



  • 書名:酒店英語輔導用書
  • 作者:黃培希、王燕華
  • ISBN:9787566307514
  • 定價:19.00
  • 出版社對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年9月
  • 開本:185mm×260mm/
  • 字數/頁數:226千字/
  • 適用層次:全國高職高專
  • 版次/印次:1/1




Unit One Hotel Reservations1
Part OneText A Choosing a Good Hotel1
Part TwoSpeaking Out7
Part ThreeListening In10
Part FourText B The World’s Ten Largest Hotel Groups16
Part FiveWriting Business Letter19
Unit Two Check-in21
Part OneText A Things to Do When You Arrive Too Early for Check-in21
Part TwoSpeaking Out26
Part ThreeListening In30
Part FourText B IHG Reduces Environmental Impact36
Part FiveWriting E-mail38
Unit Three Hotel Housekeeping41
Part OneText A Can I Have the Barbie Suite?41
Part TwoSpeaking Out46
Part ThreeListening In49
Part FourText B Wyndham Hotel Group Expands Luxury Offering in China54
Part FiveWriting Memorandum57
Unit Four Dining at Hotels59
Part OneText A Healthier Food at Hotels59
Part TwoSpeaking Out65
Part ThreeListening In68
Part FourText B Making a Hotel a Home75
Part FiveWriting Note77
Unit Five Public Facilities at Hotels79
Part OneText A Hotels Offer Boot-Camp Exercise for Guests79
Part TwoSpeaking Out84
Part ThreeListening In87
Part FourText B Hilton Hotels Corporation92
Part FiveWriting Notice95
Unit Six Hotel Bars97
Part OneText A Hotels Open Fancy, Profitable Rooftop Bars97
Part TwoSpeaking Out102
Part ThreeListening In105
Part FourText B Hotels Test Offering Meeting Rooms That
Can Serve as Offices110
Part FiveWriting Fax113
Unit Seven Hotel Complaints115
Part OneText A How to Deal with Hotel Guests’ Complaints115
Part TwoSpeaking Out120
Part ThreeListening In122
Part FourText B How to Complain at a Hotel127
Part FiveWriting Complaint Letter129
Unit Eight Check-out131
Part OneText A University Opens a 150-Room Hotel as Student Training Lab131
Part TwoSpeaking Out136
Part ThreeListening In139
Part FourText B Foreign Hotels Expand Their Reach into China144
Part FiveWriting Help Wanted146


