



  • 軟體名稱:鍛鍊女生
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:14.42MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
錢包健身的創建是為婦女一個簡單的工具來查看和獲取想法不同的練習,他們可以執行,使用常規的物品如錢包!放下那些沉重的啞鈴,這個應用程式會給你一個範圍廣泛的不同的練習,你的身體的每一個部分,並具有直觀,簡單易用的界面。您可以輕鬆地查看人體各個運動工作的哪一部分,並得到有關如何執行該鍛鍊了詳細的指令集。健身是很重要的,保持健康和長壽富足的生活。 健身,健康,運動都是在當今社會使用的詞語是影響健康和長壽。來看看應用程式的頻繁的養生秘訣。這些經常更新的養生秘訣是通過一個認證的私人教練提供,並會給你的健康飲食,健身和其他流行和重要主題的信息。 請評價並提供反饋,以便我們可以調整和改善應用程式向你展示你想要看到的東西。我們對健康生活的積極性,並採取了新的旋轉輪上。 錢包健身是必不可少的,每個女人的工具箱生活健康的生活方式,是快樂的。 曾經出現在環球郵報 特別鳴謝鍛鍊閣樓多倫多 Purse Fitness was created as a simple tool for women to view and get ideas about different exercises they can perform, using regular items such as a purse! Put down those heavy dumbbells, this app will give you a broad range of different exercises for each part of your body and has an intuitive and simple to use interface. You can easily view which parts of the body each individual exercise is working and get a detailed instruction set on how to perform that workout. Fitness is very important to stay healthy and live a long prosperous life. Fitness, Health, Exercise are all words used in today's society which influence a healthy and long life. Take a look at the app's frequent health tips. These frequently updated health tips are provided by a certified personal trainer and will give you information on healthy eating, fitness and other popular and important topics. Please rate and provide feedback so we can tailor and improve the app to show you things you want to see. We are motivated by healthy living and taking a new spin on the wheel. Purse Fitness is essential in every woman's toolbox to live a healthy lifestyle and be happy. As seen in Globe and Mail Special Thanks to The Workout Loft Toronto


