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  • 外文名:Textured
  • 詞性:形容詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈtekstʃəd]
  • 美式音標:[ˈtekstʃərd]


英 [ˈtekstʃəd] 美 [ˈtekstʃərd]
adj. 起紋理的;質地不平的;(藝術、文學、音樂等)有神韻的
v. 使具浮凸結構(或特徵)(texture過去式過去分詞


textured yarn 變形紗;光亮紗線;膨鬆紗;結構紗;花色紗
textured surface 網紋表面;變形表面;布紋面
textured emulsion paint 紋理乳膠漆 ; 沙膠漆
Grain textured 粒狀表面 ; 粒狀外面
textured filament yarn 變形絲 ; 變形長絲紗
air-textured yarn 噴氣變形絲 ; 噴氣締鬈紗


  • There are also textured things to touch, from the scaly green Alligator to the furry tail of the sleeping Zorilla. 從帶鱗的綠色短尾鱷到熟睡臭鼬的毛尾巴,都可以摸到紋理的質感。
  • The shoe's sole had a slightly textured surface. 鞋底表面有較淺的紋理。
  • The green ice portion was textured by seawater erosion. 綠色的冰部分被海水侵蝕,並形成紋理。
  • And here is the final textured head. 下圖是完成貼圖紋理的頭部。
  • Textured backgrounds are nothing new on the web. 紋理圖案背景在網路上沒有什麼新鮮的。
  • It is difficult to manage dry textured hair. 這是難以管理的乾質感的頭髮。
  • I think you should wear light textured clothes. 我覺得可以穿比較薄材質的衣服。
  • Patterned or textured backgrounds make text hard to read. 背景圖案或紋理讓內容難以閱讀。
  • A shorter textured haircut can also help minimize the problem. 一個乾淨利落的質感髮型(如下圖)可以解決這一問題。
  • His USES of grungy textured backgrounds and typography are unmistakable. 他通常使用邋遢風格的紋理背景和清楚無誤的版式。
  • The project moved into the slope with its base of textured concrete. 整個項目帶著它具有質感的混凝土基座植到這塊坡地上。
  • Invest in a really nice one, with thick, textured pages and a nice cover. 找一本稱心合意的本子,要有厚質而有觸感的頁面和好看的封皮。
  • The sensations are marvelous: cool, warm, textured, plush, smooth, rough. 你會感到涼爽、溫暖、織物感、毛絨感、平滑、粗糙。
  • In this web design tutorial, we'll be creating a light textured web page layout. 在本網頁設計教程中,我們將創建一個光質感的網頁布局。
  • The color of the textured streaks can run from pink to brown depending on your skin color. 標記的紋理條紋從粉色到棕色,加深你皮膚的顏色。
  • The color of the textured streaks can run from pink to brown, depending on your skin color. 標記的紋理條紋從粉色到棕色,加深你皮膚的顏色。
  • Currently, there is no standard for describing the extent to which gloves are textured. 目前,沒有一個標準來描述手套在何種程度上是有紋理的。
  • Models supplemented with a strap made of black rubber, textured under the profile tires . 手錶由一條黑膠皮帶補充完成,在金屬圈下扣起。
  • Peeling paint, rusty metal, and other textured elements can play a huge part in your photo. 剝落的油漆,鏽蝕的金屬和另外一些材質化的元素能夠在你的圖像里扮演重要的角色。
  • The textured top and bottom keep it from sliding, so your projects stay where you want them. 特定結構的頂和底可以防滑,這樣墊著的東西就會老老實實待在原地了。
  • Rough-textured clouds surround the storm's distinct eye, which has a diameter of roughly 25 kilometers. 在清晰的風暴中心周圍環繞著紋理粗糙的雲層,風眼的直徑大約有25千米。
  • They are good for adding thickness and a 'textured' look, in which hair is separated into distinct locks. 它們適合用來打造厚重“有質感”的髮型,可以將頭髮分解為很多個小發綹。
  • Pictured above, finely textured dust lanes surround the brightly glowing center of this picturesque spiral. 上面的照片,紋理細緻的塵帶環繞著旋渦星系明這發光的中心,美輪美奐。
  • And get a pen that rolls nicely, so that writing with it on your textured paper will be a tactile pleasure. 接著找一支書寫流暢的筆,享受用它在富有質感的本子上寫字的愉悅。
  • Bats of all species repeatedly attempted to drink from the smooth plates, but never from the textured plates. 各種種類的蝙蝠永遠都是從表面光滑的盤子中獲取飲水而非表面粗糙的。
  • Inside, the Golf has beautifully stitched upholstery and soft, nicely-textured plastic that has a high-quality feel. 高爾夫有漂亮的手縫內飾和良好手感的軟塑膠。
  • The textured pad feels wonderful and makes a satisfying low-pitched sound when you press it — one of our favorite details. 帶有紋理的觸摸板觸感相當美妙,當按下觸摸板所發出的聲音,明顯但不吵雜,算是主站編輯滿意的一處。
  • The back has a textured feel that isn't massively fingerprint prone but you can definitely see where fingers have touched. 背面有質感,不易留下大量的指印,不過可以清楚的看到手指觸摸的位置。
  • Like Degas, he rubbed pastels over heavily textured paper; like Hans Memling, he painted portraits in severe vertical panels. 和德加一樣,他在粗糙紙上用色粉作畫;和漢斯·梅姆林一樣,他在完全豎直的畫板上作肖像畫。


