姓名: 苗長興
性別: 男
出生年份: 1963
職稱: 研究員
北京套用物理與計算數學研究所研究員. 曾榮獲國家傑出青年基金、于敏數理科學獎與
偏微分方程領域有影響的傑出數學家。目前是Math.Meth.Appl.Sci.及Abstract Appl.Anal.兩個國際數學雜誌(SCI)的編委。在國內率先開展偏微分方程的
調和分析方法研究,在國際一流的學術刊物(如:CPAM、CMP、ARMA、JFA、JMPA、SIAM、AIHP、CPDE、PLMS等)上發表論文數十篇, 主要貢獻集中表現在
調和分析、非線性色散方程的散射理論與流體動力學方程的數學理論等研究領域,解決了若干個具有國際影響的數學問題,得到了著名數學家Kenig、 Constantin等國際同行的高度評價。先後出版了《
偏微分方程中的套用》、 《
偏微分方程的調和分析方法》、 《
非線性波動方程的現代方法》等四部專著, 對國內這一核心數學領域的研究與發展起到了基礎性的作用. 與此同時, 所領導的科研團隊是國際
普林斯頓高等研究院的Neumann followship)在質量臨界的Schrodinger方程、博士後陳瓊蕾在
偏微分方程中的套用》,現代基礎數學叢書,No.89, (第二版) 2004
C. Miao, The dynamics of the 3D radial NLS with the combined terms, Comm. Math. Phys., 318:3(2013), 767-808, (with G. Xu and L. Zhao)
C. Miao, On the global well-posedness for the Boussinesq system with horizontal dissipation, Commun. Math. Phys. 321, 33–67 (2013), (2013), (with X. Zheng)
C. Miao, Global regularity for the supercritical dissipative quasi-geostrophic equation with large dispersive forcing, Proc. London Math. Society, 106 (2013) 650–674, (with M. Cannone and L. Xue),
C. Miao, Dispersive estimates with geometry of finite type, Comm. in Partial Differential Equations, 37(2012)729-776, (with W. Chen and X.Yao)(SCI)
C. Miao, Global Well-Posedness and Scattering for the Energy-Critical, Defocusing Hartree Equation in $R^{1+n}$, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 36: 729–776, 2011 (with G.Xu and L.Zhao)
C. Miao, Global well-posedness for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with the highly oscillating initial velocity, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. Vol. LXIII (2010) , 1173–1224 ( Q.Chen, C.Miao and Z.Zhang)
C. Miao, Well-posedness in critical spaces for the compressible Navier- Stokes equations with density dependent viscosities, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 26 (2010) 915–946 ( Q.Chen, C.Miao and Z.Zhang)
C. Miao, On the well-posedness of the Ideal MHD equations in the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Arch. Rational Mech.Anal. 195(2010) 561-578 ( Q.Chen, C.Miao and Z.Zhang)
C. Miao, Global well-posedness and scattering for the defocusing $H^{\frac12}$- subcritical Hartree equation in $R^d$, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar\'{e}-Nonlinear Analysis, 26(2009)1831–1852 (G.Xu and L.Zhao)
C. Miao, On the uniqueness of weak solutions for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations, Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar\'{e}-Nonlinear Analysis, 26 (2009) 2165–2180 (with Q.Chen and Z.Zhang )
C.Miao, Global well-posedness and scattering for the mass-critical Hartree equation with radial data , Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 91 (2009) 49-79, (G.Xu and L.Zhao)
C. Miao, Well-posedness for viscous shallow water equations in critical spaces, SIAM. J. Math. Anal. 40(2008) 443-474 (joint with Q.Chen and Z.Zhang),
C. Miao, On the regularity criterion of weak solution for the 3D viscous Magneto-- hydrodynamics equations, Comm. Math. Phys. 284(2008) 919-930, (with Q.Chen and Z.Zhang)
C. Miao, About convergence of solutions of fractal Burgers equation toward rarefaction waves. SIAM. J.Math.Anal. 39(2008)1536-1549(joint with G.Karch and X.Xu).
C. Miao, Global well-posedness and scattering for the energy-critical, defocusing Hartree equation for radial data, Journal of Functional Analysis 253 (2007) 605–627(G.Xu and L.Zhao)
C. Miao, The Beale-Kato-Majda criterion to the 3D Magneto-hydrodynamics equations, Comm. Math. Phys. 275 (2007)861-872 (with Q.Chen and Z.Zhang)
C.Miao, A new Bernstein's Inequality and the 2D Dissipative Quasi-Geostrophic Equation, Comm. Math. Phys. 271(2007) 821-838. (with Q.Chen and Z.Zhang)
C. Miao, A losing estimate for the Ideal MHD equations with application to Blow-up criterion, SIAM Math.Anal. 38(2007)1847-1859.(with M.Cannone and Q.Chen)
C. Miao, The defocusing energy-critical wave equation with a cubic convolution, Indiana
University Mathematics Journal , 63(2014)993-1015 (with J. Zhang and J. Zheng)
C. Miao, Global well-posedness for axisymmetric Boussinesq system with horizontal viscosity, J. Math. Pures Appl. 101 (2014) 842–872,(with X. Zheng)