



  • 外文名:treeless
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 美式發音:[ˈtriːləs]
  • 釋義:無樹木的


treeless /ˈtriːləs/
1.ADJ A treeless area or place has no trees in it. 無樹木的


treeless waste 沒有樹木的荒原
Treeless Mountain 無樹之山 ; 小豬撲滿的願望
Treeless Saddle 相關產品
Treeless Plain 唱片名
treeless hills 童山濯濯
treeless grassland 大草塬
A treeless mountain 牛山濯濯


  • 1The transition from forest to treeless tundra on a mountain slope is often a dramatic one.從森林到山坡上沒有樹木的苔原的過渡通常會十分突然和明顯。
  • 2The Canadian Arctic is a vast, treeless polar desert that's covered with snow for most of the year.加拿大的北極是一個廣闊的、沒有樹木的極地沙漠,一年中大部分時間都被雪覆蓋著。
  • 3Black bear cubs use trees for defense, whereas brown bears and polar bears, which regularly inhabit treeless environments, rely on aggression to protect their cubs.黑熊幼崽用樹來防禦,而經常生活在沒有樹的環境中的棕熊和北極熊則依靠攻擊性來保護它們的幼崽。
  • 4We traveled through treeless wastes.我們穿過了沒有樹木的荒地。
  • 5Now fall wind blows its treeless tombs.如今只有秋風吹著它無樹的陵墓。
  • 6The desert is treeless and gives no cover.沙漠裡光禿禿的,連避一避的地方也沒有。
  • 7The dry plains of the Sahel are mostly treeless.乾燥的荒漠草原幾乎寸草不生。
  • 8Then the goddess sat to rest on the treeless plain.然後,女神坐在一塊沒有樹木的平原上休息。
  • 9The only shade on the treeless street was his own shadow.在沒有樹的街上,唯一的陰涼就是他自己的影子。
  • 10No shelter was available for miles around in this treeless landscape.在這個光禿禿沒有樹木的地方,周圍數英里內都沒有掩蔽處。
  • 11Dusty and treeless, the courtyard seemed like an unpleasant place to stand in line.但這個院子裡滿是塵埃,而且沒有樹木,看上去不是令人愉快的排隊等候的地方。
  • 12Some settle downstream from treeless areas, with little buffer against the elements.有的人居住在無樹區的下游地帶,幾乎無法緩衝災難的影響。
  • 13The water holes were dried up and we saw dead cattle lying here and there on the treeless.水坑乾涸了,我們到處看到死去的牲口在那沒有樹木。
  • 14In the treeless courtyard of the grocery store, a line of about thirty people had already formed.在沒有一棵樹的食品店院子裡,大約已經有三十個人在排隊。
  • 15Treeless regions found in and around the Arctic, tundras are among Earths coldest, harshest biomes.這裡沒有樹木生長,因為已經在北極圈周圍了,苔原生長在地球的寒冷的、荒蕪的生態環境。
  • 16He thinks these views ignore the reality of his inhospitable territory of treeless tundra, rock and ice.他認為,外界的這些觀點忽略了這個地區的實際情況-氣候惡劣、到處是草木不生的凍土地帶與岩石及冰層。
  • 17The dry, frigid site is now surrounded by glaciers and is completely treeless, except for a few bonsai-size dwarf trees.這個地區的氣候乾燥寒冷,廣布冰川。除了少量盆景式矮化林以外,再也找不到別的樹木。
  • 18A treeless, sparsely inhabited region of northern Canada northwest of Hudson Bay and east of the Mackenzie River basin.一片位於加拿大北部,哈得孫灣西北部和馬更些河谷東部的樹木不生,無人居住的地帶。
  • 19The valleys are thickly forested, but the upper slopes become open woodland and many of the peaks and ridges are treeless.山谷被茂密的森林覆蓋,但上層的斜坡上是比較開闊的樹木林地,並且很多山頂和山脊上都是沒有樹木的。
  • 20The men who worked the cattle in the treeless expanses of the West, at least one-fourth of them blacks, became known as cowboys.那些在荒蕪廣闊的西部驅使牛工作的人有至少四分之一是黑人,他們被認知為牛仔。
  • 21Huge areas which were once covered with forest have turned into a treeless waste where the soil is exactly like broken-up brick.很多曾一度被鬱鬱蔥蔥的森林所覆蓋的地區現在都變成了土壤龜裂的荒蕪之地。
  • 22On the inside lane, less than a yard outside your window, stands a wall of treeless rock that climbs upward in a nearly perpendicular line.在內車道,距離你的車窗不到一碼的距離,就是沒有雜草的是山岩,向上磊成幾近垂直路沿。
  • 23But the zone is largely treeless, studded with house-size rocky chunks, called hummocks, that broke off the top of the mountain when it exploded.然而這個區域還是基本上光禿禿的,布滿了房子般大小的岩石塊,形成一個個的小山崗,這些都是火山噴發的時候從山頂滾落下來的。
  • 24But he still dresses like a cowboy because the garb is practical; he understands cattle and horses and gazes out upon the treeless expanse just as his predecessors did.但是他仍然穿的像一個牛仔,因為這個裝束很實用。他懂得牛和馬,一如他的祖先一樣凝望著荒蕪廣闊的大草原。
  • 25The plain-furred Pallas's cat melts into the treeless steppes of central Asia, while the small Andean mountain cat has a silver-grey coat that matches the rocky landscape.素色的雅典娜的貓可以溶入中亞荒脊的草原里而小安第斯同貓長有銀灰色的皮毛,這種顏色與多石的地貌色很好地溶合在一起。
  • 26In warmer weather, water drains off the mossy, treeless summit of one of Scotland's most eerily beautiful landscapes, cascading over well-worn rocks for several hundred feet.氣候溫暖的時候,水從布滿苔蘚,樹木稀落的山峰上流下來,這是蘇格蘭最怪異且最漂亮的自然景觀。流過幾百尺厚陳腐的岩石。
  • 27EcoCradle is the only treeless, biodegradable shipping material that can be molded into as many shapes as polystyrene, A.K.A. Styrofoam, so it can protect objects of any size or weight.EcoGradle是唯一既無需消耗樹木又可以被生物分解的裝運材料,它可以像聚苯乙烯(即我們說的泡沫塑膠)一樣被壓模製成許多外形,這樣就能保護任何大小和重量的物體。

