



  • 中文名:偏微分方程:第1卷
  • 作者:[美]Michael E.Taylor
  • 類別:理學圖書
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • 出版時間:2014年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787510068133
Contents of Volumes II and III
 Basic Theory of ODE and Vector Fields
 l The derivative
 2 Fundamental local existence theorem for ODE
 3 Inverse function and implicit function theorems
 4 Constant-coefficient linear systems; exponentiation ofmatrices
 5 Variable-coefficient linear systems of ODE: Duhamel'sprinciple
 6 Dependence of solutions on initial data and on otherparameters
 7 Flows and vector fields
 8 Lie brackets
 9 Commuting flows; Frobenius's theorem
 10 Hamiltonian systems
 11 Geodesics
 12 Variational problems and the stationary actionprinciple
 13 Differential forms
 14 The symplectic form and canonical transformations
 15 First-order, scalar, nonlinear PDE
 16 Completely integrable hamiltonian systems
 17 Examples of integrable systems; central forceproblems
 18 Relativistic motion
 19 Topological applications of differential forms
 20 Critical points and index of a vector field
 A Nonsmooth vector fields
 The Laplace Equation and Wave Equation
 1 Vibrating strings and membranes
 2 The divergence of a vector field
 3 The covariant derivative and divergence of tensorfields
 4 The Laplace operator on a Riemannian manifold
 5 The wave equation on a product manifold and energyconservation
 6 Uniqueness and finite propagation speed
 7 Lorentz manifolds and stress-energy tensors
 8 More general hyperbolic equations; energy estimates


