W., Zhu M. and Li R*. 2014. Variation of Microcystis and microcystins coupling nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients in Lake Erhai, a drinking-water source in Southwest Plateau, China. Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research
3.Shao J. Jiang Y.,Wang Z., Peng L., Luo S., Gu. J. and Li R*. 2014. Interactions between algicidal bacteria and the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa: lytic characteristics and physiological responses in the cyanobacteria. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
4.Liu Y., Xu Y., Xiao P., Pan Q.,Yu G. and Li R*. 2014. Genetic analysis on Dolichospermum (Cyanobacteria; sensu Anabaena) populations based on the culture-independent clone libraries revealed the dominant genotypes existing in Lake Taihu, China. Harmful Algae
5.Shao J. , Peng L., Luo S., Yu G., Gu J., Lin S. and Li R. *2013. First report on the allelopathic effect of Tychonema bourrellyi (Cyanobacteria) against Microcystis aeruginosa (Cyanobacteria). Journal of Applied Phycology
6.Wang Z., Liu Y. Xu Y. Xiao P. and Li R. * 2013. The divergence of cpcBA-IGS sequences between Dolichospermum and Aphanizomenon (Cyanobacteria) and the molecular detection of Dolichospermum flos-aquae in Taihu Lake, China. Phycologia
7.Jiang Y., Yu G.,Chai W., Song G. and Li R.* 2013. Congruence between mcy based genetic type and microcystin composition within the populations of toxic Microcystis in a plateau lake, China. Environmental Microbiology Reports
8.Liu Y.,Wang Z., Lin S., Yu G. and Li R.* 2013. Polyphasic characterization of Planktothrix spiroides sp. nov. (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria), a freshwater bloom-forming alga superficially resembling Arthrospira. Phycologia
9.Shao J., Li R., Lepo J. and Gu J. 2013. Potential for control of harmful cyanobacterial blooms using biologically derived substances: Problems and prospects. Journal of Environmental Management.
10.Wu Z., Zeng B., Li R. and Song L. 2012. Physiological regulation of Cylindrospermopsisraciborskii (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) in response to inorganic phosphorus levels. Harmful algae
11.Wu Z., Zeng B., Li R. and Song L. 2012. Combined effects of carbon and phosphorus levels on the invasion cyanobacterium, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. Phycologia
12.Zhu M.,Xu Y. and Li R*. 2012 Genetic Diversity of Bloom-Forming Microcystis (Cyanobacteria) Populations in a Hyper-Eutrophic Pond in Central China. Current Microbiology
13.Zhu M., Yu G., Li X., Tan W. and Li R*. 2012. Taxonomic and phylogenetic evaluation of Limnothrix strains (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria) by adding Limnothrix planktonica strains isolated from central China. Hydrobiologia 698:367-374
14.Shao J., Wang. Z., Liu Y., Liu H., Peng L., Wei X., Lei M. and Li R*. 2012. Physiological responses of Microcystisaeruginosa NIES-843 (cyanobacterium) under the stress of chitosan modified kaolinite (CMK) loading. Ecotoxicology
15.Jiang Y., Xiao P., Yu G., Sano T., Pan Q. and Li R*. 2012. Molecular basis and phylogenetic implications for deoxy-cylindrospermopsin biosynthesis in Raphidiopsis curvata (Cyanobacteria). Applied and Environmental Microbiology
16.Jiang Y., Shao J., Wu, X., Xu, Y. and Li R*. 2011. Active and silent members in the mlr gene cluster of a microcystin-degrading bacterium isolated from Lake Taihu, China. FEMS Microbiology Letters
17.Xu Y.,Yang F., Liu Y., Wang Z.,Wang J.,Wang G. and Li R.* 2011. Genetic Diversity of Microcystis populations in a bloom and its relationship to the environmental factors in Qinhuai River, China. Microbiological Research
18.Wu Z., Shi J. Xiao P., Liu Y. and Li R*. 2011. Phylogenetic analysis of two cyanobacterial genera Cylindrospermopsis and Raphidiopsis based on multi-gene sequences. Harmful Algae
19.Wang Z., Xu Y., Shao J. Wang J. and Li R*. 2011. Genes associated with 2-methylisoborneol biosynthesis in cyanobacteria: Isolation, characterization, and expression in response to light. Plos One
20.Shao J., Wang Z.,Jiang Y., Yu. G, Peng X. and Li R.*. 2011. Elucidating the toxicity targets of β-ionone on photosynthetic system of Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-843 (Cyanobacteria). Aquatic Toxicology
21.Lin S., Haas S., Zemojtel T., Xiao P.,Vingron M. and Li R*. 2011. Genome-wide comparison of cyanobacterial transposable elements, potential genetic diversity indicators. Gene
22.Lin S., Shen J. Liu Y. Liu Q. and Li R.* 2011. Molecular Evolution on Distrubution Diversity and Toxicity ofMicrocystis (Cyanobacteria) Species from Lake Ulungr --a Mesotrophic and Brackish Desert Lake in Xinjiang, China, Envirnmental Monitoring and Assessment
23.Liu Y., Tan W., Wu X.,Wu Z., Yu G. and Li R*. 2011. First report of microcystin production in Microcystis smithii Komárek & Anagnostidis (Cyanobacteria) from a water bloom in Eastern China. Journal of Environmental Sciences.
