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  • 中文名:國際商務英語函電
  • 作者:蔣磊
  • 出版時間:2017年
  • 出版社:中國商務出版社
  • ISBN:9787510318788
  • 類別:教材
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝


全書由十個單元組成,涉及利用函電進行交易磋商的主要方面包括:商業書信的撰寫、商務關係的建立、詢盤與答覆、發盤與還盤、接受預訂單、支付包裝與運輸、保險與仲裁、投訴與索賠、代理與寄售等。*單元的開篇Work Objectives 工作任務簡單地概括了本章的學習要點、重點和難點,讓學生有目的地去學習,也給自學者提供了自學綱要。各單元的五大模組分別為:Module 1 Lead-in導入,Module 2 Quick Link知識連結,Module 3 Learning More知識拓展,Module 4 On-Demand Practice實操技能,Module 5 Funny Time開心時刻。


Unit 1 General Remarks of International BusinessCorrespondence
Work Objectives
Module 1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module 3 Learning More
Module 4 On-Demand Practice
Module 5 Funny Time
Unit2 CreditInvestigation
Work Objectives
Module 1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module 3 Learning More
Module 4 On-Demand Practice
Module 5 Funny Time
Unit 3 Establishing BusinessRelations
Module1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module3 Learning More
Module4 On-Demand Practice
Module5 Funny Time
Unit 4 Enquiry and Reply
Work Objectives
Module 1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module 3 Learning More
Module 4 On-Demand Practice
Module 5 Funny Time
Unit5 Offer and Counter-offer
Work Objectives
Module 1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module 3 Learning More
Module 4 On-DemandPractice
Module 5 Funny Time
Unit 6 Order and Confirmation
Work Objectives
Module 1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module 3 LearningMore
Module 4 On-Demand Practice
Module 5 Funny Time
Unit7 Payment
Work Objectives
Module 1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module 3 Learning More
Module 4 On-DemandPractice
Module 5 Funny Time
Unit 8 Goods Delivery
Work Objectives
Module 1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module 3 LearningMore
Module 4 On-Demand Practice
Module 5 Funny Time
Unit9 Insurance
Work Objectives
Module 1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module 3 LearningMore
Module 4 On-DemandPractice
Module 5 Funny Time
Unit 10 Complaints and Claims
Work Objectives
Module 1 Lead-in
Module 2 Quick Link
Module 3 Learning more
Module 4 On-Demand Practice
Module 5 Funny Time




