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  • 中文名:國際商務英語函電(第四版)
  • 作者:吳雯
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年11月1日
  • ISBN:9787301316573


 《國際商務英語函電》是國際商務往來交往中一種使用專業語言的、通用的聯繫方式,也是開展對外貿易和國際經濟合作等業務活動的重要工具。確切地掌握外貿函電的基本知識、並熟練地加以操作運用,是從事對外經貿業務人員必須具備的一個重要條件。本書目的在於幫助學生系統地學習和掌握外貿函電的各種行文方法和格式、專業詞語及其語言文體特點,全面培養學生的書面溝通能力、交際能力和業務操作能力,是一本適用於高等院校國際商務專業、國際商務英語專業及關聯專業中外貿英文書信、商務英語翻譯、部分重要單證實訓和商務英語寫作等課程的教材。全書採用模組教學,包含五大模組13章。一模組介紹商務英語信函和電子郵件的基本要素、格式和寫作技巧,第二模組為開發客戶,第三模組為業務磋商,包含詢盤、樣品、報盤與還盤,第四模組為契約的執行,包含契約、付款方式、審證、包裝、裝運、保險與索賠,第五模組為單證樣本與實訓。全書根據國際貿易進出口流程的主要環節逐一呈現知識點、相關實例與實訓,每章由objectives, introduction, writing tips, lessons, exercises, skill training,business link 這幾個部分組成。每章相互銜接又單獨成一個教學環節,增加了翔實性與生動性。




Module I Basics for International Business Correspondence
Chapter I Basics for International Business Correspondence… 2
I. An Introduction to the Course 2
II. Guidelines for Effective Business Correspondence 3
III. Layout of Business Letters & Emails 5
Skill Training 15
Business Link 16
Module II Establishing Business Relations
Chapter II Establishing Business Relations 19
Lesson 1 About Us 21
Lesson 2 Self-introduction 25
Lesson 3 (A) A First Inquiry 29
(B) Reply to the Above 30
Skill Training 34
Business Link 35
Useful Sentences 36
Module III Business Negotiations
Chapter III Inquiry and Reply 40
Lesson 4 (A) General Inquiry 42
(B) Reply to the Above 43
Lesson 5 (A) An Order Inquiry 48
(B) Request for Quotation 49
Lesson 6 (A) Status Inquiry 53
(B) Reply to the Above 54
Skill Training 57
Business Link 61
Useful Sentences 61
Chapter IV Samples and Charges 63
Lesson 7 (A) Asking for Samples 65
(B) Reply to the Above 66
Lesson 8 (A) Refusing to Pay Sample Charges 71
(B) A Reply to the Above 72
Lesson 9 (A) Sending Samples 76
(B) Sending Duplicate Samples 77
Skill Training 80
Business Link 82
Useful Sentences 83
Chapter V Offers and Counter-Offers 84
Lesson 10 A Firm Offer 86
Lesson 11 (A) A Counter-Offer 91
(B) Reply to the Above 92
Lesson 12 (A) New Price for Repeat Order 96
(B) Reply to the Above 97
Skill Training 100
Business Link 102
Useful Sentences 103
Module IV Execution of Contracts
Chapter VI Order and Contracts 106
Lesson 13 A Purchase Order 108
Lesson 14 (A) Partial Acceptance of an Order 113
(B) Reply to the Above 114
Lesson 15 (A) Sending a Sales Confirmation 118
(B) Counter-Signature Letter 119
Skill Training 126
Business Link 134
Useful Sentences 134
Chapter VII Payment 136
Lesson 16 (A) Asking for Payment by T/T 140
(B) Confirming Payment by T/T 141
Lesson 17 Declining Payment by 60 Days' L/C 144
Lesson 18 (A) Asking for Easier Payment 148
(B) Reply to the Above 149
Skill Training 153
Business Link 156
Useful Sentences 157
Chapter VIII Establishment of and Amendment to L/C 159
Lesson 19 (A) Urging Establishment of L/C 162
(B) Confirming L/C Application 163
Lesson 20 (A) Amendment to L/C 167
(B) Reply to the Above 170
Lesson 21 (A) Asking for Extension of L/C 173
(B) Reply to the Above 174
Skill Training 178
Business Link 183
Useful Sentences 184
Chapter IX Packing & Marking 186
Lesson 22 Inner Packing & Labeling 189
Lesson 23 Outer Packing 194
Lesson 24 Container Loading 200
Skill Training 203
Business Link 205
Useful Sentences 207
Chapter X Shipment 209
Lesson 25 (A) Shipping Instructions 211
(B) Reply to the Above 212
Lesson 26 (A) Requesting for Prompt Shipment 216
(B) Reply to the Above 217
Lesson 27 Requesting for Partial Shipment and Transshipment 220
Skill Training 223
Business Link 225
Useful Sentences 227
Chapter XI Insurance 228
Lesson 28 Insurance Information 230
Lesson 29 Asking for CIF Terms 234
Lesson 30 (A) Inquiring for Insurance Rate 238
(B) Offering Insurance Rate 239
Skill Training 241
Business Link 242
Useful Sentences 244
Chapter XII Complaints, Claims and Settlement 246
Lesson 31 Complaint about Inferior Quality 248
Lesson 32 Claim on Late Delivery 251
Lesson 33 Settlement of Complaint 255
Skill Training 258
Business Link 260
Useful Sentences 261
Module V Documents
Chapter XIII Specimen of Documents 263
Skill Training 273
Appendix I 國際機構 283
Appendix II 海外展會 284
Appendix III 世界各大船公司名錄 286
參考書目 287