24.Shao J., Yu G., Wang J., Wu Z., Peng X. and Li R*. 2010. Towards clarification of the inhibitory mechanism of wheat bran leachate on Microcystis aeruginosa NIES-843 (cyanobacteria): physiological responses. Ecotoxocology
25. Xu Y., Wang G., Yang W. and Li R*. 2010. Dynamics of the water bloom-forming Microcystis and its relationship with physicochemical factors in Lake Xuanwu (China). Environmental Science and Pollution Research
26.Shao J., Yu G.., Wu Z., Peng X. and Li R*. 2010. Responses of Synechocystis sp.PCC 6803 (cyanobacterium) photosystemⅡto pyrene stress. Journal of environmental Sciences.
27.Wu Z, Shi J., Lin S. and Li R*. 2010. Unraveling molecular diversity and phylogeny of Aphanizomenon (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) strains isolated from China. Journal of Phycology
28.Tan W., Liu Y., Wu Z., Lin S., Yu G., Yu B. and Li R. 2010. cpcBA-IGS as an effective marker to characterize Microcystis wesenbergii (Komarek) Koma rek in Kondrateva (cyanobacteria). Harmful Algae
29.Lin S., Wu Z., Yu G., Yu B. and Li R. 2010. Genetic Diversity and Molecular Phylogeny of Planktothrix (Oscillatoriales, Cyanobacteria) Strains from China. Harmful Algae
30.Roney B., Li R.Banack S., Murch S., Honegger R.and Cox P. 2009 . Consumption of fa cai Nostoc soup: A Potential for BMAA exposure from Nostoc cyanobacteria in China? Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,
31.Shao J., Wu X. and Li R*. 2009. Physiological Responses of Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806 to Nonanoic Acid Stress. Environmental Toxicology
32.Shao J., Wu Z.,Yu G., Peng X. and Li R*. 2009.Allelopathic mechanism of pyrogallol to Microcystis aeruginosa PCC7806 (Cyanobacteria): From views of gene expression and antioxidant system. Chemosphere
33. Gao E., Yuan X., Li R*. and Zhang Q. 2009. Isolation of a novel cyanophage infectious to the filamentous cyanobacterium Planktothrix agardhii (Cyanophyceae) from Lake Donghu, China. Aquatic Microbial Ecology
34. Li, R*., Wilhelm, S. W., Carmichael, W. W. and Watanabe, M. M. 2008. The morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular characterization of two strains of Raphidiopsis (Cyanobacteria) from a fishpond in central China. Harmful Algae
35.Wu, Z., Song, L. and Li, R*. 2008. Different tolerance and responses to low temperature and darkness between waterbloom forming cyanobacterium Microcystis and a green alga Scenedesmus. Hydrobiologia
36.Xu, Y., Wu, Z., Yu, B., Yu,G., Peng X.,Wang, G. and Li, R*. 2008.Microcystis wesenbergii (Komarek)Komarek (Cyanobacteria) representing a main waterbloom forming species but non-microcystin-producer in China. Environmental Pollution
37.Li, R., Potters, M. B., Shi, L. and Shi and Kennelly. P. J. 2005. The protein phosphatases of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803: open reading frames sll1033 and sll1387 encode enzymes that exhibit both protein-serine and protein-tyrosine phosphatase activity in vitro. Journal of Bacteriology
38. 潘倩倩, 朱夢靈, 劉洋, 林燊, 李仁輝*. 2014. 阿氏浮絲藻mcyT基因序列多樣性研究. 水生生物學報
39. 代志剛 蔣永光 谷依露 胡晗華 李仁輝*. 2014. 異味物質β-環檸檬醛降解菌的分離和鑑定。水生生物學報.
40. 劉洋 朱夢靈 徐瑤 虞功亮 李仁輝*.2013. 中國藍藻植物的新記錄屬-擬甲色球藻. 水生生物學報.
41. 衛志宏,虞功亮,朱夢靈,李仁輝*. 2012洱海的浮游藍藻布氏常絲藻(Tychonema bourrellyi)及其分類學的討論。水生生物學報
42. 李守淳,柴文波,鄭洪萍,耿軍靈,李仁輝*. 中國魚腥藻屬的兩個新紀錄種。湖泊科學
43. 王捷,謝樹蓮,王中傑,徐瑤,李仁輝*。. 汾河(太原市景區段)微囊藻分子多樣性和產毒能力。湖泊科學
44. 肖鵬,李濤,李仁輝*.基於藍藻全基因組原始數據的轉座元件挖掘及組成分析。遺傳
45. 虞功亮,吳忠興,邵繼海,朱夢靈,譚文華,李仁輝*. 水華藍藻類群烏龍藻屬(Woronichinia)的分類學討論。湖泊科學
46. 宋瑞峰,王國祥,徐瑤,邵繼海,王中傑,劉洋,李仁輝*。2011. 利用real-time RT-PCR研究大型蚤對銅綠微囊藻毒素合成基因轉錄水平的影響。湖泊科學
47. 陸貽超,王國祥,李仁輝*.2010. 超音波和改性粘土集成技術在去除藍藻水華上的套用. 湖泊科學
48. 田 娟,宋碧玉,林 燊,余博識,李仁輝*。2009. 兩種改性粘土去除群體狀銅綠微囊藻的比較 湖泊科學
49. 吳忠興,虞功亮,施軍瓊,李仁輝*。 2009. 我國淡水水華藍藻-束絲藻屬新記錄種。 水生生物學報
50. 楊麗,虞功亮,李仁輝*。2009.中國魚腥藻的八個新紀錄種。水生生物學報
51. 余博識,吳忠興,朱夢靈,吳幸強,彭欣,覃家理,李仁輝* 2008,水果湖灣藍藻水華的形成及其對東湖影響的評價。水生生物學報
52. 林燊,彭欣,吳忠興,李仁輝* 2008.我國水華藍藻的新類群-阿氏浮絲藻(Planktothrix agardhii)生理特性研究,湖泊科學


