英 [səˈdʒestɪv] 美 [səˈdʒestɪv]
adj. 暗示的,引起聯想的;性暗示的,性挑逗的;指示的,喚起的;有……跡象的,有……徵兆的
suggestive /səˈdʒɛstɪv/ TEM4
1.ADJ Something that is suggestive of something else is quite like it or may be a sign of it. 使人想起…的 [v-link ADJ 'of' n]
2.ADJ Suggestive remarks or looks cause people to think about sex, often in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. 挑逗的
suggestive questioning 暗示詰問 ; 誘導式發問
suggestive therapy 暗示治療 ; 暗示治療法 ; 說服療法 ; 暗示療法
Suggestive Mark 暗示詞商標 ; 暗示商標
Certain Suggestive Points 第三章若干有開導之點 ; 第三章若干有啟發之點 ; 第三章
Suggestive selling 建議性銷售 ; 暗示出售 ; 建議式銷售
suggestive marks 暗示性標章 ; 暗示性的商標
Emily turned and threw her a suggestive grin. 埃米莉轉過身,猛然地向她投了個暗示性的微笑。
Most adverts are just too meagre in informative content and too rich in emotional suggestive detail to be read literally. 大多數廣告只是在信息內容上太貧乏,而在情感暗示細節上太豐富,無法逐字閱讀。
The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws. 那些手指粗糙、不平,有著又長又彎的使人想起動物爪子的指甲。
The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves. 詩中自然景象的描寫意在使人聯想起那以外的現實。
The findings add to the growing body of evidence suggestive of the problems of using fluoroquinolonones in food-producing animals. 這些發現提供了更多證據,表明了在可食用動物身上使用氟喹諾酮類藥物會帶來哪些問題。
The bizarre and suggestive menagerie of creatures that followed Godzilla onto the silver screen ranged from the intriguing to the ridiculous. 哥斯拉之後出現在大銀幕上的各種奇異而具有暗示性的生物,從耐人尋味的到荒謬的,不一而足。
Advocates for this opinion point to reports from people who have experienced a trance state, a highly suggestive state of low consciousness between waking and sleeping. 這個觀點的提倡者們引用了一些關於人類經歷昏迷狀態的報告,昏迷狀態暗指一種介於清醒和睡眠之間的極其微弱的意識狀態。
Although a correlation between them leaving and subsequent bad performance at the firm is suggestive, it does not mean that such directors are always jumping off a sinking ship. 儘管他們的離職與公司隨後的糟糕業績之間存在相關性,但這並不總是意味著這些董事一走了之的是一家瀕臨倒閉的公司。
Good design is suggestive. 好的設計是有啟發性的。
Some suggestive evidence does exist, though. 不過,確有一些可用作推斷的證據。
There is suggestive evidence that this could happen again. 有證據表明,歷史很可能重演。
CORRELATION is not causation, but it can often be suggestive. 相關性不等於因果關係,但卻往往具有啟發性。
“I have not sent him any suggestive messages, ” Ms. Cordova said. “我從來沒給他發過任何引誘性的信息,”科爾多瓦女士說。
Only four percent of 12-year-olds have sent suggestive images of themselves. 在12歲的青少年中,只有4%的人曾傳送過自己的帶有性暗示意味的照片。
Montaigne was a master of the suggestive non sequitur and the self-contradiction. 蒙田是不合理推論和自相矛盾論大師,他的文章深具啟迪性。
The earth tone brown in dreams is suggestive of all things unsullied and innocent. 夢裡的土褐色基調暗示著一切事物是清白無辜的。
As of today, no new cases suggestive of H5N1 infection have been detected since 22 May. 5月22日至今天,未發現新病例提示H5N1感染。
There's no one "funny center" in the brain-but the findings were pretty suggestive. 雖然研究中沒有發現大腦中存在處理搞笑信息的中樞,但是研究成果還是十分具有指導意義的。
You’ll undoubtedly learn more about what kind of device is inside that suggestive attache. 你肯定能了解到更多關於那個讓人們浮想聯翩的工具箱裡到底有些什麼設備。
Added to that the suggestive names they chose for their kids... Pebbles and Bam-Bam anyone? 還有他們為孩子們取得意味身長的名字……卵石還是砰砰?
A very high excess of oxygen, methane, and nitrous oxides would certainly be suggestive of life. 充足的氧氣,甲烷和氧化二氮當然可能預示著生命。
Converse with no other person ever gave me such a wealth of suggestive ideas on so many different subjects. 跟任何人交談,也得不到如此多樣的話題上的大量有啟發性的觀點。
His explanation is suggestive of fetus in fetu(fetus within in a fetus), sometimes known as a "parasitic twin". 他的解釋暗含了胎中胎的一些想法,也可以成為“寄生胎”。
They believe this is suggestive of the "hoarding" that politicians like Mayawati love to blame for higher prices. 他們認為該數據表明零售商存在囤積行為,而這一理由也是瑪雅·瓦蒂之流的政客們對物價上漲現象較為偏愛的解釋。
They believe this is suggestive of the "hoard in g" that politicians like Mayawati love to blame for higher prices. 他們認為該數據表明零售商存在囤積行為,而這一理由也是瑪雅·瓦蒂之流的政客們對物價上漲現象較為偏愛的解釋。
You should also check with your doctor if you have symptoms suggestive of heart, lung or other serious disease, such as. 如果你有心臟、肺病的徵兆,或者是其他一些嚴重的疾病,你也應該與醫生進行協商。其他嚴重疾病包括。
The archaeologists found no pottery, ornaments or paved surfaces which might be suggestive of formal graves or burial rituals. 考古學家沒有發現能表明這裡是古墓葬或殉葬遺蹟的陶器、裝飾品和人工鋪就的路面等遺蹟。
Also, mice that have been genetically engineered to lack the gene engage in a number of behaviors suggestive of autism, she said. 還有,經遺傳工程處理過的缺少rora基因的老鼠證明了若干種使人聯想到自閉症行為,她說。
The presence of empathy and helping behaviour even in infancy is suggestive of an innate capacity to behave in a prosocial manner. 同情心與助人心理在嬰兒時期便已出現,說明“親社會”行為其實是一種天性。