



  • 外文名:Texture
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈtekstʃə(r)]
  • 美式音標:[ˈtekstʃər]


英 [ˈtekstʃə(r)] 美 [ˈtekstʃər]
n. 質地,紋理;口感;(音樂或文學的)諧和統一感,神韻
v. 使(織物、牆面等)具浮凸結構(或特徵)
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skin texture 肌理,皮膚結構
texture analysis 紋理分析;[計]結構分析
texture mapping 紋理映射;紋理貼圖;材質貼圖;貼圖坐標
soil texture 土壤質地;土壤結構;土攘組織;土壤粗密度
surface texture 表面紋理;表面織構;表面構造
soft texture 鬆軟的組織
fine texture 細密結構;微觀組織,微細組織
smooth texture 纖維素;細膩組織,均勻組織
velvety texture 柔軟光滑的質地
crystal texture 晶體組織;晶體織構


  • It has an orange flavour and smooth texture. 它有一種桔子的味道,質地光滑。
  • Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size. 每塊磚在色調、質地和尺寸上也略有不同。
  • Within a month, both the texture and condition of your hair should improve. 不出一個月,你頭髮的質地和狀況應該都會改善。
  • The mask is left on for about 15 minutes while it sets to a rubbery texture. 大約用了15分鐘,面具變成了一種橡膠組織。
  • Matured over 18 months, this cheese has an open, crumbly texture with a strong flavour. 這種乳酪18個月後發酵成熟,氣孔多,組織鬆脆,味道濃郁。
  • Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour, flavour and texture. 經過工廠加工的食品會失去許多色澤、味道和質地。
  • A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture. 毛料上衣配真絲長褲,質地上的差異非常有趣。
  • I love the thick texture of jeans. 我喜歡牛仔褲厚實的質地。
  • What is the texture of your experience? 你的經歷的實質是什麼?
  • Texture is how the surface of an object feels. 紋理是物體表面的感覺。
  • It utilizes space, mass, texture, line, light, and color. 它利用了空間、質量、紋理、線條、光線和顏色。
  • Gather some leaves which have an interesting texture and shape. 採集一些帶有有趣的紋理和形狀的葉子。
  • So the octopus has the ability to mimic both the color and the texture of its environment. 所以,章魚能夠模仿周遭環境的顏色和紋理特徵。
  • The resulting smaller bubbles also yield a layer of foam whose texture is rich and creamy. 由此產生的較小的氣泡也會讓產出一層質地濃郁、像奶油一般的泡沫。
  • Perhaps this is because the very texture of a performer's voice supplies an element of character. 也許這是因為表演者聲音的質感本身就提供了一種個性元素。
  • It does this in three ways: by changing color, by changing its texture, and by changing its size and shape. 它是通過三種方式做到的:改變顏色,改變質地,改變大小和形狀。
  • As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a minor master working on a small scale of emotion and texture. 正如哈金所說,孟德爾頌作為一個作曲家,是一個在小規模的情感和質地上工作的二流大師。
  • They don't just mimic the colors in their environment; they can also mimic the texture of objects in their environment. 它們不僅是模仿它們所處的環境中的顏色;它們也能模仿環境中物體的紋理。
  • The instant your brain registers the word "apple", it recalls the shape, color, taste, smell and texture of that fruit. 當你的大腦記住“蘋果”這個詞的時候,它就會想起這個水果的形狀、顏色、味道、氣味和質地。
  • Impressionist painters tended to apply paint really thickly, and in big brush strokes, so the texture of the canvas was rough. 印象派畫家傾向於把顏料塗得很厚重,而且喜歡用筆觸很粗的畫筆,所以畫布的紋理很粗糙。
  • Precise is this sonar view of the world that bats can distinguish by size, shape, and texture something as small as a mosquito. 精確的是這種聲納觀察世界的方法,蝙蝠可以通過大小、形狀和紋理來辨別像蚊子這樣的小東西。
  • By adding texture, you can produce more interesting effects like marbling or wrapping a two-dimensional image around your object. 通過添加紋理,你可以製作出更有趣的效果,如大理石紋飾或者把二維的圖像包裹在你的對象上。
  • Visual and sound cues contribute, such as crunching, as does touch, including the texture and feel of food on our lips and in our mouths. 視覺和聲音線索也有影響,比如嘎吱嘎吱的聲音,還有觸覺,包括食物在嘴唇上和嘴裡的質地和口感。
  • If it wants to have a smooth texture, it flattens out the papillae, so it can acquire a smooth texture to blend in with the sandy bottom of the sea. 如果它想要紋理光滑一些,它就把身上的“觸頭”變得平整,這樣它看上去就會很光滑,能夠融入海底的沙地中。
  • We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or the weight of an earring. 我們會喜歡該外觀,但在網路環境中,我們無法感覺到質地的質量、合身的形狀、褶皺的下垂或耳環的重量。
  • The taste, texture, and feel of food are what we tend to focus on, but most important are the slight puffs of air as we chew our food—what scientists call "retronasal smell". 食物的味道、質地和口感往往是我們關注的重點,但最重要的是我們咀嚼食物時產生的輕微的氣息,科學家們稱之為“鼻後氣味”。
  • We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or, for that matter, the weight of an earring. 我們會喜歡它們的外觀,但在網路環境中,我們感覺不到質地、形狀、褶皺,以及在此狀況下,感受不到一隻耳環的重量。
  • The bread had a spongy texture. 那種麵包很鬆軟。
  • The two cheeses were very different in both taste and texture. 這兩種乳酪的味道和口感大不相同。
  • It is used in moisturizers to give them a wonderfully silky texture. 它被用於各種保濕霜中,使之產生絲般的美妙手感。


