



  • 外文名:thickly
  • 英式讀音:[ˈθɪkli]
  • 美式讀音:[ˈθɪkli]
  • 詞性:副詞


speak thickly 說話不清
thickly ad 茂密地 ; 蔥蔥地
dress thickly 穿得厚厚地


  • 1Buildings old and new are thickly covered with graffiti.新舊建築物都覆蓋著密密麻麻的塗鴉。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2I rounded a bend where the trees and brush grew thickly.我在一個林木茂密的地方繞了個彎。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Lantana grows so thickly that young trees often fail to take root.馬纓丹長得很茂密,以至於幼樹常常無法生根。
  • 4She led him round the laurel path and to the walk where the ivy grew so thickly.她領著他繞過月桂樹小徑,來到長著濃密常春藤的小路上。
  • 5There were bare flower-beds on either side of it and against the walls ivy grew thickly.它兩側各有裸露的花壇,常春藤靠牆長得茂密。
  • 6Howsoever carefully she looked, she could see nothing but thickly growing, glossy, dark green leaves.無論她多么仔細地看,她都只能看到生長茂密的、有光澤的深綠色葉子。
  • 7Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brush strokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough.印象派畫家傾向於把顏料塗得很厚重,而且喜歡用筆觸很粗的畫筆,所以畫布的紋理很粗糙。
  • 8First of all, you'll need to know the techniques Rembrandt used when he applied paint to canvas—his brushstrokes, how thickly he applied his paint.首先,你需要知道倫勃朗在畫布上使用顏料的技巧——他的筆觸,他的顏料有多厚。
  • 9She laid the paint on thickly.她濃濃地抹了一層脂粉。
  • 10Face thick long for thickly.面對濃濃的相思。
  • 11Weeds grow thickly in rich soil.雜草在肥沃的土壤中長得很茂盛。
  • 12The yellow area is painted much more thickly.而黃色色塊使用的顏料就厚重多了。
  • 13The family lived a district thickly inhabited.這個家庭住在一個人口居住稠密的地區。
  • 14The ground was thickly carpeted with pine needles.地上覆蓋著厚厚的一層松針。
  • 15My heart beat thickly in the course of the interview.在面試過程中中我的心跳得厲害。
  • 16He had two pieces of bread thickly pasted with butter.他吃了兩片塗有厚厚一層奶油的麵包。
  • 17Trees grow thickly on all the hills around the village.村莊周圍所有的山上都長著茂密的樹木。
  • 18The bread and butter is thickly spread with strawberry jam.在塗有奶油的麵包上厚厚地抹上草莓醬。
  • 19Factor 15 offers all-day protection only if it is applied thickly.只有人們把防曬霜塗得很厚時,15倍的防曬係數才能夠起到全天保護的作用。
  • 20The interior flat lands and valleys are thickly planted with coconuts.內陸的平地和山谷中種著茂密的椰子樹。
  • 21But, there were thickly dotted symbols, and none of them he could know.可是,上面是密密麻麻的符號,他一個也不認識。
  • 22Some way below our house there stretched a spur thickly wooded with Deodars.我們房子底下不遠有一山嘴,長滿了濃密的喜馬拉雅山雪松。
  • 23The forest was large and thickly overgrown with all kinds of leaf-bearing trees.這是一座很大很茂密的森林,長滿生有各種葉子的樹。
  • 24Standing on your head will not make your hair grow more thickly , nor will shaving your head.站在你的腦袋不會使你的頭髮變得更加濃密,也不會剃你的頭。
  • 25But the battleground was covered so thickly with trees that the crowds saw little of the fighting.但是戰場被樹木被遮擋,在小山包上觀看戰鬥的人群只能看到一點點戰場的情形。
  • 26It might not be applied thoroughly or thickly enough, and it might be perspired away or washed off while swimming.可能抹的不夠徹底,也不夠厚,還可能隨著汗水流走,在游泳時被洗掉。
  • 27Doctor: Look, your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is thickly coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza.醫生:聽著,你的喉嚨發炎了。舌苔很厚。這些都是感冒的症狀。
  • 28If you look closely at photos you can see that instead of hands Matthews has balls of thickly knotted white string.仔細看當年的照片,你會發現,除了雙手以外,馬修斯還有白色鞋帶線繞成的“足球”。
  • 29The thickly netted system is extremely integrated and is typically linked to every business process in the enterprise.網路密集的系統是極度集成的,並且一般與企業中的每個業務流程都相連。


