李銳,男,漢族,安徽六安人。博士(後),省優博獲得者,比利時安特衛普大學訪問學者,湖南大學教授,博士生導師,博士後合作導師,國家社科基金評審專家、教育部學位論文評審專家、多家SSCI期刊編委、Springer出版社圖書外審專家。研究興趣包括套用語言學、心理語言學。已在Computers & Education、Computer Assisted Language Learning、Language Learning & Technology、ReCALL、Journal of Computer Assisted Learning、British Journal of Educational Technology、Journal of Computing in Higher Education、Educational Technology & Society、Reading and Writing、RELC Journal、Journal of Psycholinguistic Research、Porta Linguarum、《外國語》《現代外語》《外語與外語教學》《電化教育研究》《中國遠程教育》等國內外重要期刊發表論文40餘篇,出版學術專著1部,參編教材1部。主持包括國家社科基金、湖南省社科基金重點項目在內的國家級、省級項目多項,承擔國家社科基金項目、教育部基金項目、重慶市社科項目及江蘇省社科項目等多項。擔任包括Language Learning、Studies of Second Language Acquisition、Computers & Education、Computer Assisted Language Learning、Language Learning & Technology、ReCALL等在內30多家SSCI權威期刊同行評議專家。
- Li, R. (2022). Directed Motivational Currents in L2: Exploring the Effects on Self and Communication. Porta Linguarum, forthcoming. [SSCI/A&HCI, JCR: Q3, IF-2018: 0.506]
- Li, R. (2022). Effects of mobile-assisted language learning on EFL/ESL reading comprehension. Educational Technology & Society, 25(3), forthcoming. [SSCI, JCR: Q1, IF-2020: 3.522, Education & Educational Research: 56/264]
- Li, R. (2021). Research trends of blended language learning: A bibliometric synthesis of SSCI-indexed journal articles during 2000–2019. ReCALL, forthcoming. [SSCI/A&HCI, JCR: Q1, IF-2020: 2.65, Linguistics: 21/193]
- Li, R. (2021). Does game-based vocabulary learning APP influence Chinese EFL learners' vocabulary achievement, motivation and self-confidence?. Sage Open, 11(1), 1-12. [SSCI, JCR: Q3, IF-2018: 0.675]
- Li, R. (2021). Foreign language reading anxiety and its correlates: A meta-analysis. Reading and Writing, forthcoming. [SSCI, JCR: Q2, IF-2020: 2.870]
- Li, R. (2021). Modelling the continuance intention to use Automated Writing Evaluation. Sage Open, 11(4), 1-13. [SSCI, JCR: Q3, IF-2018: 0.675]
- Li, R. (2021). Exploring Language Aptitude: Views from Psychology, the Language Sciences, and Cognitive Neuroscience. Porta Linguarum, 36, 281-282. [SSCI/&A&HCI, JCR: Q3, IF-2018: 0.506]
- Li, R., Meng, Z., Tian, M., Zhang, Z., & Xiao, W. (2021). Modelling Chinese EFL learners’ flow experiences in digital game-based vocabulary learning: The roles of learner and contextual factors. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 34(4), 483-505. [SSCI/A&HCI, JCR: Q1, IF-2018: 2.018]
- Li, R. (2019). Metacognition in Language Learning and Teaching. Porta Linguarum, 31, 149-150. [SSCI/A&HCI, JCR: Q3, IF-2018: 0.506]
- Li, R., Meng, Z., Tian, M., Zhang, Z., Ni, C., & Xiao, W. (2019). Examining EFL learners' individual antecedents on the adoption of Automated Writing Evaluation in China. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 32(7), 784-804. [SSCI/A&HCI, JCR: Q1, IF-2018: 2.018]
- Tian, M., Deng, Z., Meng, Z., Li, R.*, Zhang, Z., Qi, W., Wang, R., Yin, T., & Ji, M. (2018). The impact of individual differences, types of model and social setting on block building performance among Chinese preschoolers. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1-8. [SSCI, JCR: Q2, IF-2018: 2.129]
- Li, R., Zhang, Z., Ni, C., Xiao, W., Wei, J., & Dai, H. (2018). Examining the functional category in Chinese-English code-switching: Evidence from the eye-movements. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 47(1), 1-28. [SSCI, JCR: Q3, IF-2017: 0.655]
- Li, R., Zhang, Z., & Ni, C. (2017). The impact of world knowledge on the processing of Mandarin possessive reflexive zijide. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46, 597-615. [SSCI, JCR: Q3, IF-2018: 0.655]
- 李銳,江軍. (2013). 新課程標準理念下中學英語課堂師生互動的新視角. 重慶第二師範學院學報,(5), 158-160.
- 李銳,蘇秋軍. (2013). 批評套用語言學對大學英語教學的啟示. 浙江樹人大學學報,(4), 69-73.
- 李銳,蘇秋軍. (2013). 閱讀理解與辭彙能力關係及其教學啟示. 河北聯合大學學報 (社會科學版),(3), 132-135.
- 李銳,蘇秋軍. (2013). 基於雙語心理辭彙的英語思維新釋解. 哈爾濱學院學報,(3), 104-107.
- 李銳,劉燕婷. (2012). 語用能力對翻譯的啟示. 鄭州航空工業管理學院學報 (社會科學版),(1), 122-124.
- 李銳,趙敏. (2012). 《蒹葭》四種譯本的多視角分析. 黑龍江教育學院學報,(5), 105-106.
- 李銳. (2011). 中醫學院非英語專業辭彙習得動機初探及對策. 中山大學研究生學刊 (社會科學版),(4), 114-119.
- 李銳. (2020). 中英語碼轉換加工機制的多層面研究:來自眼動的證據. 中國社會科學出版社,獨著.
- 李銳. (2018). 參會嘉賓. 2018年信息化背景下的智慧英語教學研討會,天津外國語大學附屬濱海外國語學學校,2018-10-26.
- 李銳. (2018). 主旨發言. 心理語言學國際期刊發表. 語言研究的國際化和科學化研討會,華中科技大學外國語學院,2018-3-17.
- 李銳. (2017). 主旨發言. 句法加工實驗設計基礎. 學術講座,安徽農業大學外國語學院,2017-12-09.