

informative,英語單詞,主要用作為形容詞,意為“ 提供有用信息的,增長見聞的”。


  • 外文名:informative
  • 釋義:提供有用信息的;教育性的
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音:[ɪnˈfɔːmətɪv]
  • 美式讀音:[ɪnˈfɔːrmətɪv]


英 [ɪnˈfɔːmətɪv] 美 [ɪnˈfɔːrmətɪv]
adj. 提供有用信息的,增長見聞的


Informative Advertising 說明廣告 ; 信息式廣告 ; 商品介紹廣告 ; 信息廣告
Informative Function 信息功能 ; 告知功能 ; 信息功效 ; 傳知功能
informative abstracts 報導性文摘 ; 報導性摘要 ; 息型摘要 ; 信息性摘要
informative abstract [圖情] 信息摘要 ; 報導性摘要 ; 資料性摘要 ; 報導性文摘
informative intention 信息意圖 ; 交際意圖 ; 涉及信息意向
informative annex 資料性附錄 ; 標準的附錄 ; 性附錄
informative apttern 信息圖 ; 信息形成系統
informative speech 資料豐富的演講
informative-indicative abstracts 報導 ; 報導指示性文摘 ; 指示性摘要


  • The text was informative and well written. 正文信息量大,寫得很好。
  • Juan Louis, a junior geology major, decided to give an informative speech about how earthquakes occur. 地質專業大三學生胡安路易斯決定做一個有關地震如何發生的內容翔實的演講。
  • Burton's text is concise and informative. 伯頓的文章文字簡潔、內容豐富。
  • The talk was both informative and entertaining. 這次談話既長見識又饒有趣味。
  • I found the talk both informative and entertaining. 我認為這次演講知識與趣味並重。
  • Both men termed the meeting friendly and informative. 他們兩人都稱這次會晤親切友好,使雙方增進了解。
  • This intriguing book is both thoughtful and informative. 這本引人入勝的書既有思想性又有知識性。
  • The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining. 這本書篇幅太長,但是很有知識性和趣味性。
  • For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan. 對一些建築物來說,垂直剖面圖比平面圖提供的信息更多。
  • It was really informative and very user-friendly. 它提供了大量信息,而且非常人性化。
  • It is an informative and entertaining tour into history and full of unbelievable facts. 這是一次內容豐富、有趣的歷史之旅,充滿了令人難以置信的事實。
  • Chronicle is an informative and entertaining tour into history, beautifully illustrated and full of unbelievable facts. 《編年史》史料豐富、有趣,圖文並茂,充滿了令人難以置信的事實。
  • Most adverts are just too meagre in informative content and too rich in emotional suggestive detail to be read literally. 大多數廣告只是在信息內容上太貧乏,而在情感暗示細節上太豐富,無法逐字閱讀。
  • The latter, an art and literary critic, who eventually recognised that camera images could be inspired as well as informative. 後者是一位藝術和文學評論家,他最終認識到,攝影圖像不僅能提供信息,還能激發靈感。
  • Informative speeches from World Health Organization officials helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions. 世界衛生組織官員發表了內容豐富的講話,幫助人們控制他們的恐慌情緒,以便採取明智的預防措施。
  • In addition to saving lives, informative speakers help people learn new skills, solve problems and acquire fascinating facts about the exciting world in which they live. 除了拯救生命之外,知識豐富的演講者還幫助人們學習新技能,解決問題,了解自己身處的這個令人興奮的世界上引人入勝的事情。
  • I hope it is both fun and informative. 我希望它既有趣又豐富。
  • The books and journal were informative. 那些書和日記信息量很足。
  • Some are pushing more informative labels. 有些增加了提供更多信息的標籤。
  • The tour "was real informative," she said. “這次參觀真的很有教育意義,”她說。
  • But that short answer isn't very informative. 但是這個簡短的回答不是非常的有收益性的。
  • The website is clean, upbeat and informative. 這個網站簡潔、明快而且有豐富的資訊。
  • Check out the fun, informative visitor center. 去體驗樂趣,充實遊客中心。
  • I often read this paper because it's very informative. 我經常讀這份報紙,因為它的信息量很大。
  • Videos come with cheesy, but sometimes informative commentary. 配以質量不高但偶爾信息量豐富的注釋。
  • Much of the Downing Street website is informative and serious. 唐寧街網站的大多內容是有足夠信息量而且嚴肅的。
  • I found the exhibition to be very informative and correct. 我覺得這次展覽很有教育意義,很正確。
  • His account of the experience is entertaining and informative. 他對這一經歷的描述既有趣又讓人長見識。
  • The tone of your letter should professional, positive and informative. 務必保證你的求職信的基調是專業、積極和翔實的。


