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  • 外文名:Glossy
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈɡlɒsi]
  • 美式音標:[ˈɡlɑːsi]


英 [ˈɡlɒsi] 美 [ˈɡlɑːsi]
adj. 光滑的;有光澤的
[ 複數 glossies 比較級 glossier或more glossy 最高級 glossiest或most glossy ]


glossy surface 光澤面;光亮表面
glossy paper 釉紙;光澤紙;光面紙
Glossy Ibis 彩䴉
Glossy Black Cockatoo 輝鳳頭鸚鵡 ; 亮光黑巴丹
Asian Glossy Starling 亞洲輝椋鳥 ; 輝椋鳥
glossy privet fruit 女貞子
glossy ganoderma 靈芝草 ; 靈芝 ; 靈芝多糖 ; 詳細翻譯
Glossy Black 亮黑色 ; 黑而發亮
Glossy Photo Paper 光澤照片紙 ; 進口相片等級用紙 ; 光面相紙 ; 光面照相紙
glossy coal 光亮型煤 ; 發亮煙煤


  • Her hair was thick, glossy and in tiptop condition. 她頭髮濃密、有光澤且發質一流。
  • Some cart tops are glossy finished wood. 一些推車的擱板是光滑的木製品。
  • Varnish is the glossy protective layer applied to wooden furniture and other surfaces. 清漆是用於木質家具和其他表面的光滑的保護層。
  • At the end of their ladies' lunch, they were served a tart with a gorgeous, glossy glaze. 在她們用餐結束前,他們上了一道餡餅,有著華麗、光滑表面的餡餅。
  • Howsoever carefully she looked, she could see nothing but thickly growing, glossy, dark green leaves. 無論她多么仔細地看,她都只能看到生長茂密的、有光澤的深綠色葉子。
  • With her glossy mane of dark hair, pouting lips and sparkling green eyes, it is true that she is strikingly beautiful. 她的深色頭髮富有光澤,嘴唇翹翹的和碧綠色的眼睛閃閃發亮的,她真的是非常美麗。
  • The stores have all the hallmarks of a legitimate Apple outlet, completing with glossy hardwood tables and minimalist staircases. 這些商店擁有一個合法的蘋果專營店的所有特徵,有光滑的硬木桌子和簡約樓梯 。
  • The furniture on it is glossy vermilion. 那上面家具的顏色是閃亮的朱紅色。
  • Prints are available on matt or glossy paper. 粗面相片或光面相片均可洗印。
  • His glossy hair was sleeked back over his ears. 他那油亮的頭髮平平整整地梳向耳後。
  • Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine. 她的名師設計的服裝取材於一份精美的時裝雜誌。
  • He extracted several glossy prints and spread them out on a low coffee table. 他抽出幾張光面照片鋪在一張矮咖啡桌上。
  • There's a picture of a horse and a picture of the carriage, both glossy stuff. 這有一幅馬的圖片和一幅車廂的圖片,並且全都是光滑的。
  • In many cases, the glossy brochures, article reprints and prescriptions they deliver are primary sources of drug education for healthcare givers. 在許多情況下,他們提供的精美小冊子、文章重印本和處方是醫療保健人員藥物教育的主要知識來源。
  • The porcelain is fine and glossy. 瓷質細潤。
  • It's black and shiny, built with glossy plastic. 它是黑色的,外殼閃亮由光滑的塑膠製成。
  • It is so fine it will make it beautifully smooth and glossy. 它非常好可以讓頭髮美麗光滑和平順。
  • Plus: Full-colour glossy double-sided poster FREE for every reader. 備註:全彩色精美雙面海報免費送給每個讀者。
  • Some cart tops are glossy finished wood - beautiful, but not very durable. 一些推車的擱板是光滑的木製品——漂亮,但不是很耐久。
  • They also smile a lot-big, radiant, glossy-lipped, perfect-teeth smiles. 她們還都有很大的、融貫煥發的、嘴唇有光澤的,露出白牙的笑容。
  • It wasn't a glossy load of crap; it seemed genuine and logical. I was very intrigued. 而這並非是胡言亂語,它看起來是真實的、符合邏輯的,我對此充滿好奇。
  • Glossy palm fronds twist in the temperate wind along immaculate, powder white beaches. 潔白無瑕的沙灘上,閃光的棕櫚樹葉在溫和的海風中舞動,搖曳生姿。
  • Runways, red carpets, and glossy magazine spreads have all been inundated with the look. T台,紅毯,浮誇的雜誌上都被這樣的打扮淹沒了。
  • His recent book, The Perfect Finish, provides a glossy tour of his country's confectionery. 他最近的書——《完美的完成》——帶給我們一次糖果美食的光輝之旅。
  • A sleek and glossy feel of a magazine template can really hit the right chords with a user. 優美的雜誌模板的確可以撥動用戶的心弦。
  • She turned to look hazily at the gray glossy rectangle of the large set in her living room. 她轉過身,雙眼朦朧的看著起居室里的大電視。
  • I discovered that a touch of corn syrup was the secret to creating a glossy, dark chocolate top. 我發現一丁點兒的玉米糖漿是創造出光滑黑朱古力頂層的秘訣。

