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《商務英語函電(第二版)》是2015年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是李 蕾。


  • 書名:商務英語函電(第二版)
  • 作者:李 蕾
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年9月
  • 定價:40.00
  • 開本:185mm×230mm
  • ISBN:9787566314048
  • 版次/印次:2/1
  • 字數/頁數:401千字
  • 適用層次:本科




Unit One Business Letter-Writing and Its Layout1
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements1
Part Two: Study of Business Letter-Writing1
Part Three: Notes24
Part Four: Exercises30
Unit Two Faxes and E-mails37
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements37
Part Two: Study of Fax37
Part Three: Study of E-mail41
Part Four: Notes45
Part Five: Exercises47
Unit Three Establishing Business Relations51
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements51
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge51
Part Three: Study of Sample Letters56
Part Four: Associative Thinking73
Part Five: Exercises76
Unit Four Enquiries and Replies83
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements83
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge83
Part Three: Study of Sample Letters87
Part Four: Associative Thinking101
Part Five: Exercises103
Unit Five Offers and Counteroffers107
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements107
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge107
Part Three: Study of Sample Letters112
Part Four: Associative Thinking121
Part Five: Exercises124
Unit Six Letters of Ordering129
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements129
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge129
Part Three: Study of Sample Letters135
Part Four: Associative Thinking146
Part Five: Exercises151
Unit Seven Terms of Payment157
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements157
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge157
Part Three: Study of Sample Letters165
Part Four: Associative Thinking186
Part Five: Exercises189
Unit Eight Shipment197
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements197
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge197
Part Three: Study of Sample Letters203
Part Four: Associative Thinking214
Part Five: Exercises217
Unit Nine Insurance221
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements221
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge221
Part Three: Study of Sample Letters226
Part Four: Associative Thinking235
Part Five: Exercises238
Unit Ten Complaints and Adjustments241
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements241
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge241
Part Three: Study of Sample Letters243
Part Four: Associative Thinking250
Part Five: Exercises252
Unit Eleven Common Business Documentation255
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements255
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge255
Part Three: Study of Commercial Invoice262
Part Four: Associative Thinking271
Part Five: Exercises273
Unit Twelve Contract281
Part One: Teaching Aims and Requirements281
Part Two: Study of Background Knowledge281
Part Three: Study of Sample Contract287
Part Four: Associative Thinking296
Part Five: Exercises298

